We all know what irony is - it’s when the surface differs from the actual case. However, knowing what it means does not necessarily mean we all know when to use it, how to use it, and in some dire cases - we just don’t get it at all. But, there’s a way you can elevate your sense of irony, and it is, of course, by practicing it. And you know what the easiest way to practice irony is? Well, surely by reading and memorizing some cool, ironic jokes! So, here we are with our collection of ironic jokes spanning a myriad of topics, various senses of humor, and personal likes and dislikes.
Okay, so the first thing we did was to remind you what irony is, but did you know the origins of the name itself? As with most internationally used terms, irony also originated from the Ancient Greek language. To be exact, from the word eirōneía, meaning feigned ignorance. However, what’s more interesting is that eirōneía itself has its roots in the Greek comedic character Eiron, who was a clever underdog, constantly winning over his opponents by wit. Now that you know all this, you can remember that using irony in your language is almost like being in an Ancient Greek comedy! Not sure if anything could top that, to be honest.
Anyhoo, why don’t we skip to the ironic jokes themselves? They are, just as usual, a bit further down, and once you are there, do not forget to vote for the most biting, the most stinging, the most violently ironic jokes you find. After all that is well and done, share this entertaining article with your friends. After all, an irony a day keeps your mental health a-OK!
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It is ironic and sad how a group of squid is not called a squad.
squid squad kinda sounds like an aquatic superhero group
The irony of getting a job.
You get a job so you won't be homeless.
But when you get a job you're home a lot less.
It is ironic how the word "queue" is just the alphabet q with a long line of silent letters following it.
The irony about unvaccinated kids is....
That the jokes get old.
cmon people how hard is it to understand that vaccines save lives.
How is 'Communism' one of the most ironic terms?
It is capitalized.
It would be ironic if a movie about The Flat Earth Society...
Wins the Golden Globe award.
The most ironic part about working at the unemployment office is...
If you get fired, you still have to come in the next day.
"I find it ironic that the colors red, white, and blue stand for freedom. Until they are flashing behind you."
What does a diabetic's blood taste like?
Sweet irony.
How come kleptomaniacs do not understand irony?
Because they take things, literally.
Quite ironically, a pandemic can help people all over the world unite by maintaining distance from each other.
What is even more ironic than when someone wakes up tired?
If someone dies in the living room.
Pretty soon the only place you will be able to buy a Confederate flag will be the black market.
Oh the irony.
What’s ironic about a hotel made of ice?
Another funny example of irony, Sweden’s famous Ice Hotel has a smoke detector.
It is ironic that chilli is hot and not chilly.
What do you call it when a Russian emperor uses irony to mock someone?
What's the definition of irony?
An incongruity between expectation and result.
My grandmother was a Cancer but it is ironic how she passed away after eating a crab.
Some say the Iron Man is in reality made of Titanium. How ironic.
History's biggest irony is that there is no lower case in the Russian alphabet. It's all capitalized.
Irony is...
When Robinhood stops the poor from taking from the rich.
It is an irony that the math book looks so happy despite having so many problems.
I've never met a math book that looks happy. They all just look... bored.
What’s ironic about Alanise Morissette?
None of the song lyrics in Alanis Morissette’s song “Ironic” are examples of irony. As Morissette herself allegedly said, “the irony of ‘Ironic’ is that it’s not an ironic song at all.”
The other day my activist friend said that he would kill to get a Nobel Peace Prize.
Why was everyone surprised at the irony of the snowman being a nice person?
Because everyone thought he would be a flake.
You wanna hear about something ironic? My grandma’s zodiac sign was Cancer.
She was killed... by a giant crab.
How ironic, a tornado tore through Miss Oklahoma's vegetable patch the day after she was crowned Miss America.
She actually got whirled peas.
Had to explain what irony was to someone at church.
Apparently, "Being a carpenter and getting nailed to a wooden cross" isn't a good example.
News: Man burns at Burning Man.
His last words: "The irony stings. But what really hurts is the burning."
Did you hear about the town's irony convention?
I don't know why the pacifists are up in arms about it.
Buying yourself an Uber gift card is ironic.
Cause it's a free ride when you've already paid.
What’s ironic about the man who invented basketball?
The only losing basketball coach in University of Kansas history is James Naismith—the man who invented basketball in 1891.
If I get to be a superhero I would like to get the name 'Ironic'. That way whenever I run in case of an emergency, everyone would say, "Isn't that Ironic?"
Thereʻs nothing ironic about rain on your wedding day.
It’s normal for a couple to have a bridal shower.
It's ironic the character's name is Luke Skywalker...
He never walks on any skies, but he does spend the majority of the series "hand solo."
There's a beautiful irony in the fact the history channel is showing less and less history... As if the history is in the past.
What’s ironic about the Bible?
In one of the most interesting irony examples, the most shoplifted book in America is The Bible.
What’s ironic about McDonald’s?
In one of the more hilarious examples of irony, McDonalds’ employee health page, which is now shut down, once warned against eating McDonald’s burgers and fries.
What’s ironic about A Charlie Brown Christmas?
Every year ABC cuts down A Charlie Brown Christmas—a movie about the over-commercialization of the holidays—to make room for more commercials.
What’s ironic about the inventor of the stop sign?
“Father of Traffic Safety” William Eno invented the stop sign, crosswalk, traffic circle, one-way street, and taxi stand—but never learned how to drive.
What’s ironic about the inventor of Liquid Paper?
She was fired from her secretarial job for failing to white-out a mistake.
What’s ironic about a speech disorder?
The condition of not being able to pronounce the letter R is called… “rhotacism.”
What’s ironic about The Beatles?
In 2002, a tree was planted in a park in Los Angeles in memory of Beatles guitarist George Harrison. The tree later died after being infested by beetles.
What’s ironic about being expelled from school?
In the 1950s, 12-year-old David Ingham was kicked out of grammar school by the headmaster, who said that he’d “never amount to much.” Fifty-five years later, the same school commissioned Ingham, now an art teacher, to paint a portrait of that very headmaster.
What’s ironic about Crayola crayons?
In 1990, after 35 years working at Crayola, their retiring CEO, Emerson Moser, revealed that he was colorblind.
My friend told me I don't understand irony.
Which is ironic, because we were in a dry cleaner at the time.
Which sentence is both ironic and hypocritical at the same time?
The sentence: "I am not telling you what to do, so do not tell me what to do."
Do you know a funny irony in grammar-related language?
It lies in "hyphenated" and "non-hyphenated" words.
How did I know that the dry cleaners did not understand irony?
Because all my shirts were crumpled.
What are the ten things that I hate the most?
Lists, repeating myself, lists, irony, trickery.
What is the definition of irony?
When people do not understand the difference between a definition and irony examples.
What do you call a fly with no wings?
You should still call it a fly even though the irony is a misfortunate one.
What did the doctor say when the hispter got depressed over his low social media reach?
"I think you are low on irony."
What did the person say when he did not see any ice cream shop nearby?
"The streets are oddly desserted."
What is ironic about a dentist and a manicurist being friends?
That they are not fighting tooth and nail.
It would be so ironic if a movie depicting the "flat earth theory" gets a Golden Globe Award.
The adjective form of 'metal' is 'metallic' but that is not the case for 'iron' which is ironic.
It is ironic how my neighbor got an award the very next day after her vegetable patch was struck by a tornado. The award was for whirled peas.
Although 'Parasite' won the Oscars, it is ironic how there were no hosts left to conduct the show.
It is a pure irony when a cage on the side of the road holds a parrot but also has a sign that reads "free bird."
Since I majored in Literary Criticism I have been begging everyone to not talk about the irony.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if Trump was brought down.
By a virus from China , named after a Mexican beer?
My friend told me that I don't understand the meaning of Ironic.
Which was ironic, because we were at a bus station.
Irony of life!
The doctor hopes you fall ill.
The police hopes you become a criminal.
The lawyer hopes you get into trouble.
The priest wants you to get married.
The coffin maker wants you dead.
Only a thief wishes you prosperity in life!
"I don’t like my coffee like I like my irony.
Hitting me unexpectedly after flying through the air or coming out of my computer."
What’s ironic about Alcoholics Anonymous?
The founder of AA asked for whiskey on his deathbed.
What’s ironic about Alexander Graham Bell?
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone but refused to keep one in his study. He feared it would distract him from his work.
Midget walks into a library and ask do you have any books on irony?
The librarian replies sure they are on the top shelf.
Did you hear about the fire at the flame retardant textile manufacturer?
Someone left the irony on...
"I used to think that Boris Johnson getting corona must be the irony of the century.
However, it just got trumped."
Where are ironic Roman emperors sent to?
Tsar Chasm.
Ironic how in America the colors red, white, and blue mean freedom unless they are flashing behind you on the streets.
Although both my parents were metallurgists, they hated their job. They named me Steele but I think they chose it because it was ironic.
Every year the television channels cut down 'A Charlie Brown Christmas', which is a movie about excessive commercialization of the holiday season, to make room for more commercials.
It's ironic that Parasite won.
Because there was no host for the Oscars.
Huh? Huh?
I'll show myself out.
Thank you for the silver star! My first!
Isn't It Ironic?
My wife was trying to explain to me that I didn't know what irony meant, which was ironic because I had just taken a shower.
History's biggest irony is that the Russian alphabet has no lowercase letters
It's all Capitalization.
Irony will be the death of me.
What my mate said just before he fell into a blast furnace.
The cover on my ironing board was wrinkled so I laughed at the irony. Then I laughed again because of "irony."
My friends say that I don't understand irony...
Which is ironic because I don't even own an iron.
What’s ironic about Charlie Chaplin?
He once entered a “Charlie Chaplin walk” contest… and came in 20th.
What’s ironic about the Church of Scientology?
The Cult Awareness Network (CAN), once a leading anti-cult hotline, is now owned by the Church of Scientology.
What’s ironic about Pizza Hut?
Before 2012, the largest purchaser of kale in America was Pizza Hut. They used it as garnish around their salad bars.
What’s ironic about Julius Caesar?
The site where Julius Caesar was murdered in 44 BC is now a no-kill animal shelter for homeless cats.
What’s ironic about duct tape?
According to researchers, duct tape should never be used for sealing ducts.
What’s ironic about a man who survived going over Niagara Falls?
The first man to survive going over Niagara Falls in a barrel died after slipping on an orange peel.
What’s ironic about Q-tips?
Q-tips, which are usually bought primarily to clean inside your ears, are sold in boxes that expressly warn: “Do not insert inside the ear canal.”
What’s ironic about bullfighting?
Bill Hillman, a bullfighting enthusiast, wrote a book called How to Survive the Bulls of Pamplona, all about how to avoid being gored by bulls. Three weeks after the release of the book, he was gored by a bull.
What’s ironic about spelling bees?
In 2011, the winners of an elementary school spelling bee in Utah received a trophy reading “Viewmont Spellling Bee, 1st Place.” Quite the example of irony—not only that the trophy contained a misspelling, but that it was the word “spelling.”
What’s ironic about the McDonald’s jingle?
Before he became a star, Pharrell Williams was fired from McDonald’s three different times. Years later, he would help write and produce the company’s iconic “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle.
What’s ironic about Match.com?
Gary Kremen, the founder of Match.com, encouraged everyone he knew to join it, including his girlfriend. She eventually left him for a man she met on Match.com.
What’s ironic about crossword puzzles?
When crossword puzzles debuted in the early twentieth century, the New York Times was very critical of them, calling them “a primitive sort of mental exercise.” In 1942, the Times published its first crossword puzzle, and today, the New York Times crossword is the most famous one in America.
What’s ironic about lifeguards?
In 1985, a group of New Orleans lifeguards gathered at the municipal pool to celebrate the fact that no one had drowned at the pool that past summer. After the party, they discovered the fully-clothed body of a man who had drowned in the pool.
What’s ironic about lawsuits?
In 2009, the Guinness Book of World records named Jonathan Lee Riches the record-holder for suing the largest number of people. Angrily declaring that the Guinness Book “has no right to publish my work, my legal masterpieces,” he sued them.
What’s ironic about an anti-piracy group?
In 2014, the Business Software Alliance posted an anti-piracy ad that read “Your pot of gold is right here.” But eagle-eyed users noticed that the image of a “pot of gold” they used was actually a photo of a baker’s Saint Patrick’s Day cake that the BSA had used without authorization.
"I have no problems with keeping a secret. It is the people who I tell those secrets to, who can't stay hush."
"I hate people who use big words just for the sake of making themselves appear perspicacious."
With all the bars closed, how horribly ironic is it that Joe Diffie died?
We can't even prop him up beside the juke box.