iPhone 15 Was Just Unveiled And Here Are 32 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions To Apple Event 2023
Once a year, at the very beginning of autumn, the whole world - okay, a significant part of it, with bated breath, opens the coveted link to the broadcast, and queues of thousands outside Apple stores begin to nervously move. Millions of eyes watch as a respectable gray-haired gentleman comes out onto a beautiful minimalist stage with a huge screen... and says approximately the same words as a year ago. Only with different numbers.
Yes, you were absolutely right, Apple Event 2023 took place yesterday, where Tim Cook presented the iPhone 15 with the long-awaited USB-C connector, a new version of the Apple Watch and some more interesting things. A cult event, in general. And the world reacted to it with numerous memes and posts, so please feel free to watch the selection of the best ones collected by Bored Panda.
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and loved it! I wish my phone had "googly" eyes when it made a call.
The tradition of grandiose Apple presentations goes back more than two decades - to the era of Steve Jobs. Though if the co-founder of the company was probably one of the greatest speakers in the modern history of humanity, and each presentation truly became a work of art, then Mr. Cook, with all due respect to him, is inferior to his predecessor as a presenter and showman. However, this in no way diminishes the quality of the products that Apple proudly presents every year.
Pretending to be paying attention to my college class when I have no idea what's going on and am still on day one.
I wonder, by the way, if anyone has done a kind of quiz - to guess the year and model of the iPhone based on random frames from the presentation! The guys from Cupertino have found their signature, recognizable style of presentation, and adhere to the same tactics year after year. Which, however, invariably brings them overwhelming success. Even though, for example, USB-C appeared on Android smartphones about ten years ago. The ability to present even a familiar technology as a unique feature is another strong point of Apple. No sarcasm, really.
The so-called "Clarke's Third Law", formulated many years ago by one of the greatest sci-fi writers of all time, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, states: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Well, Apple adds another signature pinch of magic here - remember how in the fairy tale about Cinderella, the carriage turned into a pumpkin at the twelfth stroke of the tower clock? Just like with a wave of a magic wand, previous versions of the iPhone, already completely monstrous in their technical stuffing, instantly turn into junk. And this is also the subject of many memes by netizens from here, there and everywhere.
And yet, according to recent Forbes statistics, iPhones occupy the first four places among the best-selling smartphones of 2023 - and now, after the Apple Event 2023, they will perhaps occupy more than half of the top ten. And this, you see, means something! At the end of the day, the huge number of memes and similar reactions only confirms the enormous popularity of the company and its products. So now please enjoy these memes, maybe add your own in the comments below - and in the meantime I’ll go line up at the store for the iPhone 15...
I see he's a student of the incredible Clint Eastwood. "Go ahead. Buy my phone"
PR b******t. They didn't have much choice.
We're watching it to see which "innovative" features have been on Android phones for years.
But the iPhone 8328382828 has just one more feature than that! It’s obviously superior.
Like EA: "It's not a lootbox, it's a surprise mechanic!" or the idiot responsible for our economy in the german government: "Those companies aren't insolvent, they just don't sell anything anymore"
This is how my phone is looking at me now. Still using an iPhone 7+ (6 years old!) but am planning to upgrade it with the 15 this year. Yes I know there are no big differences between the 13, 14, and now 15 but I want to buy a phone that I can use for at least 5 years without Apple discontinuing iOS updates for it.
By a decent watch. One that you wind up or has a battery you change every 3 years. Apple watches don't do anything other than waste more of your precious life looking at pointless information that Apple markets as so f*****g important you absolutely must have it on your wrist. BS!
yeah i got used to the iphone 11 but i still think that it was easier with it
The USB-C "innovation" is because the EU passed a regulation in Nov '22 that Apple could not sell phones without it after Dec '23.
iPhone users would have revolted if they'd changed the charging cable again. I've been using USB-C with my iPad for a couple years now. It's not that big a deal, people.
yeah i got used to the iphone 11 but i still think that it was easier with it
The USB-C "innovation" is because the EU passed a regulation in Nov '22 that Apple could not sell phones without it after Dec '23.
iPhone users would have revolted if they'd changed the charging cable again. I've been using USB-C with my iPad for a couple years now. It's not that big a deal, people.