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Video Of Introverted Dogs Meeting Up Has Melted Hearts All Over The Internet And Made People Say “Relatable!”

Video Of Introverted Dogs Meeting Up Has Melted Hearts All Over The Internet And Made People Say “Relatable!”


Oh, to be a snail for a day. You move at your own pace with a tiny house on your back. You graze at the bark of a fallen branch, maybe a piece of a cherry if you’re lucky enough. Sure you have to watch out for birds, frogs, toads, hedgehogs, and beetles, or you’ll be the one served for dinner. But is it really that bad, considering you can retreat into your humble abode as soon as someone initiates conversation?

These puppies don’t think so. And I have to ask – who knew pups could be introverted too!? Well, a viral video shows a group of shy pups just sitting around together, not interacting with each other, and, seemingly, having a pretty nice time doing just that.

Before we head into the details of the story – as well as some tips for introverts on how to deal with extreme extroverts and people in general – please let me know which side you’re on: introvert, ambivert, or extrovert? Very curious. Your upvotes and follows mean the world to me, so keep them coming and let’s dive right in!

More info: Instagram | TikTok


    Puppies can be introverts too! Who would’ve known… Well, as one puppy playdate showed, it’s not that uncommon


    Image credits: qilastiktok

    An introvert – someone who prefers calm, minimally stimulating environments and tends to feel drained after socializing, regaining their energy by spending time alone. Not to be confused with shyness or having an avoidant personality, introversion can be seen more as energy retention and regeneration by means of limiting socialization.

    Now that the textbook is out of the way, let’s look at puppies, shall we? Introverted dogs like to keep to themselves and don’t enjoy playing with others, sticking to their owners and observing the world rather than participating in the chaos of it. Large crowds and noise tend to make them anxious and attention from others will not be too welcome. Same here.

    A group of Swedish pet owners got their introverted dogs to meet each other at a park, and one owner named Sofia Rosten shared a video from the meet-up. As expected – it’s adorably hilariously awkward. All the pups seem to be embracing their personal space, away from one another, some even facing away from each other while their respective owners look on. There were a few that decided to trot over for a little quiet sniff, but that’s about it.


    An introvert – someone who prefers calm, minimally stimulating environments and tends to feel drained after socializing, regaining their energy in solitude

    Image credits: qilastiktok

    Sofia’s rescue pup Qila, who has her own Instagram account, was invited to the meet by a dog psychologist organizing the event in the hopes of helping the pups to break out of their shells and get them socializing with like-minded ‘calm’ dogs. Whelp, the meet-up ended up looking like an office holiday party before the open bar opened.

    As Sofia told CNN, the meet-up lasted about an hour, and the dogs actually had a pretty good time at first, but understandably, their social batteries ran out by the end, leaving the dogs sitting around awkwardly staring into the distance. I’m sure they were daydreaming about being back at home and cozying up in their beds, neither another dog nor human in sight.


    A group of Swedish pet owners got their introverted dogs to meet each other at a park, and one owner named Sofia Rosten shared a video from the meet-up

    Image credits: qilasinsta

    The hilariously relatable moment was shared on Instagram, quickly becoming a hit. “This was almost at the end of the meeting and we all thought it looked so funny so I recorded it,” Sofia wrote in the caption. “It’s like a pasture of cows,” stated the overlaying text in the video.

    It now sits with 444K likes on Instagram, but more impressively, when she shared the video on TikTok, it racked up an impressive 4.4M likes and 23.6M views. “This is my coffee break at the IT department,” one commenter wrote. “Dogs thinking: This could have been an email,” wrote another. But this comment summarizes it all: “Good hang out, let’s do it again next year!”


    Organized by a dog psychologist, the aim of the the event was to help the pups break out of their shells and get them socializing with like-minded ‘calm’ dogs

    Image credits: qilasinsta


    Qila’s backstory is quite sad but somewhat explains her introverted nature. The pup was found living on the streets of Sochi in Russia while also heavily pregnant. It was thought that her owners threw her out because of it.

    When she was first rescued by a woman posting as vikka_sochi on Instagram, she was described as “really afraid and insecure.” Her story eventually came to light on russian_rescue_dogs, and she was adopted by Sofia.


    She arrived there in August 2021, but was initially fearful of her new surroundings. “Qila was really afraid of everything and everyone,” Sofia told Newsweek. Thankfully, with a lot of love and care, the pup has been able to form a strong bond with her owner, leading to a happier self.

    Sofia explained that the dogs had a pretty good time at first, but their social batteries ran out by the end, leaving them motionlessly staring off to the distance

    Image credits: qilasinsta

    If your dog is introverted, you may be asking yourself how you can help them thrive; however, Lauren Novack, an associate certified dog behavior consultant at Behavior Vets in New York City, advises that you accept your dog for who they are.


    “If you wanted a dog who is the life of the party, but your pup would rather say hi and then go chew a bone by themselves, let them,” she says. “Never force them into interactions.” And if your dog is truly fearful and actively avoids others or shows signs of aggression? Lauren recommends that you seek the help of a professional.

    The hilarious moment was shared on Instagram and TikTok, quickly becoming a hit, with many relating to the dogs

    Image credits: qilasinsta

    Now, on to the fun bit. How to deal with extroverts when you’re an introvert yourself. I myself am an ambivert, holding the traits of both introvert and extrovert. I love to socialize, but I also need to recharge in solitude. As a 2007 study showed, extroverts tend to get a jolt of satisfaction or energy from social interactions because of dopamine. Introverts, by contrast, might simply feel overstimulated by it, leading to exhaustion.


    Elan Morgan states: “Setting a boundary is not equivalent to building a wall. Setting a boundary helps you find common ground together.” She explains a framework which has helped her form relationships with extroverts without losing herself in the process. Own your space – the world is just as much yours as it is anyone else’s.

    Express your needs: “Clear boundaries create clear expectations, and clear expectations allow us to understand each other’s values and communicate in ways that bond us rather than hurt us,” Elan says. Understanding that it will take a bit of discomfort to create connections will help too!

    Sofia’s rescue pup Qila was very fearful at first but has grown a strong bond with her owner. Hopefully, we’ll get to see her and the other dogs going on playdates again!

    Image credits: qilasinsta


    Collaborate with your extroverted friends, as it isn’t a battle or a push and tug game. Like with anything, it takes practice. To understand how setting boundaries works and feels, and to know your own needs, as well as being aware of another’s socialization style, it’s much easier to connect and interact without incidentally shutting anyone down or giving up your valuable personal time and space.

    We hope that the pups will meet for another little playdate soon and that Sofia and Qila continue to strengthen their bond with each other, as well as share some well-deserved downtime, away from anyone and everything.

    You can watch the infamous video here

    Watch on TikTok

    Let us know your thoughts on this story, and I shall see you all in the next one!

    People absolutely loved this story, relating to the K9s in ways they never knew possible. Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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    Eglė Radžiūtė

    Eglė Radžiūtė

    Author, BoredPanda staff

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    Hi, I'm Egle! If you made it onto this page, you may want to learn more about me. Would recommend reading works by Edgar Allan Poe much more than reading this bio, but suit yourself. I have plentiful interests, starting from the things I studied in university (Propaganda & Film, Sci-fi Writing, Psychiatry & History of Mental Illness, etc.) and ending with an addiction to tattoos, documentaries, and dancing in front of a mirror at 3am. I'm also a budding artist; I dabble in painting and drawing random bits of chaos. My favorite desert is Tiramisu.

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    Eglė Radžiūtė

    Eglė Radžiūtė

    Author, BoredPanda staff

    Hi, I'm Egle! If you made it onto this page, you may want to learn more about me. Would recommend reading works by Edgar Allan Poe much more than reading this bio, but suit yourself. I have plentiful interests, starting from the things I studied in university (Propaganda & Film, Sci-fi Writing, Psychiatry & History of Mental Illness, etc.) and ending with an addiction to tattoos, documentaries, and dancing in front of a mirror at 3am. I'm also a budding artist; I dabble in painting and drawing random bits of chaos. My favorite desert is Tiramisu.

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    Christos Arvanitis
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My pup is the exact opposite of these sweet pups. If unleashed, she would wreak havoc and try to get the attention of every single one.

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    Christos Arvanitis
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My pup is the exact opposite of these sweet pups. If unleashed, she would wreak havoc and try to get the attention of every single one.

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