Papercut Artist Creates Intricate And Beautiful Designs Inspired By Natural Life (42 Pics)
Interview With ArtistThere’s nothing more delicate and intricate in the art world than paper cutting.
Pippa Dyrlaga, a papercut artist from the UK, has been perfecting her craft for 12 years. In an interview with Bored Panda, she shared: “In 2011, I completed my studies in art, and during the last two years of my Master's, I discovered the art of paper cutting. Since then, I have worked primarily in this medium.”
Much of Pippa’s inspiration comes from the natural life that inhabits rivers and waterways—a tribute to her childhood spent growing up on a canal boat. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at her beautiful art—intricately hand-cut pieces that transform simple sheets of paper into breathtaking designs.
More info: Instagram | pippadyrlaga.com | Facebook
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We were curious to know what initially drew Pippa to the world of artistry. She wrote: “I think I have always been inherently creative in some way. At some point, it went from being something I enjoyed doing to something that I needed to do, a switch where it became inherently part of who I was.
There is something very special about creating and being able to share that with people. I love being part of the artistic community and find so much joy in looking at artwork that people create and seeing that happen all throughout human history. You can give a thousand artists something to draw, and every single one will create something unique.”
As for her creative process, Pippa shared: “Almost all of my work is made by hand. I draw out a design or a detail and then I cut the design out using a scalpel. I don’t like to plan too much beforehand, or I may have a vague idea of the overall composition but I like my work to develop organically. A finished piece will quite often look very different to the piece I had in mind originally.”
Cutting out detailed designs from paper must take quite some time and patience. Pippa explained what contributes to the complexity of the process.
“It does really vary depending on size and detail. A piece can take me anywhere from 8 hours to two months to complete. I have a piece sat on my desk that I have been working on since October last year, on and off, so it's often difficult to measure the time.”
Furthermore, we asked what Pippa hopes for people to take away from her artwork.
She replied: ”I hope that it brings them joy and that they find their own meaning in them. I use a lot of symbolism but they are almost always rooted in the natural world and the harmony you can find there.”
Lastly, Pippa added: “At the moment I am experimenting more with making larger-scale work and installations. I am also exploring the ways in which handmade work can be applied in the digital realm, so I am looking forward to sharing that.
On 1st March, I will be part of the Wild Wonders group show at ABV Gallery in Atlanta, USA.”
Wow! Exquisite! I can't even begin to imagine the amount of time, skill, and patience required for this!
Wow! Exquisite! I can't even begin to imagine the amount of time, skill, and patience required for this!