My name is Cristian Marianciuc, and I love paper art.
I started an ambitious 100-day challenge back in 2015: I was hoping to be able to fold and decorate 1 origami crane every single day as part of a visual diary of sorts.
After the initial 100 days went by, I made another ambitious decision, and that was to continue my project until I would reach 365 origami birds in 365 days.
Once I reached that goal, I went ahead and challenged myself even further. I was going to attempt to fold and decorate one origami crane, every single day until I would reach 1000 cranes in 1000 days. It was meant to be a nod to the Japanese tradition of ‘senbazuru,’ according to which, the folding of 1000 origami paper cranes will grant the folder a wish.
The motivation behind Icarus.mid.air was to give a physical shape to my days; to mark the passing of time in a creative and meaningful way. I took inspiration from Japanese culture, from the story of Sadako Sasaki, from my family history and from every little and big thing that I could find around me.
On the 27th of September of 2017, I successfully reached my rather unbelievable goal. I had folded and decorated over 1000 cranes in 1000 days, without missing even one day!
It took lots of courage, determination, and discipline but also patience and an open mind.
I learned to pay attention to things I would have otherwise overlooked, I learned new paper folding skills, I made many amazing new friends online and in real life, and I became part of an incredible community of paper lovers from all over the world.
Despite reaching my goal, I have not stopped folding and decorating origami cranes. I don’t do it on a daily basis nowadays, but it has become such a vital part of who I am, that I cannot imagine stopping altogether.
I have heard from people who found joy and serenity in my work, people who took refuge in what I do, and I could not have asked for more!
I have kept all of my cranes so far and hope to get the chance to travel with them and exhibit them. But I decided to also create pieces that I could send to new homes. So I opened an Etsy shop where I add new cranes regularly and take commissions for personalized paper birds.
More info: Etsy | Instagram | Facebook
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Wow! You are really talented!! Every single one is absolutely beautiful!! If you don't mind questions, what is the materials made of? Especially the flyaway looking parts?
Yesss! Homage to Miyazaki.... I love all the cranes it’s hard to pick a favorite.
holy cow! the details that goes into each and every one! just when you think you've seen it all when it comes to creating origami - you,sir, take it to a whole new level because these are AH-MAH-ZING!
You can see the dedication and time it took to make these they are so beautiful it makes my heart sing! <3
holy cow! the details that goes into each and every one! just when you think you've seen it all when it comes to creating origami - you,sir, take it to a whole new level because these are AH-MAH-ZING!
You can see the dedication and time it took to make these they are so beautiful it makes my heart sing! <3