For as long we've had great design, there have been bad ones, too. Loose boulders on staircases, see-through toilets, windowless curtains—the list goes on.

So in an attempt to figure out which of them have become the most popular, Reddit user u/uwfan893 made a post the platform, asking, "Interior designers, what will this generation's version of shag carpeting be?" And they happily obliged, sharing all the trends they would love to see gone.

Of course, it doesn't mean that if your place has anything they mentioned, it automatically becomes tasteless—a lot depends on the execution. Plus, your home is your castle. You can make it whatever you want it to be. It's just a take on the general landscape.


Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Open concept bathrooms.

I don’t need to see you taking a dump from my bed.

02K30C1 Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Sh***y bathtubs. I grew up in a 100 year old house. It had a nice bathtub with a sloping back so you could comfortably lounge in the bath. Modern tubs are pretty nearly straight up on the back so there's no comfortable way to soak, smoke a joint, and read a book.

    dizzyelk Report

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    Luna Crow
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This should be higher up. Clawfoot tubs were wonderful. Whose dumb "innovation" made bathtubs impossible to soak in? Most of them make it difficult just to get half your body submerged.

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    We contacted u/uwfan893 to ask more about what inspired their post and the Redditor was kind enough to reply. "I saw a Zillow listing where the kitchen was obviously done in the '80s and it got me thinking about what would make a future Zillow-er say 'This house was remodeled in the late 2010s," u/uwfan893 told Bored Panda.

    "There's an aspect of keeping up with the Joneses, but also sometimes trends actually do look good. That doesn’t mean they won’t be obviously of a period later," they added.


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Removing stair banisters for a crisp look. Like your drunk friend Brooks is going to fall of the side and die one day. There are building codes for reasons

    ProofBelt5 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I build my house, I will have railings with every set of stairs in my house for this very reason, except mainly because I have neurological problems and can fall easily.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Total lack of solar panels/windmills. I think its criminal that new builds don't have any form of energy generator built in.

    SpudGun312 Report

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    I I
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    they should have by law these days . enough to run the lights and heating/cooling at least

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    Even though beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it's important to live in a place that reflects you, there are some universal guidelines to ensure the space will feel good even after the fads pass.

    "The most common mistake we see is fun, interesting pieces of furniture being the wrong scale or functionality," interior designer Emilie Munroe told Lonny. "Finding furnishings with an aesthetic you love is way less tricky than making sure the piece is a physical and lifestyle fit."

    Before you add anything new to your space, simply take out the tape measure and write down the dimensions of both your room and the furniture you already own. See if they go together.


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones I don't know if it's new new, but it drives me crazy when people replace cabinetry with open shelves.

    Don't people understand dust? Bugs ring a bell? Pet hair? Speaking of pets, how do you keep your cats from messing around with that setup?

    lyan-cat Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have adhd so seeing my stuff in open shelves allows me to remember what I have and what I need to use.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Beating minimalism to death with a sledgehammer. Everything being grey/white, even painting over gorgeous natural wood, practically zero color anywhere. Just breaks my heart when they take beautiful vintage homes and renovate them to shit by making everything look so sterile.

    notagoodusername183 Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones might be an unpopular opinion but i don't need my home to be smart...I just need things to happen when they are supposed to happen and not completely shut off when some douche thought it was a good idea to play who can touch the powerline

    ptapobane Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I never wanted a smart house but when I read about the power company in Texas remote controlling the thermostats of private owners in a heat wave I seriously can't imagine anyone wanted a house that can be hacked or controlled by others.

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    But even if the numbers look good, you might want to avoid buying into boxed rooms. Picking out matching furniture might seem like a good idea for anyone who wants to save time but, in reality, it's often anything but swoon-worthy.

    "Walking into a home that is a carbon copy of the store where everything was purchased is just weird," Abbe Fenimore, founder and principal of Studio Ten 25, explained to the same publisher. "Plus, the space will have no personality and most of the pieces will most likely be the wrong scale."

    "Take the time to find pieces that you love, and be open to mixing and matching trendy and classic elements in the room."


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Live laugh love.

    patronsaintofshinies Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also "Thankful Grateful Blessed." It's everywhere. It's on everything. Always in that stupid cursive font.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones By-laws against clotheslines. I'm going to pay for electricity/gas when the sun and wind are free? In this day and age, who can be against solar and wind?

    CristabelYYC Report

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    Daria Z
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow there's laws against drying your clothes and linen outside?! Crazy.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones I really don’t like the fireplace design where you are intended to put your TV over it. A TV is way too high when over the fireplace.

    0rangePolarBear Report


    Also, when it comes to decorating your space, slow and steady wins the race over spontaneous and quirky.

    "One of the worst mistakes people make in their interiors is buying impulse pieces without a game plan for the room's layout and function," interior designer Dana Wolter added. "We also always need to consider if the scale is right, and whether or not it's a quality item that you will want to keep long-term."

    Whatever you're eyeing, take a moment to really consider it. If you're perusing an antique or consignment store, for example, ask a sales associate if you can hold the item in question. Get to know it. Feel it out.


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Small laundry rooms, small pantries, no linen closets, but here’s a 20x20 media room to watch TV. My next house will either be laid out by me or made in the 70s/80s when they designed homes to be lived in.

    oldbulldog22 Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Hollow interior doors that don't keep sound out from within the house and hallways - especially hollow bedroom doors when you're trying to sleep.

    Back2Bach Report

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    Rahul Pawa
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And hollow bathroom doors! Bathrooms need solid doors.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones No broom closets. Where the hell do people put their mops and vacuum cleaners? Or do the people who buy those McMansions just not do any of their own cleaning?

    CristabelYYC Report

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    Anna Banana
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In the regular clothes closet. I don't have the room in my appartment to have one full closet dedicated only to cleaning supplies!

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    However, when you're developing your vision, remember that you don't have to push all of your furniture against the walls. There are more viable layouts to arrange your sofa, coffee table, and media center.

    "It might be fine for a smaller room, but like Kool and The Gang used to say, 'Get your back up off the wall,'" interior designer Taniya Nayak said. "In a large space, pull the furniture closer together to be more conversational. If you can't reach the coffee table or if you need to text your guests from across the room, move in a little."


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Gray. Everything gray.

    It’s the orange and brown of the 60s, 70s, and 80.

    It’s the beige of the 90s and 00s

    myotheregg Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Beige is coming back lol. Oh, pardon me, not beige, "dark warm white".

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones All of the flat white and concrete is just going to make the houses look dated in about 5 years.

    Big concrete squares don't look good people!



    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones I hate the design of homes that have a massive garage in the front; “welcome to my garage, the home is in the back.”

    groundsgonesour Report

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    Earl Grey
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In all fairness, that is not a design trend in housing so much as it is an artifact of lot size. You need a significantly larger lot to accommodate a wide concrete drive that swings around to the side or back. The front-facing garage is more economical, convenient, and cheaper to landscape.

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    When you know the principles and what your decisions lead to, it's easier to achieve the look you're going for. Even if it means breaking convention. "I personally like warm cozy spaces, and don't like a lot of the open floor plan stuff going on now," u/uwfan893 said. "If I'm relaxing on the couch, I don't want to be doing it in the room that also is my kitchen."

    But to each their own. And that's the beauty of design. It can serve us all.


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Why is everything so damn bland? Why is white and grey the popular colors? Whatever happened to color? Why can't we have living rooms wallpapered with big bright flowers, long suede couches in deep fuchsia? And, mile-high blue carpets that you sink into when you walk? Whatever happened to walnut paneling and colored subway tile in the bathroom? Whatever happened to delicate stenciled flowers on the inside of the bowl of the bathroom sink?

    When did we lose our personalities? I just want a house that looks like a manic-depressive toddler version of myself was set lose in a JoAnn's with a limitless credit card.

    carmelacorleone Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Let me tell you about those "mile-high" carpets and the amount of work it takes to vacuum them...

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones No door between the master bedroom and master bathroom. It’s so annoying.

    The last 3 houses I’ve lived in have had this issue. I like to be able to close the door when I take a bath or shower.

    oleander4tea Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’ve never seen that we always have a door welp I agree you do need a door for your bathroom

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Not homes, but open plan offices are just cruel.

    CptnStarkos Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones those dumbass fake balconies



    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Bedrooms that are only juuuuust big enough for a double or queen bed and a nightstand.

    makovince Report

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    I I
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my house has two "bedrooms" just big enough for a double bed , you'd have to get it at the bottom as no room at the sides , "single bedrooms" they're called , just a way to make a 3 bed house a 4 by shrinking bedroom size i think

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones The grotesque housing developments of the same like 4 models and 3 colors with no trees. Not to mention the houses are built like shit. The terribly inefficient road layout with a million cul de sacs.

    Individual-Text-1805 Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Weird fixation perhaps, but I cannot stand kitchen cupboards that don't go all the way up to the ceiling. No cabinet storage + a big gap on top for my husband to pile all kinds of crap = no thanks.

    RandiiMarsh Report

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    Stoopham McFernybabes
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Totally agree with you on that one. Hate it. It looks weird, sends off my “omg, someone has to clean that” nerve and such a waste of space.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Lack of storage space. Just bought a new home and didn’t realize how little space there was. We have one storage closet upstairs. That’s it.

    A_Bit_Off_Kilter Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Surely that's something you absolutely make sure about if you're buying a property?

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Shiplap.

    I don't even know what it is, but HGTV won't shut up about it so clearly there's going to be far too much of it in a few years.

    nintendojunkie17 Report

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    Milady Blue
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yet these same HGTV "experts" retch when they see wood paneling in a home.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Cabinetmaker here: grey stained EVERYTHING dominated the early 2000s. White oak was most common. It’s also a huge pain in the rear, greys and whites are the hardest stain colour to work with. Trend’s not done either, I just did a consult with another cabinetmaker a couple months ago because he couldn’t get the damn grey stain to work.

    Oh, and sandblasting is only slightly less common and actually makes it even harder to apply. Not to mention to clean.

    Ryuaalba Report

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    Insert Generic Username
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I adore the original hardwood flooring in my house. The previous owner had installed garish mauve carpeting over it and didn't mention the beautiful, untouched hard wood below. When we tore out the carpeting to put in laminate flooring, we were beyond delighted to find we only needed to give the existing wood a good waxing. It's given the house a large upgrade in the charm department.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones The cookie cutter houses with no personality and no room, where the windows look directly into your neighbor’s bedroom. Ugh!

    audania Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Little boxes / on the hillside / little boxes / made of ticky-tacky ..."

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Homes built on the cheap with so many corners cut in their construction that they end up being horrible places to live in, plagued by mold, damp, noise and plumbing issues and more.

    Creative_Recover Report

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    Luna Crow
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Um, while I completely agree, this blanket statement could be applied to most all houses built in the last 50~70 years (in the US anyway)

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones All white kitchens is going to seriously date houses in a decade or so. You know the ones I mean - white cabinets, quartz countertops, white backsplash

    Red_AtNight Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why? I love it, but difficult to keep it spotless. I think it's more likely to be timeless

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Not really a "new trend", but I've never understood mounting TVs high on a wall or above a fireplace. Not only is it a bad look to have a TV displayed like it's a piece of art, it's also very uncomfortable to watch TVs that are above you. TVs should be at eye level when you're sitting. I think the trend is finally dying, but it keeps cropping up in houses I visit.

    hiro111 Report

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    Henry Crank
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have no choice in my place because of the way the living room is designed. Either that or have window shining directly on the TV.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Rich people putting marble absolutely everywhere. It looks tacky

    coolandschmidt Report

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    Raven Sheridan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Depends on the type of marble. There's a huge variety of colours and styles. Also depends on where and how it's used, not too mention the amount that is used. Do it wrong and yes, it's tacky. Do it right, and it's elegant and classy.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Someday people are going to realize that having entirely white walls and exposed concrete isn't very homey.

    aFineMoose Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Garages that fit two medium sized cars with about one inch to spare

    kryppla Report

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    Paul C.
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They might have used a picture that fitted the description, there is two or three feet round both cars!

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones As an electrician; putting 600 spotlights in every room of the house. Sure it makes me money but it looks fucking ridiculous having so many lights every 4 feet of every room.

    RichObject5403 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And the light is so unflattering! Wall scones cast a much nicer light. Plus so much easier to change the light bulbs.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones All-white insane asylum paint schemes

    Phantom_Ninja Report

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    Jenny K Anderson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thank you. I don’t want to have to wear sunglasses INSIDE a damn building!

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Open floor plans where the main floor is just like one big room.

    Houses that are only 25' wide and have a front double garage.

    Master bathrooms with no door separating the bed from the toilet.

    Backyard that is only 12' deep

    4a4a Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones I've seen several homes with appliances integrated into the construction of the kitchen itself. Not just in an alcove but actually built into the wall. Sure, it's convenient that there's a fucking cappuccino machine built into the wall next to the cabinet over the center island countertop. But what happens when (not if, when) it needs maintenance? Do I have to call a goddamn carpenter as well as a cappuccino machine repairman? Do I have to consider if this is a fucking load bearing wall that contains my broken appliance? And something that's just a convenience like that is one thing, but they do it with stuff like fridges too.

    level 1 downvoteallyoulike Report

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    Stoopham McFernybabes
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They install that with this in mind - there are (or should be if install by someone who knows what they are doing) simple ways of removing the panels for maintenance.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Wasted space. This includes enormous bedrooms with sitting areas, homes with equal number of bed and bathrooms, extravagant foyers that eat half the front of a house, formal living and/dining rooms that never get used. Etc

    Sarah-the-Great Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Okay but everyone having their own bathroom is awesome if you can afford it.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Humongous kitchen islands. I'm only 5 ft tall and I have to walk around the entire thing to get it clean. It's just too big to be convenient.

    Add to that open shelves instead of cabinets. I'm sorry my boxes of pasta and cans of soup are not going to be attractive no matter what I do with them.

    I also want separation between the kitchen and the living space.

    I guess I just hate modern kitchens...

    Coconut-bird Report

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    Milady Blue
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Those islands are also a major pain to those of us in wheelchairs. Taking up valuable floor space in the kitchen that we need to get around. If you want a place to eat, go into the dining room and utilize the table dedicated to just that.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones I am not an interior designer but I cannot stand the whole “farmhouse chic” trend and can’t wait for it to go away, it’s everywhere. What’s everyone going to do when it becomes dated and they can’t sell their homes bc it looks like an effing farmhouse? Also like someone stated above I don’t think the open floor plan is something that’s going to last forever.

    lmitch89 Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Open concept floor plans are great for smaller homes. Y'all are just classist lol

    redupvoted Report

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    Pungent Sauce
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Small homeowner here, knocked out the wall between the kitchen and living room, installed breakfast bar. Best move ever, kitchen is no longer a dungeon, house feels 2x as big.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Fake panelling. Grey everything.

    missfoxsticks Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones I’m still training in kitchen design for a retail store and in my short time in this department I can tell you everyone wants white shaker-style cabinets. EVERYONE. I’m so sick of doing basic, unimaginative kitchens. The white in-stock shaker-style cabinets are also our biggest sellers. In-stock cabinets are complete trash and fall apart if you look at them wrong.

    bluegrass76 Report

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    Anna Banana
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well I'm sorry you're bored at your job, but crazy designs get old pretty quickly so it's no wonder that most people want simple things. Especially since most of us are stuck with those choices for a couple of decades.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Vinyl “hardwood” floors. I’m already tired of seeing them

    AccurateWarning5 Report

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    Anna Banana
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I doubt this is a trend that rich people choose over actual hardwood. But as a halfway step to freshen up the place quite cheaply it's not so bad in my opinion.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Definitely barn doors.

    GillianOMalley Report

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    I I
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    dont mind them in tight spaces as they take up way less room than a swing door

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Not necessarily new but... If you put the bathroom light switches outside the bathroom.. you should be drown in your own shit.

    TysonGoesOutside Report

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    R Adams
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All the (old) houses i've lived in had switches in the bathroom but they were pull cord switches so quite safe. Lots of people i know (uk) have these.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Small kitchens with little to literally no pantry. Some of us still cook!

    liltxchicken Report

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    John Baker
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unless it's a custom build, I don't think most houses have had an actual pantry since the 1930s.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Microwave 'Vent hoods'.
    Building code should state that all new homes and apartments must actually take cooking fumes and misty oil, steam, heat, CO and blow them outside.
    Whoever invented the microwave fan that sucks all the fumes up and blows them back out the top needs to be kicked in the dick three times.

    Ennion Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We don't have a vent for our oven right now and it sucks. Whoever designed our kitchen was a moron.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Microwaves over stoves. That built in ventilator is not a substitute for a proper exhaust. All it does is turbocharge smoke/grease into the cabinets above the microwave. I just want a real vent over a stove so I don’t need to worry about setting a smoke detector off whenever I cook bacon or sear something.

    Turbo_All_The_Things Report

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    Madeleine Flowers
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This isn't exactly a new thing. My house that was built in the 90s has this, and it isn't too bad (except we can't microwave stuff after boiling something). The smoke detectors don't go off unless there's smoke, and it isn't a problem.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Most sinks are absolutely terrible. Looking better is nice, but not at the expense of hitting your hand on the bowl every time you wash your hands.

    zed910 Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or not being able to dunk your head in when you want to wash (or just wet) your hair but don’t need to also take a shower. There is not enough room between the end of the faucet and the edge of the sink for me to fit my head—-and it’s not like I have some unusually enormous head.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Floor-to-ceiling, clear glass showers. They look great when they are spotlessly clean, which means it looks terrible most of the time in most homes.

    wazzel2u Report

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    Tenacious Squirrel
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We’ve had these in several places we’ve lived. I love them. There’s no issue. You can quickly squeegee it after a shower (takes 1 minute). Even if you leave it a few times it’s not that shocking/upsetting to see a few water droplets on the glass. Aren’t most showers glass anyway? I don’t know anyone who still uses a shower curtain (which I think easily get manky and are far less hygienic than glass).

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones A lot of new box-looking modern builds near me and when it rains the eavestroughs freak out and don't know where to put the water. Overflow from the roof all over the freshly mulched gardens with two flowers and a tuft of giant grass in it.

    It's like the builder misunderstood that "rain" is a plural of raindrops and they were only expecting one singular raindrop to descend from the heavens.

    MaxTheRealSlayer Report

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    Andy Acceber
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate to say it, but in that landscape, not expecting rain seems reasonable. The issue is when people take buildings from specific regions and try to plop them into new places without considering any other factors. I learned in college that U.S. aid groups did this infamously in the '90s. They went to the Amazon rainforest area and insisted the locals needed concrete homes with tin roofs instead of the thatched roof homes people had been living in for generations. The aid group even built some concrete homes. What they quickly realized and were forced to admit was that the concrete and tin homes didn't breathe as well as the thatched homes. They became oppressively hot. The sound of the rain on the tin roofs was deafening. It was so bad that livestock couldn't even live in the concrete homes. The concrete houses that they had pushed for so strongly had to be relegated as grain storage.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Fake shutters. They dont even look like they would cover the windows on most houses and they just look like garbage. If you love shutters so much, install real ones.

    celestian1998 Report

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    N G
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wrong picture, this doesn't show fake shutters. (Try shutter stock pictures)

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Go to a high end gated community development ($800k - 2M price points in my area) front of the homes is beautiful stone, brick, etc but on the back every house has cheap ugly vinyl siding all the same color as far as the eye can see. I never understood this since you actually spend time in the back yard not the front.

    MisterSolid Report

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones The obsession with space. So many people won't even consider anything under 2,000sqft. People don't even think about what it would cost to heat and cool. They just gotta have a McMansion.

    User_492006 Report

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    Daria Z
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    2000 sqft = 186 sqm. That's a lot! My flat is 65 sqm (700 sqft) and it's considered quite spacious where I live :0

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones No trim on doors and windows. The drywall comes up to the door jam and it's squared off. It looks like a Greyhound bus station.

    RonSwansonsOldMan Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good luck repairing bad corner dings too. Wood is better. Notice I didn't say MDF.


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Minimalism and pure white/grey scale tones. If I wanted to hang out in a hospital waiting room from 2060, I’d build a time machine

    Cranberryvacuum Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This must be the 10th time the same thing has been mentioned on this list.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Every single tile option in the store in one, small bathroom.

    Granite countertops.

    Open concept floorplans.

    All the other terrible designs they constantly flog on HGTV.

    Master_Tape Report

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    Milady Blue
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like the last item on your list - maybe we should start a petition to flog the idiots on HGTV! One hundred lashes to house flippers to start with.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones 4"x4" tile countertops... So many crevices to scrape and clean.

    wazzel2u Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lots of homes—-and furniture and appliances too come to think of it—-are not designed to be cleaned very easily. Too many hard to reach places where dirt and dust just LOVE to congregate. Linoleum floors are another thing. I know they’re not designed to be completely flat, so people don’t slip and fall, but ffs, quit designing them so the dirt just gets pooled in those little concave dips. Bring back old fashioned Lino squares and I’ll put down my own non-slip rugs.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Glass railing. Gets dirty really easy and a big pain in the ass to install.

    richard-777 Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Kitchens that they cram into a narrow rectangle. A lot of apartments and town houses come with these. They are so narrow that if you open the fridge door, nobody can walk past you.

    A kitchen should be open, not walled in all sides and shaped like a narrow rectangle. It drives me crazy when I see these.

    Effective_James Report

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    Kimi Tomminello
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ummmmm ok so open concept sucks, farmhouse kitchens suck, modern kitchens suck and galley kitchens suck.... Soooooooo what the heck does everybody want?

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones I hate that my laundry room isn’t near the bedrooms. The dirty clothes are generated in the bedrooms and bathrooms! Put a damn drain in the laundry room floor. I hate carrying laundry down the stairs. And it hate carrying the clean laundry back upstairs. It’s crazy.

    Nectoux Report

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    Jenny K Anderson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My sister’s house has a laundry room on the second floor, where the bedrooms and a couple of bathrooms are located. I’ve never, ever heard her complain about laundry and I’m sure that is the reason!

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones I have not been inside a new home in quite a while, but the exteriors seem to be designed by a committee of people who can't work together. Every possible exterior finish is on there, faux brick/stone, stucco, siding at all angles, board and batten, shingles/shakes, you name it, some part of the house has it, often in disparate colours. It looks very bad.

    FrightenedOfSpoons Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Painting over bricks. It's just like how people used to put carpet over nice wood hard floors.

    dunkinnd Report

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    Dina Anastasakos
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I disagree. Our house was built in the 80's and they used this ugly brown beigh brick for the fire place. We had it painted white and it looks amazing, modern and fresh

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones The fact that they're all so big. Nobody is making homes that are smaller than 2500 square feet. Not everybody who hopes to own a home some day is looking forward to raising five children and vacumming 12 different rooms every week.

    ConniveryDives Report

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Boho chic. I see a lot of former airbnbs needing full restyling.

    [deleted] Report

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    Bexx 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You know what, I kinda like a little boho sometimes. Natural textures and plants can be really warm and inviting :) like everything else in life, just don’t overdo it

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones I don't like it when they have like ten different rooflines that are only a foot or two deep. Are they hoping it looks like an older house that's had many add-ons done?

    LeonardGhostal Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones I absolutely hate brown/white/black “modern” designs. Everything looks boring and bland. Report

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    Kate Jones
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I actually really love some black design trends. It looks best in large, modern spaces and there should be some element that sets it off, but in some cases they are absolutely gorgeous. If you do a search on pinterest for 'modern black interior design', you'll see some stunning interiors. Particularly kitchens.


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Having a built in faucet with swing arm over fancy dog bowls. They’re putting single, easy turn handles on them! It’ll take the dogs 2 or 3 days to figure out how to turn ON the water. They’ll never learn to turn it OFF! Lol

    winedogmom88 Report

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    Joyce C
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd be afraid of the dogs bumping the faucet on and flooding the entire room.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Clear bathrooms in studio or one-bedroom apartments!

    lyricmeowmeow Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is this a case of "image doesn't match post" or am I just failing to see why this would be an issue for apartments but not houses?


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Terrible refrigerator placement. You can't open the door without slamming them on a wall.

    NotAsleepATM Report

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    Commander OwO
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My fridge is positioned so that anybody who sits on the sofa will get a nice smack in the legs by anyone opening the fridge door.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones A gabled ceiling to make your room taller.

    Open floor plans that let your neighbor see completely through your house.

    An undersized front stoop.

    No landscaping or trees in your whole development. Or even worse when they half ass it in front of your 400k new house.

    Vertibrate Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Probably plant spindly Bradford pear trees that look nice but smell awful when in bloom... hey I just read that South Carolina is set to ban those in 2024 because apparently they're invasive pests as well:

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Fake wood ceramic tile floors.

    tecg Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes this is for practical purposes. I've been in a number of homes in Florida that use this. They don't like the traditional tile look, and because of.water, sand, and flooding issues, real or even laminate wood would be impractical.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones I don’t get why people need a bowl full of ornaments or just shiny balls

    Can_of_Eggs Report

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    Firstname Lastname
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because bowls of fruit go rotten, /obviously./ Gotta have something for their non-cereal bowl.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones These toilets that don't even come up to my kneecaps with how low they sit.

    DrainYourDamnPool Report

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    I I
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    low toilets are better for pooping , the closer your knees are to your chest the better

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones The worst trend in home design is definitely the “welcome to my garage” front of suburban homes. Why can’t you let me park on the side? Why can’t I have a nice front of house without a huge ass utility door like a goddamn barn!? I AM PEOPLE!

    1887last_col Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because the lots are generally too narrow for side parking? There was another post on here complaining about garages that barely fit two cars. I dunno, if you live the car lifestyle you have to deal with the consequences...

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones That modern metallic design that's taking over practically every new development. The homes just feel cold

    Every new building in my neighborhood is like it. The only big positive is that they all are typically multi-purpose so there's like stores and restaurants at the bottom.

    soonerguy11 Report

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    Darla Taylor
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just don’t be drunk when going home or you might end up in the wrong place

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Windows smaller than portholes.

    British Leyland build quality.

    Inadequate heating.

    Drug gangs buying entire streets as production sites

    newforestroadwarrior Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones That vase with a hole in the center with some sticks or scraggly branches in it.

    level 1 2ByteTheDecker Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Big showers but no bathtub.

    Greyish colored floors.

    Shelves instead of upper cabinets.

    sonia72quebec Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Why do new modern houses have a butlers pantry? Firstly, who entertains to that scale and secondly they are not a real butlers pantries (that is, a place for minor food prep before dinner is served in the formal dining room that is far away from the kitchen. They have really become the real kitchen that gets used while the big kitchen in the open plan living area is just a show piece.

    dkatz12 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because they're awesome. My grandmothers house in rutherford, NJ(which they bought in 1964, and was built in 1898) had one, and it was not a big place. The first floor was an eat in kitchen, than formal dining room with a 10 ft table (family of 8) that barely left any room to pull out the chairs, a living room, a closed in front porch, and a small entry way where the staircase was. Upstairs was 3 bedroom, and they eventually finished the attic when the kids got older. It was only 1500 sq ft. But off the back of the dinging room, right next to the doorway from the kitchen was a butlers pantry. The walls and ceiling were lined with 18inches of stonework, the room was maybe 8x8ft (if that), with 4x2.5ft work surface along one wall and shelves on the rest going up to the ceiling. It never got above 50 degree in that room, and when you have a family of 8, it's very useful to have a place that's out of the way you can keep food until it's ready to serve.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Putting central HVAC vents in the ceilings instead of the floor, especially in rooms with taller ceilings. That will work fine for AC during the summer because cool air sinks, but hot air rises, so all that heat will never reach the ground/where people are during the winter and your rooms will be freezing.

    TheJadedSF Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Depends on the design of the house. Not all houses can have it overhead and unless you spray foam the roof then having it overhead is a bad idea because the first thing the system has to do in the summer is cool the ducts before it can even begin to cool the house. In the winter it's the opposite.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Having lots of glass doors, walls, and ceilings.

    Duke_of_DonkeyDonuts Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's new apartment building in my city literally called Glass House. Some years ago there was hype about it and a staged layout was set up in a mall. So, I stepped into the mock apartment and it was like walking into a fishbowl.

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Barn doors are so stupid. It’s a heavier, more expensive, harder to open door. And then it still has a public bathroom-style gap that eliminates actual privacy.

    mywifemademegetthis Report

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    I I
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    in small spaces they are a God send , swing doors take up lots of room

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    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Double washer and dryers. Really necessary?

    guyuteharpua Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Master bathroom is luxurious, has big bathtub next to small (nice) stand-up shower.

    When looking for a home last year, we walked into countless homes like that.

    2 person walk in shower is where it's at!

    Godlesskandykunt Report


    Interior Designers Share What Modern Home Trends They Find Annoying, And Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones Rounded corners. Sure. They look cool till you want to paint your kitchen a different color from your living room.

    gabehcuod37 Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a child, I had awful earaches and motion sickness stemming from inner ear issues I had at birth (I came a bit early, so I think it was developmental, but I digress). They got better as I got older, but the residual effect is that I’m just kinda clumsy. I even took dance lessons for years to help improve my balance, and they did help. But I’m still not graceful and my balance is not perfect. So sharp corners on furniture and counters, stuff that sticks out too far on doors, walls, etc, way too narrow hallways, etc, are the bane of my existence. I always have a couple bruises somewhere from tripping or going off balance and bumping into them. I’ve gotten really good at making it look like I did it on purpose to be funny.

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