70 Times People Saw Something Interesting On The Road And Just Had To Take A Pic (New Pics)
The open road can be mundane and uneventful for the most part. But occasionally, you may catch something so interesting that you’d be compelled to take a snapshot.
These people did, and they’re sharing these random, attention-grabbing sightings online. Many of the images you’ll see are of peculiar-looking vehicles, chuckle-worthy signs, and motorcycle passengers that may make you question if what you’re seeing is, indeed, real.
Enjoy scrolling through these photos, and have a few good laughs while you’re at it.
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These Guys Were Driving Around And Playing Live Music
Somebody Drew A Mona Lisa With Dust Accumulated On The Truck Box
Hang On Woody
It’s one thing to spot something odd as a passenger and take a photo of it. However, drivers must not take their attention off the road in front of them. Unfortunately, distracted driving is a continuous problem that impacts thousands of lives each year.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) classifies three types of distracted driving: visual (taking your eyes off the road), manual (taking your hands off the steering wheel), and cognitive (letting your mind wander while driving).
Huge Respect To This Guy Working At A Construction Site At Highway 7 And 400 Who Helped A Huge Flock Of Geese Cross The Busy Street
We know to take the cobra chickens seriously here in the Greater Toronto Area. We're all safer that way - even guys in hard hats.
Now the Cobra Chickens owe him, and that is more valuable than gold.
Actually,my experience has taught me that if they're in a flock, they leave you alone. When they're on their own, then they become jerks.
We don't have this behavior with geese in the east. Maybe these ones understood there's no hunters and less predators in urban zones.
“The East” in what country? I live on the east coast of the US, in an area with a load of avid hunters, and predators too in more rural areas. I have seen flocks of both geese and ducks exhibit this behavior on the regular, regardless of traffic or whether it’s a big city street or a rural back road. However, people DO normally stop and let them cross. Only a real inhumane a*****e wouldn’t do at least that (or at minimum, try, as there are times it could legit be unavoidable). I’ve seen people stop their cars to block the road so the birds can cross, especially if they have chicks with them. Hell, I’ve even seen people not only block the road with their cars, but then put them in park and get out to either shoo them all across the road, or gather up the chicks AND parent(s) to carry them across the road, if they were being kind of slow or the road was really wide.
Load More Replies...My Parents Snapped This Picture Driving Through Canada
This Truck Carrying Nothing But A Toy Dumptruck
The CDC also provided statistics on distracted driving, including nine deaths from vehicular accidents daily. 3,100 people died in 2019, and that number rose to 3,308 in 2022, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
I Think This Guy Wins Halloween. Cruising Down The Road At 50 Miles An Hour
Passed This On The Highway This Morning
Dog On A Motorcycle In NYC
I will never be as cool as that dog and I don't even care because look at his doggie goggles!
More statistics by the CDC reveal that younger drivers are more at risk for distracted driving. Age ranges are between 15 and 20 in fatal crashes, as stats reveal that nine percent of these kids were distracted at the time of the accident.
Their object of distraction? You guessed it, their mobile phones. A 2019 survey showed that 39% of high school students who drove in the past 30 days either texted or sent emails while behind the wheel at least once.
This Trucks Shadow Says "Hi"
Deers Actually Crossing At A Deer Crossing Sign
The Truck In Front Of Us Lined Up Perfectly With The Mountains!
Montanya is a rum distillery in Colorado, US. "apres" means "after" such as "apres ski"
The US government has implemented measures to help curb incidents caused by distracted driving. The NHTSA launched a campaign called “Put Away or Pay,” which includes a video that shows the dangers of using one’s phone while driving.
So the next time you see something peculiar on the road, have a passenger take a photo. Or, at the very least, make sure you’re not on the move.
This Guy Towing A Mini Version Of His Car In Ohio
Stopped At A Red Light When Grandma Pulls Up With Her T-Rex Riding Shotty
This Crochet Tire Cover On A Jeep
We’d also like to hear from you, readers. Have you ever spotted something so odd while on the road that you had to take a photo of it? Hopefully, you were doing it safely. If so, share those photos in the comments!
Driving Down The Highway When... UFO?
Jesus Christ
My Sil Spotted The Weinermobile Pulled Over On I-95 Today
This Person Is Driving In The Rain While Holding An Umbrella
I Saw Batman While Sitting In Traffic
This Bus Has A Fake Car Crashed Into The Back Of It
Chickens Crossing The Road
This Guy Driving His Miniature Steam Train Round My Local Town
This Boeing Trailer Was So Long, The Tail End Had Its Own Driver/Operator
Met This Mobile Toaster On The Road Today
Thomas The Train Kidnapping
Objects In Mirror Are Stranger Than They Appear
I Found The Guy From Those Weird Math Problems We Had As Kids
Today, I Saw Captain America Driving A Motorcycle On The New Jersey Turnpike
This Truck Is Hauling Tires That Are Wider Than The Truck
Ok, but the passenger's face (in side mirror) is the best part of this photo!
Just Passed A Motorcycle Pulling A Casket
This Train Car Being Transported Via Highway
Safety First
Driving A Giant Shopping Cart
Just Drove Past This On The Highway
Spotted Yesterday
I Was Completely Surrounded By UPS Trucks Yesterday
Person Has A Mini Replica Of Their Own Truck In The Bed
Saw This Food Truck On The Highway Today. I Really Wanted To Follow Them
In the beginning Mom created the breakfast. And the breakfast was without savor or enjoyment; and darkness was on the face of the eaters. And the spirit of Mom moved to the fridge and thence to the stove. And Mom said Let there be bacon: and there was bacon.
This Is My Home Town In A Nutshell
Going Down The Highway In Dallas At About 65mph
Coolest Dog In Town
I recently spotted a boxer (the dog breed!) sitting at the wheel of a parked car outside a store looking like he drove himself there! Don’t worry the front window was cracked open slightly and it was in the evening so temperatures were low. (I want to attach the photo I took but the attach button is not working anymore..)
This Car Is Decorated With Old Floppy Disks
Just One More Sack Mate
This Guy Turned His Jet Ski Into A Motorcycle
Saw This Driving Down The Highway In East Texas
This Guy Passed Me On The Highway Today. Pretty Unique, I'll Give Him That
This Car That Is Covered In Cars I Saw On The Highway Today
Again, why am I not surprised it's a beat up Grand Caravan.... 🙄
This Chicken Car I Saw On The Highway
A Parrot On A Guy's Shoulder While Riding A Motorcycle
Saw This On The Road Tonight And Thought This Jeep Belongs Here
Mobile Home? (State Farm Insurance Advertising)
I Saw Ronald McDonald's Shoe Going Down The Highway
All-White Fleet Of Cars At An Intersection
Saw A Person On The Highway Who Fastened A Mask To The Corner Of Their Headrest
Lol My neighbor has a sloth window cling on the back window. I fall for it every time I see it.
Car Accident Results In Toilet Paper All Over The Highway
This Truck Loaded With Uncrated Onions
This L.l. Bean Boot Truck I Saw On The Highway
Imagine This Thing Going 70 Down The Highway
Every Car Is A Different Color At A Random Intersection
Saw This Spongebob Car When I Was Stopped At A Red Light
I drove next to a truck filled with bee hives on the highway to Enumclaw one summer morning. A photo would not have shown the awesomeness of being 10 feet away from a buzzing truck with hovering worker bees. I guess farmers rent hives for pollinating their fields, so beekeepers load the bees up on trucks.
Red Light
Saw This On The Highway While At Work. Dunno If I Love Or Hate The Exhaust Pipe
Dude Has A Different Taste In Cars
Offline People Must Be So Confused
Offline People, old people and foreigners. I'm in two of thsee catagories and don't know the meme.
Saw This Hot-Rod Hot-Dog On The Highway Yesterday
Saw This Decked Out Car On The Road With A License Plate That Says “Plate”
Couldn’t Help But Share A Picture Today Of This Ride
Spotted In Pennsyltucky
Bet the Jesus mobile gets great gas mileage. The aerodynamics are flawless.
I saw a car with illuminated Christmas lights driving down the road last week. It looked cool but was really distracting. Luckily I was stuck in traffic so could admire for a while 😂
I saw one too, the next night there was a news story asking people not to do this
Load More Replies...Many very interesting, the vehicle with tiny cars all over it had great texture.
I saw a car with illuminated Christmas lights driving down the road last week. It looked cool but was really distracting. Luckily I was stuck in traffic so could admire for a while 😂
I saw one too, the next night there was a news story asking people not to do this
Load More Replies...Many very interesting, the vehicle with tiny cars all over it had great texture.