50 Times People Made Something So Great, They Just Had To Share It On This Online Group (New Pics)
If you've ever made something with your own hands, you know how invaluable that thing has become. All the effort, planning and failing, thinking and redoing, searching for perfection, and then realizing it doesn’t exist is something that makes a hand-knit scarf, a pair of socks, a book nook, or any other DIY thing very special.
The Reddit community known as “Something I Made” celebrates people’s efforts in creating their miscellaneous projects by showcasing the result and proving to us all that if we’d try, we could do it too.
Below we wrapped up some of the most beautiful and creative things people created, so upvote your favorite DIY projects as you scroll. Also, be sure to check out our previous feature with more posts from “Something I Made.”
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I Drew A Skeleton With Ballpen, Feedback Of Any Kind Is Appreciated
I Made This Painting In Oil On Wood Panel
I Made A Stained Glass Panel Of Swedish Chef For My Pantry Door
We reached out to Elena Strelnikova, an artist who specializes in handmade knitting and member of the Something I Made subreddit. Her recent post of this ocean blue sweater she made caught everyone’s attention, with members of community praising her skill and talent.
“I really like to create something. When I was 9 years old, a neighbor who knitted a lot gave me a skein of yarn and showed me how to knit loops. Initially, it seemed very tedious and boring, but I wanted to knit something so much that I continued my crooked knitting until I knitted a whole scarf and was very proud of myself,” Elena, who goes as Soulartes on Reddit, recounted.
I Made A Literary Quote Clock Out Of An Old Kindle - It Tells The Time Entirely With Real Book Quotes
My Newest Drawing
I Create Custom Needle Felted Pet Replicas From Photographs
After neglecting knitting for twenty years, the artist refound her love of knitting when she got a dog. “It was my lovely Dina, who now has a few sweaters and overalls due to the cold winters in my area. Since then I have been knitting all the time,” Elena said, adding that knitting is her yoga and relaxation.
When asked about her signature handmade sweaters, Elena told us that they not only require a lot of time, but also a particular type of yarn and knitting skills. “This knitting technique is called entrelac and even a beginner can master it, and you can achieve the perfect result with experience,” she said.
Made This Little Constellation Bat!
Silly musing: Why is there no bat constellation? You'd think bats would feature more in ancient mythology, wouldn't you? Winged creatures in the night sky?
Told A Girl Im Seeing That I Can Carve A "Little". She Said Sarcastically "Yes, For Sure You Can!" - So I Made A Box For Her
Kind of like Leo DaVinci did a little bit of painting. Seriously, AMAZING work! ❤️
Made This Embroidery A Month Ago. I Like It So Much
For Elena, just like for many other members of the Something I Made community, the fact that she can create anything with her own hands is a special feeling. Moreover, since she lives in a cold region, “a warm sweater, hat and mittens are necessary.”
“I can knit things from natural, high-quality yarn that do not lose quality and appearance over the years. I have failures and sometimes I don’t knit for a long time, but when I get bored, I return to knitting again,” Elena told us. She also said that she loves it when her handmade things are worn by people in many countries of the world and it brings them joy.
I Made A Reversible Astronomy Hoodie!
I Recently Knitted An Ocean Blue Sweater, My Favorite Colors
A Quilt I Made For A Friends Baby
Right now, Elena is busy knitting a sweater with a polar bear face. “I have long wanted to master intarsia and jacquard,” she said.
For the beginners of knitting, Elena’s advice is to not be afraid and take on any project that they want. “Nothing is impossible. There is now a lot of free and paid information on the internet on how to learn to knit, master knitting techniques or knit a particular product,” she said. Check out Elena's handmade creations on her website.
An Acrylic Painting I Finally Finished Called "Valley Of The Disco Moon"
I Made A Möbius Loop Out Of Ash
Little Doll With Set Clothes And Wooden Rack
I Made These Multicolored Boots For My Client And He Loved It
This Is My Pencil Drawing Of Heisenberg, Hope You Enjoy It
I Designed A Rattlesnake Pen Holder
My Dad And I Built A Small House!
I Made A 19th Century Costume To Be A Victorian Captain America. (Everything I'm Wearing, Down To The Corset And Petticoat Were Sew By Hand)
A Month Ago I Put My Teeny Tiny Working, Watch Cufflinks On Reddit - And Reddit Blew Us Up!
I Just Finished My Little Robot. It Has An Unusual Color. It's On A Wire Frame. Can Bend Arms And Legs
What Do You Think About Combined Handmade Techniques? For Example, I Crochet This Iguana In 3 Colors Of Threads, Than Painted And Made Clay Details
I Made This Painting Of How The Desert Felt To Me. This Is “Desert Magic”
Moon Struck, Charcoal And Pastel Art By Me
I Had A Dream That I Made Cottage Pie With Starry Night Mashed Potatoes And I Haven’t Been Able To Stop Thinking About It.. So I Present To You The Starry Night Cottage Pie
I Made Wooden Manta Ray Figure
That's beautiful. You've captured the simple gracefulness so well.
Lumps Of Coal For The Naughty Made Of Clay By Me :) They Have Butts Haha
Made A Fridge Magnet For All My Fellow Adhd Friends
I Have 7 Sisters And Every Christmas We Get Together. Since Childhood, We Gave Mom Gifts Made With Our Own Hands. I'm Looking Forward To Christmas And Have Prepared A Gift For My Mother. I Want Summer To Always Be With Her In The Cold Winter! I Made Her These Plates
My Anatomical Tablet. The Goal Is To Tell The Child About What The Person Has Inside. I Don’t Have A Medical Education, Everything Was Done Just From An Anatomy Textbook, So If There Are Comments, I’ll Listen
Whale Shark Flask (And Cups)! One Of My Favorite Creations Even After A Year
Stained Glass Window I Made A Few Years Ago
Lockdown Garden Bar Project
I Made These Metal Insects
Super Proud Of My Polymer Clay Snake Rings!
Incredibly wonderful. I'm slightly nervous because I'm not sure if polymer clay is strong enough for that without extra reinforcement.
An Oil Painting Painted By Me
I Knitted Happy Sweater! Entrelac Technique Of Knit
A Handful Of Miniature Ceramic Horses I Have Been Working Recently. Hope You Guys Like It!
Reminds me of the trojan horse, need to make little trojans that can pop out of them now... i said pop, not poop!
I Made A Spider Brooch
A Skirt I Made From A Curtain I Got At Goodwill (Made The Blouse Too)
Ceramic Planters I Made
I Decided To Repeat My Favorite Lemon Plates In A Different Color. Which One Do You Like More - Green Or Red? Or Yellow Is Your Favorite?
I’m for yellow and I’d like to add I have an urge to lick them like lollipops.
Tangerines Handmade From Polymer Clay
Some Things I’m Really Proud Of Creating Recently
A Needle Felted Ghostie For The Spooky Season
I've Been Making These Plant Shelves Recently Out Of Hand Planed And Sanded Wood
Lately I Have Been Working On A New Set Of Pots. All Ready To Dry
I Made Some Hoodies From Wool Blankets
I Have Made The Perfect Tree Topper
I think in this modern age we forget that once a lot of us were skilled crafts people as you could not just order up from China. In the UK we used have this man called Fred Dibnah who did television programs visiting people with old skills. I remember him visiting one man the very few men who used to make the wooden blanks of engine parts for black sand casting. Not only could this man craft an exact engine blank from wood but also size it to allow for the shrinkage of the molten metal in the mold.
Isn't this from Reddit? I did a "find image source" on one of the pictures and it went to Reddit. Am I wrong?
Load More Replies...I think in this modern age we forget that once a lot of us were skilled crafts people as you could not just order up from China. In the UK we used have this man called Fred Dibnah who did television programs visiting people with old skills. I remember him visiting one man the very few men who used to make the wooden blanks of engine parts for black sand casting. Not only could this man craft an exact engine blank from wood but also size it to allow for the shrinkage of the molten metal in the mold.
Isn't this from Reddit? I did a "find image source" on one of the pictures and it went to Reddit. Am I wrong?
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