45 Times People Found Such Great Things In Thrift Stores, Flea Markets, And Garage Sales, They Just Had To Share
Shopping at thrift stores is pretty exciting. You never know what you're going to find next. Regular stores usually have generic themes and you have a basic understanding of what they offer. But with thrift stores, it's like opening the old metal cookie box in your grandma's attic. From a Jesus Magic 8-Ball to a sassy "grandfather" clock/shelf, you’d pretty much have to buy these things if you found them stumbled upon. Nobody could miss such an opportunity. Scroll down, enjoy, and upvote your faves.
For more similar pics, check out our older collections of rare secondhand finds here, here, and here.
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I See All Your Sassy Teapots, But I Think I Found Something Even More Sassy. I Present To You All The Sassy Grandfather Clock!
The younger generation is possibly the most environmentally-conscious one yet, and to protect our earth people are taking initiative to reduce waste. Buying clothes from thrift shops significantly reduces not just waste but pollution as well.
Saw This In Tasmania Australia At The Salvation Army. I Thought "Argh Cute Chair" Turned It Upside Down And Giggled For 5 Minutes
75 Cents At An Estate Sale. Definitely Came Home With Me
My New Thrift Store Find, With This New Sweater Everybody Will Know I'm A Funguy
Thrift shopping probably pleases millennials the most—a group fond of supporting local businesses and/or companies with shared value systems. "Millennials are very keen to do something that helps other people," Ekstrand said. "They want that connection; they want to feel good about being environmentally conscious. They want to do the right thing."
This Is Lexus, She Is 20.5 Years Old. This Is Her Bed Which Was Found At A Consignment Store About 8 Years Ago! She Loves It. In Her Old Age I Have Had To Put A Paint Can Underneath It So She Has A Step
My Daughter, She Gets Me. She Found The Pot At A Goodwill ($2.). It Was Originally Made For Baking Soda But This Is Much Better
Finally Found A Mushroom Lamp Today! I Am In Love
After 20 Years Of Loving This Towel, We Found The Exact Same One, Completely New, At Goodwill
We’re Redoing Our Bathroom And Discovered Some “Secondhand” Wallpaper Under The Mirror And Light Fixture
I’m in love with the doodles. I took it off the wall and was able to keep most of it in one piece, it’s in great shape! May just have to frame it
Found This Around The Vases At Fabulous Finds In Port Charlotte, Fl. They Didn't Know It Was A Hat! I Was Delighted To Find It And Take It Home With Me
We Moved Into A Vintage 1962 House With Everything Original. This Dollhouse Was Built Into The Cabinets In One Of The Rooms And I Was Gifted It To Keep Safe And Enjoy. Mary Built This Over A Ten Year Period While She Was Sick
I Went To An Estate Sale Which I Knew Was A Distant Relative. Things Were Pretty Much Picked Over...but Then I Looked In The Back Of A Cupboard And Saw This Teacup. I Turned It Over To See Who Made It...
"To my surprise this piece of tape was on the bottom. It reads 'From Aunt Mandy on our 25th wedding anniversary Dec 1961', 'Cup given to Grandma Lange's mother on her 25th ann.'Soooo....I have a Great Aunt Mandy and my Grandma was a Lange. With a bit of research we determined that this cup was given to MY great great grandmother approx in 1868!!!"
Girlfriend Found This The Other Day And Wants To Reupholster It In Purple Velvet. From What I Was Able To Find Out Its Called A Victorian Balloon* Chair And Rike's (From The Tag) Was A Department Store In Dayton Ohio
My 10 Year Old Son And I Found This Tiny Cast Iron Stove Last Week At An Antique Store And I Let Him Cook A Tiny Grilled Cheese Sandwich And Tomato Soup On It! It Worked!
The Fur Babes Got A Tiny Couch. $30.. What A Steal
Fun Little Salt And Pepper Shakers
I Found The Thrift Store Holy Grail. Am I Ready For Pride Or What? $7.99 For The Rainbow-Sequined Bodysuit And Worth Every Cent
Behold. Chewbacca, Riding A Giant Squirrel, Fighting Nazis. It’s About 11x14 And Resides In Our Dining Room
The Top Is A Random Painting I Bought, The Bottom Is My Dog, Applesauce. I Had To Buy The Painting, The Resemblance Is Uncanny!
I Found A Gift I Made For Someone In A Thrift Store
It’s a big, squishy, crocheted blanket made with bernat blanket yarn. I made it in 2017 for a dear older friend that I knew from our coordinated 3x a week outpatient hospital infusions. I visited her when she was inpatient in hospital and gave her the blanket. She was so touched! She wasn’t getting a lot of visitors and I really felt for her. She passed christmas day, 2017. I’m not mad, just a bit sad thinking about it sitting there. It was stained and looked pretty well-loved... I’d like to think it was a comfort in her last days
You Could Say My New Hair Dryer Is Packin' Some Heat
Does This Qualify As A House Hippo?
About 25 years ago I saw this for sale at a furniture shop, there was no way I could afford it so it stayed there. Fast forward to a couple of years ago on a local buy swap sell, lo and behold there's my hippo - there was no way it was getting away this time!
My Halloween Costume From Last Year
It started with the homemade dress at a thrift store in Dallas, Oregon. I told my wife “hey, I bet I could fit into this” and there was no turning back. I made a point to gather all other elements from thrift stores (I already owned the shoes)
My Husband Patrick Is A Massive Cat Lover, To The Point He's Now Called Catrick. Today We Found Him The Most Purrrfect Vest
My Husband Saw This In Front Of An Antique Shop While On A Business Trip In Pennsylvania. It Totally Came Home!
It gets moved around a lot, because it‘s huge! Since so many people have asked *adding* he paid $700 for it.... A lot for us but we are both thrilled with the new addition to our family
This Is One Of My More Recent And Favorite Finds, Bought It As Soon As I Saw It! Best Knife Set Ever
I’m lucky enough to manage a non profit thrift store in my town (matthews, nc), and have wonderful volunteers that usually leave the weirdest donations on my desk because they know I love the unusual items
Who Wouldnt Want A Chameleon Tape Dispenser?! Wasnt For Sale Unfortunately But It Was Found The On The Desk Of A Thrift Store Cashier Such A Cute Little Weirdo
I Have So Many Questions. Like Who Is This Brave Kitty? And What Did He Do To Earn His Metal? And How Did They Get Him To Wear That Uniform? Does He Put His Little Helmet On Himself?
That cat is Chessie, one of the logos for the Chesapeake Railway. She's sleeping at the bottom, and the image above is her dreaming about being a WWI hero.
Found This Gem While Browsing The Thrift Shop Last Night For $6.99
I asked the husband how i looked, and he said it was "hideous." I told him it's what's on the inside that counts. Paired it with a suit jacket, think i should wear it to my 16 year old's meet the teacher night tonight?
Found This Granny At An Estate Sale In Ft Worth. Yes, She Came Home With Me! Worth The Money For The Laughs We’ve Had. She Will Be Dressed For Every Holiday!
I See The Occasional Post Where Someone Finds Their Own Art Etc, So I Guess This Is Mine. The First Photo Is Me At A Vintage/Thrift Sale On Sat, Holding A Dress. The Second Is Me, Age 16, Wearing The Exact Same Dress!
I personally hand sewed all the sequins and appliqués, for competitions in beauty pageants. When I saw it I nearly fell over. No one in my family knows how it got an hour’s drive away, after 24 years. Pretty proud though, my yee haw creation was marked at $80.
This Is Her Napping Chair
Ohhh The Looks I Got Walking Around With This After I Purchased It Today
Found This Happy Little Guy And Had To Bring Him Home
The Miracle Of Life
I think we're missing a crucial part of this miracle. Something needs to happen before the tiny pin gets in there.
Hand Painted Find At Goodwill... This Cat Has Seen Some Things
Dinosaur Chopsticks! I Have Found My Soulmate
I Don’t Even Know A Rick, I Just Thought For A Quarter It Was Too Cute To Pass Up. Provided Several Size References
What 1980’s Teenager Donated This? Found It In A Bin Of Donations. I Work At Goodwill
Only $1 And Completely Unused! At The Place Of Forsyth Thrift Store In Cumming, Georgia
I Believe, It’s A Funeral Fan, I Have Two Of Them. Way Back When... Fans Like This Were Placed On Each End Of A Casket And Were Used To Help Keep The Body Cool
I unearthed this one from the garage this morning... I consider selling them every time I have to move them because they are so heavy and awkward... and then I look at them and imagine all the weird stories they could tell if only fans could tell stories... and decide to keep them
That is awesome. I don't travel far from my fan and this one has funeral home stories?! I've never wanted anything more in my life. If I ever see one I'm buying it and keeping it forever.
Floor Snake Lamp
Kenosha Wisconsin Goodwill
100+ Year Old Magicians Suit
Found This Little Gem Today In A Antique Store, Definitely Came Home With Me
Thanks Bored panda for letting me know that have 175 images but I have to go back to the beginning, image number 1, pass all the 91 images I saw already. I'm bored but not that much.
I knooow! This whole thing with them shortening the posts is so annoying. Let me scroll my funnies in peace...
Load More Replies...Thanks Bored panda for letting me know that have 175 images but I have to go back to the beginning, image number 1, pass all the 91 images I saw already. I'm bored but not that much.
I knooow! This whole thing with them shortening the posts is so annoying. Let me scroll my funnies in peace...
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