“The Ultimate Resource To Creatures Of Myths And Legends”: This Page Is Sharing How Mythical Creatures Actually Look, And They’re Both Fascinating And Spine-Chilling
Interview With ArtistHave you ever heard of Mantabungal, Sannaja, or Colôrobètch? Don’t worry, me neither.
But this fascinating project called A Book Of Creatures shows the most unbelievable mythical creatures that were born in the folk and legend of different cultures.
“Our imagination has always been our greatest ally, and our worst enemy. In the face of the unknown, we populated it with creatures of all shapes and sizes, from minuscule spirits to gigantic cosmic monsters,” the description says and you can already pull your seat closer.
The creator of the project named Emile draws all the entities himself, sharing their stories and origins in every post on Instagram.
“One of the things I want to convey is just how imaginative we humans are, and how well we can create meaningful, understandable things to make sense of a complicated and confusing world,” the artist told Bored Panda. Scroll down for the full interview!
More info: ABookOfCreatures.com | Facebook
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I’m Really Glad To Find That Dijiang Is Getting More Popular! Identified With Hundun By Some, It Has No Face But Has Six Legs And Four Wings (Like An Insect?) And Resembles A Sac Of Cinnabar. And It Lives In A Perpetual State Of Confusion, But Can Sing! And Dance! A Real Triple Threat! And It’s Cute Too!
Emile, the creator of A Book Of Creatures and the artist who draws these monsters, told us that he has always been creating imaginary creatures.
“At least as far as 1st grade I used to fill up copybooks with such terrifying beings as crab dragons and snakehead striders. Eventually, I grew fascinated with the creatures our imagination has dreamed up, whether they were misinterpreted real animals or explanations for natural causes or simply flights of fancy,” the artist recounted.
Usilosimapundu Is A Colossal Creature From Zulu Folklore. He Literally Carries Ecosystems On His Back, And His Head Is An Enormous Boulder. A Swallowing Monster, He Is A Personification Of Landslides
The Nurikabe Is A Japanese Yokai That Is Little More Than A Living Wall. It Loves Nothing More Than Obstructing People’s Paths By Night And Being A General Nuisance
But what really made Emile make A Book Of Creatures was discovering the Caspilly–“a unicorn fish that stabs whales to death–in an old book about the sea, and I went ‘hey, I didn't know about that! Everyone should know about it!’"
That was the origin of the project. “I collected a bunch of creatures over time, and eventually progressed to serious in-depth research to describe and illustrate them.”
The Brethmechin Is A Sea Creature That Looks Like A Cross Between A Fish And A Panther, And Is Red With Blue Markings. One Was Found Washed Up On Java On April 14, 1551
The Araǵanaqlta’a Is The Father Of Snakes In Argentinian Toba Folklore. It Is A Shapeshifter That Normally Appears As A Rainbow Colored Snake With A Mark On Its Head And A Sawlike Structure On Its Sides That Helps It To Move. It Punishes Those Who Harm Nature And Snakes, And Rewards Those Who Treat It With Respect
Emile believes that there is no end to what our imagination can come up with. “That said, I also want to convey how trends in creatures exist - Europe has so many dangerous water horses, Africa has swallowing monsters... By putting them together I want to make it easier to compare them,” he said.
The Yamabiko Lives In The High Mountains Of Japan. When People Call Out, It Responds With A Mocking Echo
The Wolpertinger Is A Taxidermist’s Chimera From Bavaria, Germany. Stick Wings And Antlers And Fangs On A Hare, And Done! It Has A Bunch Of Relatives Throughout Germany Too, And All Of Them Are Much Like The American Jackalope
Moreover, the artist explained that his other mission is to make it clear how important research and going back to original sources is. “There's a lot of poor, surface-level scholarship that's been done on mythical creatures, and I want to help untangle that by citing primary references. That, I think, is the most important thing to me, making sure references are available.”
The Tabib Al-Bahr Or Doctor Of The Sea Is A Gentle Marine Creature From Middle Eastern Alchemical Texts. It Can Shapeshift Into A Giant Sea Monster, But Its Good Nature Leads It To Healing Others With The Magical Gemstone On Its Forehead
The Yedua Or Adne Hasadeh (Lord Of The Field) Is A Plant-Animal Hybrid From Jewish Folklore. It Is Connected To The Ground By A Stem Attached To Its Navel. It Is Very Fierce, But It Dies If Its Umbilical Stem Is Cut. Its Bones Are Useful For Divination
I wouldn’t be alarmed by this if that grass is keeping it tethered safely
The Saratan (Also Incorrectly Known As Zaratan), Literally “Crab”, Is A Gigantic Sea-Going Crustacean Described By Al-Damiri. It Pretends To Be An Island, And When Sailors Land On It, It Sinks And Drowns Them
When Emile started ABC, there was relatively little well-researched and illustrated resources on "real" mythical creatures ("’real’ as in they're actually from folklore and myth, as opposed to created for a literary or fantasy project,” he explained).
But this has been changing. “I would say that followers would be interested in myths, legends, folklore, fantasy - looking for the origins of a creature mentioned in a book, perhaps? But also an interest in science and the natural world is present, after all, a lot of creatures are misidentified animals that would be familiar to us today,” Emile said.
Readers frequently write to him, informing him of creatures he hadn't even heard of. “A huge shout-out to them! I wouldn't be where I am today without my readers, who I greatly appreciate.”
The Kamaitachi Is The Yokai Of Unexplained Cuts. Found Primarily In Chilly Honshu, It Is A Weasel With Sickle-Like Claws That Travels In Whirlwinds And Inflicts Cuts On People
The Sannaja Is An Enormous And Ridiculous Basilisk-Like Creature From Middle Eastern Folklore. It Is Said To Live In The Himalayas. If You See It, You Die… But If It Sees You, It Dies. Therefore Coming Up To It With Your Eyes Closed Will Kill It Easily
The Eintykára Are Stingless Bees From The Folklore Of The Chamacoco Of Paraguay. Not Only Do They Produce Delicious Honey And Build Suggestive Hives, But A Swarm Of The Bees Can Shapeshift Into A Beautiful Man Who Will Provide Honey And Beeswax For The Tribe
I need to know what a "suggestive" hive looks like...Sexual? Inviting? Massive? Girthy? I DON'T CARE FOR THE HANDSOME BEE MAN, I MUST KNOW ABOUT THE HIVE!
When asked what is his favorite creature, Emile said that it’s a tough question since there's so many of them. “I already mentioned the Caspilly, the idea of a unicorn fish that stabs whales to death is hilarious to me. There's the Boongurunguru, a Solomon Islands wild boar with ferns growing on its head and a hornets' nest under its chin. It hates being called a pig, so if someone mentions that a pig must be around, snakes appear everywhere.”
The Jaculus Is A Snake That Flings Itself From Trees Like A Dart Or Javelin, Puncturing Clothing And Flesh Alike. It Comes From Superstitions Around Vipers, Believed To “Jump” At Victims
Tiddalik Was An Australian Frog Who Once Swallowed Up All The World’s Water, Swelling Up To An Enormous Size In The Process. He Only Released The Water After Laughing At An Eel’s Goofy Gyrations. He’s Had A Chip On His Shoulder Ever Since
I thought for a second that the size was compared to Australia... I had a heart attack :0 lmao
The Colôrobètch Is A Bogey That Personifies The Bise Or Icy Wind. Known From Namur, Belgium, It Nips Unprotected Children With Its Red Beak Until Their Skin Becomes Red, Cracked, And Bleeding
Moreover, “just about all the Icelandic illhveli ('evil whales') are great, with a shout-out to the raudkembingur which will die of sheer rage and frustration if a boat escapes it. The Swiss Butatsch Cun Ilgs is a giant cow's stomach covered with eyes that spit fire. The Swan Valley Monster of Idaho is just ridiculously outlandish and goofy and I love it,” Emile said.
“And did I mention the Owner of Storms, Qasoǵonaǵa, from Argentinian Toba folklore? It's a rainbow-colored anteater that falls from the sky and needs help getting back up! I could go on like this forever.”
Mourioche Is A Shapeshifting Waterhorse From Brittany, France. He Disguises Himself As All Sorts Of Livestock, Often With An Extra Pair Of Muscular Arms, And Plays Cruel Tricks On People He Encounters
The Shadawar, Shad-Hawar, Shadhahvar (Or Any Of A Number Of Spellings) Is An Antelope With A Single, Hollow, Branching Horn. When Wind Goes Through That Horn, It Produces Beautiful Music. It May Be Found Around Greece And Byzantium. It Is (Unjustly) Accused Of Eating People
The Bo Is A Sawtoothed Carnivorous Unicorn With Tiger’s Feet. It Lives In China And, Being Of A Noble And Just Nature, Feeds On Other Carnivorous Animals
山海经has lots of Chinese ancient mythical creatures, and they’re all awesome
Emile said that in the future, he would love to compile everything he has done and plans to make it into a physical Book of Creatures, “although when and how that will happen remains uncertain.” So make sure to support this wonderful project here on Instagram and Facebook!
The Khodumodumo Is A Huge Swallowing Monster From South Africa And Lesotho. Its Name Means “Great Noise”. It Is A Vast, Bloated Creature With Multiple Sharp Tongues. It Once Swallowed Up Everyone Around - Whole Towns And Villages - But Was Slain By A Hero, Who Released Its Victims Unharmed
The Aíǰe Is A Spirit-Tadpole From The Folklore Of The Bororo Of Brazil And Bolivia. It Produces A Buzzing Song, And Is Itself Fond Of Good Music And Dance. A Chief Who Can Impress It With Music And Dance Will Earn Its Favor
The Chonchón Is An Owl Or An Evil Sorcerer Disguised As An Owl, With Oversized Ears That Allow It To Fly. Its Ominous Call Announces Mischief And It Sucks The Blood Of Sleepers, But It Can Be Neutralized By Various Rituals
The Katthveli Or Catwhale Is One Of Many Evil Whales That Terrorize Icelandic Waters. Vicious And Aggressive, It Is Nonetheless Smaller And Less Aggressive Than Its Fellow Illhveli, And Has Been Tamed On Occasion. It Has Been Known To Purr And Meow
The Stray Sod Is A Common Element Of British And French Fairy Folklore. It Is A Plant Or Clump Of Plants That, When Stepped On, Causes The Traveler To Lose Their Way. It Can Be Foiled By Turning Your Coat Inside Out, Or Using Certain Herbs That Counteract The Ill Effect
Sorry, I'm British and I have never heard of this one. The only stray sod we know around here is Alchy Dave who wanders into peoples gardens and pees on their dust bins
The Abúhukü Is A Hairy, Foul-Smelling Ogre With A Face In The Back Of Its Head. It Hails From The Folklore Of The Cubeo Of Colombia. They Cut A Hole In Their Prey’s Skull Before Sucking Out The Contents Of The Body, Leaving An Empty Skin Draped Over A Branch
The Rukh Or Roc Is A Gigantic Bird Of Prey That Lives On Madagascar. It Has Been Known To Carry Off Sailors And Destroy Ships By Dropping Boulders On Them. Sindbad The Sailor Met Them During His Voyages
Baxbakwalanuxsiwae, The Cannibal At The North End Of The World, Is A Terrifying Ogre Whose Body Is Covered With Hungry Mouths Constantly Demanding To Eat. He Is A Central Figure In The Folklore Of The Pacific Northwest Cultures
Perhaps The Oldest Horned Rabbit On Record, The Mi’raj Was Found On Dragon Island. It Was Very Fierce, But There Is No Evidence It Was Carnivorous. Confused With A Rhinoceros? Also, Al-Mi’raj Literally Means “The Mi’raj”. Keep Your Definite Articles Out Of Names!
The Mantabungal Is A Mountain Demon From Palawan In The Philippines. Shaped Like A Shaggy Cow With Two Pairs Of Huge Fangs, It Is Known To Dismantle And Destroy Campsites And Tear People To Shreds
Phiomia-Skull.jpg Can someone have found a phiomia skull? Roamed in most of Africa and Eurasia during the Pleioscene, most were taller than this drawing though, a good 2 meters or so. But the last surviving mammuts were smaller those who lived eralier, same may have happened the phiomia. And finding an unusual skull a couple of hundred years ago and nok knowing what to do with it could lead to all kinds of fantastic animals.
The “Sarmatian Sea Snail” (No Official Name, But Known By A Number Of Local Names) Is A Giant Snail From The Baltic Sea With Whiskers And Branched Horns. It Was Reported By Thevet, Possibly From A Number Of Unrelated Accounts
I feel like this one could be real, like the kraken/giant squid
Munuanë Is A Monstrous Ogre From The Folklore Of The Guahibo. He Has No Eyes In His Face, But Rather Has Them In His Knees (And They Are His Weak Spot). He Kills And Eats Human Trespassers, But Protects The Rainforest And Its Inhabitants As Well
The Skoffín Is One Of Several Icelandic Cat/Fox Hybrids. This Vile Creature Kills Anyone It Sees, But It Can Easily Be Killed With A Mirror To Reflect Its Gaze Back On It
The Butatsch Cun Ilgs Is A Horrifying Swiss Lake Monster That Looks Like A Giant Cow Stomach Covered With Eyes That Shoot Fire. When It Crawls Out Of Its Watery Lair, It Causes Widespread Destruction And Calamity
Yes, a Swiss monster made it on this absolutely awesome list! Anyway, you better leave cows and farmers alone, when you are near its lake https://abookofcreatures.com/2015/09/23/butatsch-cun-ilgs/
The Basilisk Or Cockatrice Is A Small Animal With A Fearsome Reputation. Originally A Highly Venomous Libyan Desert Snake, It Gained Rooster Characteristics Over Time. Hatched From A Rooster’s Egg, Its Very Gaze Is Deadly. It Only Fears Weasels And The Sound Of Roosters Crowing
There is some debate around whether or not the basilisk is a giant snake/lindworm type of dragon or a cockatrice, but that sort of depends on which sources you use. In some medieval art it's a mix between a rooster and a dragon with a rooster head and wings but dragon scales and a long snake tail.
The Chimera Is A Firebreathing Monster From Greek Mythology. A Descendant Of Typhon, Part Lion, Part Goat, Part Dragon, It Terrorized Lycia And Was Slain By Bellerophon
The Arragousets Are Guernsey Sea-Fairies That Invaded The Land Long Ago. In Retrospect It’s Implied That They’re Human In Appearance, But At The Time It Was A Good Excuse To Draw A Scowling Sea-Fairy Decked In Shell Armor
The Vodyanoi Is A Shapeshifting Water Spirit From Slavic Folklore. It Haunts Millponds And Causes All Sorts Of Trouble If Upset. Various Sacrifices Are Made To Appease It
The A-Mi’-Kuk (Or More Simply Amikuk) Is A Hideous Creature From Yupik Folklore. It Is Leathery-Skinned, With Four Long Tentacular Arms Which Grab Its Prey. It Swims As Easily Through Land As Through Water
The Romŝiwamnari’ Are Demons Of The Serente People Of Brazil. They Are Large Birds With Scissor-Like Beaks And Flabby Bat’s Wings. They Can Even Consume The Souls Of The Dead
The Marool Is The Anglerfish Or Monkfish In Shetland Folklore. It Has Many Eyes And Sings Wildly With Joy When A Ship Capsizes
10 types to be exact. There is another BP article with the same artist that focuses on the whales
Load More Replies...Love these! How about a Sasquatch? And a Wendigo (/ˈwɛndɪɡoʊ/)? It’s an evil spirit that lives in the Great Lakes (Canada/US) according to Indigenous legends.
Wish we had the wendigo around where I live, but we just got stuck with not-deer, haha
Born & raised in the DR & I never heard of any of the 3 creatures listed here. Was hoping to find the ciguapa, but no luck. BTW, that "monster" is shaped like a beautiful naked woman who lures men for sex, then kills them. Her feet point backwards in order to trick hunters following her footprints.
10 types to be exact. There is another BP article with the same artist that focuses on the whales
Load More Replies...Love these! How about a Sasquatch? And a Wendigo (/ˈwɛndɪɡoʊ/)? It’s an evil spirit that lives in the Great Lakes (Canada/US) according to Indigenous legends.
Wish we had the wendigo around where I live, but we just got stuck with not-deer, haha
Born & raised in the DR & I never heard of any of the 3 creatures listed here. Was hoping to find the ciguapa, but no luck. BTW, that "monster" is shaped like a beautiful naked woman who lures men for sex, then kills them. Her feet point backwards in order to trick hunters following her footprints.