50 People Who Took Their Family Photo Recreations To The Next Level (New Pics)
If you haven’t heard of this heartwarming trend, the chances are you were off to the moon. Because people have been recreating their old and dusty family photographs with pretty amazing results.
There’s something quite otherworldly about looking at people doing the exact same things they did many years ago. But it’s not only the time that sets these two photographs apart, it’s also all the experiences that happened between them, the transformations people went through, the ups and downs they conquered.
So today, we are taking a walk to see some of the loveliest and most soul-soothing family photograph recreations staring the same people, the same composition, sometimes even the same place and clothing, as in the old photograph. The modern remakes suggest that even when the world changes beyond recognition, there’s something inside every one one of us that stay the same.
Psst! More family photo recreations await in our previous features here and here.
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Veteran And His Wife Recreate Their Wedding Photos
My Dad Passed Away When I Was 1. I Like To Think He’d Be Happy With How Much We Look Alike
35 Years Ago I Met This Amazing Man. Love Him Even More Today
To find out more about exactly what happens in our minds when we look at our old photographs, we reached out to Helen Marlo, a licensed clinical psychologist and Jungian psychoanalyst who provides psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and consultation. Marlo is also a Professor of Clinical Psychology and the Department Chair at Notre Dame de Namur University, and as our luck would have it, she is as passionate about this topic as we are.
Marlo explained that there is a concept known by psychologists as “deferred action.” “It speaks to the process of how memories are continually revised as we attain later stages of development and as we attain new experiences.”
I Saw The Apron While Shopping, And Decided To Do A Remake Of My Mother’s Favorite Picture For Christmas. 23 Years Apart
That is so cute I got to say I love the first one that baby's face is for real like terrified lol
We Recreated One Of My Favorite Photos A Few Years Later
The World Needs More Fathers Who Stick Around Like This
Okay I'm sorry but I cracked up but yes he is great dad and I love the concept.
“In adulthood, the way we view a memory or a photo of ourselves as a child shifts, for example, depending on whether or not we have had a child in adulthood. We have associations to that photo depending on our evolving life experiences and through our current stage of development including expanded or diminished insight and empathy,” the clinical psychologist explained.
Moreover, Marlo argues that “as much as we may view memories as static and defined, the concept of ‘deferred action’ affirms how memory is dynamic and it is influenced by our past and our future.”
We Had To Put My Dog Of 16 Years Down Yesterday, But Before We Did We Recreated Our Favourite Photo With Him
18 Years Later We're Back On The Beach
My Parents Always Told Me I Looked Like My Dad's Mom But I Never Got To Meet Her. Here's My Grandmother Holding My Dad vs. Me Holding My Son, Taken Exactly 63 Years Apart
We previously also spoke with photographer Dominic Sberna who shared some insights into why people love then-and-now photographs so much. According to him, there's such a large amount of then-and-now photos of celebrities that he thinks the desire to see a comparison as to how people have changed trickles down to the everyday person.
"I believe that social media and the humor of recreating a photo from childhood is also a major driving force. It's funny to see a grown adult recreating a situation from their childhood because it's so out of place and makes for a really funny photo," Sberna explained.
These Pictures Were Taken At The Same Restaurant, But About 2 Years Apart. He’s Lost 90 Lbs And I’ve Lost 135 Lbs
We wanted to be healthy so we could grow old gracefully together, and be around as long as possible for our kids. So grateful for this journey with my best friend!
Then And Now: Couple Recreates Wedding Photos After 50 Years Of Being Married
My Sister And I Graduating Headstart vs. Us Graduating College
When it comes to making a perfect recreation of an old family photograph, there are a couple of elements that need to be considered. First, it’s all about combining the posing and angles just right. "This can be difficult for recreating any image, let alone with people involved," he said.
Moreover, you have to take some steps to prepare for a recreation. You want to print out your photos and keep physical copies of them. This may be challenging today when more and more people opt for digital formats that they keep online.“It's important to have printed copies of your memories, so that you can have them to pass down to future generations. Plus, by doing so, maybe your future children will one day recreate a photo of you," Sberna said.
This Man Waits Years To Recreate This Pic
First Flight With Dad. So Special. 12 Years Difference
My Parents Recreated Their Honeymoon Picture 40 Years Later
In the end, remaking childhood photos may be an excellent way to gather all the family members together. While dwelling on our past nostalgia, we connect in these shared memories and experiences, and relive the past in a new light. This is something that gains a value like no other in times when life is so fast, and we struggle to find time for each other.
Me And My Dad. 1982 And 2021. Both Age 20, 39 Years Apart
Same Drama
From Having One To Being One Happy Father's Day
A Lot Can Change In 22 Years. Some Things Never Do
My Aunt And Uncle Just Celebrated Their 55th Wedding Anniversary. Top Photo 1967 Bottom 2022
My Grandparents' 53rd Anniversary Is Today
Wow they look so fun. When I see these happy families it makes me happy that they’re close and sad as everyone in my family hates each other
We Were Destined To Get This Titanic Set (1998 vs. 2022)
Me And My Great Uncle 24 Years Apart
Me Holding My Son At My HS Graduation vs. Me Holding My Son At His HS Graduation
Bindi Irwin And Her Husband Recreate Her Mom And Dad's Pregnancy Photo
I Remade This Picture Of My Grandma From 1945 For My Dad For Father's Day. I Didn't Realize How Much I Looked Like Her
My Dad And His Siblings In 1969. Then They Recreated It 50 Years Later
My Daughter And My Wife Wearing The Same Dress 28 Years Apart. Made Me Smile
My Grandmother At A Homecoming Football Game In 1957, And Me In The Same Dress 60 Years Later
Our Baby Came Home For The Weekend Before College Starts Tomorrow. Not Much Has Changed
Arnold Schwarzenegger And His Son. Some Things Never Change
My Husband And His Two Older Brothers
The Day We Got Our Puppy, And 11 Years Later
My Nana And My Little Sister, 64 Years Apart. They're Nearly Identical
Not On Wilkerson Street, But I Grabbed A Photo For A "Then And Now" While I Had A Chance. 61 Years Apart And Still In Love. Life Goals If I’ve Ever Seen Them
My Dad And I (Right 1993) And My Son And I (Left 2016)
My Family Christmas Photo Recreated 20 Years Later
Side By Side Of My Grandfather At His Wedding And Myself
Cousins In 1998 vs. Now. Not Much Has Changed
Hmmm, now I’m questioning if I should suggest this to my grandma and my cousins, recreating the proud grandma with all her grandchildren photo. Would be cool to see how we all changed in the past 12 years
My Grandparents. Then And Now
2008 Picture Recreation 13 Years Later. For Context, The Boys Were 4 And 6. Now They Are Both Well Over 6 Feet Tall
Family Visits Are About Quality Time & Recreating Photos
I Wonder What My Grandchildren Will Experience 100 Years From Now? One Thing I Know, Is My Sisters And I Are Creating A Legacy For Them. Even 20 Years Apart We Still Have It
I can't believe that's 20 years apart! None of you have aged a day! Great photos.