One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. In fact, if you look closely, that massive trash can outside of your apartment building or behind the mall might be holding many items that anyone would consider gems.
We’ve taken a trip to the Dumpster Diving subreddit to see some of the most amazing finds people have discovered while digging through the trash. From groceries for the entire week to brand new sneakers to beautiful furniture, you genuinely never know what you’re going to find when rummaging through garbage. So enjoy viewing the pics on this list, and be sure to upvote the ones that have inspired you to take a peek into your building’s dumpster!
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Found This Guy In Dumpster Few Days Ago
Pet Food When I Wasn’t Even Going To Go Out
Start out with just a little back story… we rescue special needs dogs. Some have emotional issues. Some are deaf. There have been neurological issues (a hydro that lived only 9 weeks… we had him 3 days before he crossed the rainbow bridge in his sleep). I sometimes worry about running short on pet food. I would go without long before I would let them do without. I get delivery every few weeks to know I’m staying ahead.
Tonight I was planning on going to the second hand store to get some shorts… pick up mower gas… long day at work… almost didn’t go.
But we did
Almost didn’t swing by the dumpster (it’s one we have gotten a crap ton of Starbucks k-cups and we almost always get something here that will help. Wasn’t going to swing by. But I did.
Peeked in and almost cried. 200+ pounds of dog food. Cat food for my son’s rescue cat. Cat litter for my son’s rescue cat.
Some days I can see the little rays of sunshine.
God I Love Working In Waste Disposal
While the term dumpster diving might sound a bit extreme, if you’ve never tried it yourself, we promise that it does not have to be unsanitary or a waste of time. It’s not simply swimming through rubbish, it can actually be a great way to find free food, great furniture or items that seem to have only ended up in the trash by accident. And if anyone can change your mind on the matter, it’s the Dumpster Diving subreddit. This group, which is dedicated to “fun with garbage,” shares “advice, information, and first-hand accounts about finding cool stuff in, or making cool stuff out of, trash.”
And clearly, many people have gotten on board with the community’s message, as it has amassed an impressive 241k members since its creation in 2009. The group even has a thread featuring members’ best dumpster diving tips and tricks, including: have realistic expectations, take a small step ladder, close all dumpster lids and doors when done, don’t dumpster dive at thrift stores, have an answer for when people ask what you’re doing, and, of course, safety comes first!
Found A Brand New Singer Sc220. The Box Said Damaged, But It Works Perfect. Psyched
Found These Letters From 1938 In The Construction Dumpster At A Senior Care Place I Was Working At Doing Remodel Work
60's Armchair Restoration
If the idea of dumpster diving is foreign to you and you have a hard time getting past the idea of literally hopping into trash, allow us to explain some of the reasons why it’s becoming a growing trend and might even be the most environmentally friendly way of “shopping” nowadays. First, let’s understand why people do this. According to GreenMatters, it’s pretty standard practice for businesses to throw out unsold merchandise and food to make more room on shelves or to avoid having to put luxury brands on sale. This means that oftentimes, what’s in the trash isn’t actually trash.
I used to work at a coffee shop where we weren’t allowed to take home any of the sandwiches, soups, or pastries after closing time because the company assumed if we could, it would discourage us from selling them. So every evening, we had to find whatever was reaching its sell by date and simply throw it in the trash. This was incredibly wasteful, and it was painful knowing that that food could have gone to people in need, but that was this store’s, and many other companies’, policy.
Dd Gods Were Smiling Down On Me Tonight
Found A Sealed Box At The Dump. Found Inside Brand New Unopened Auto Tracking Telescope
Found At The Dump 19th Century Mahogany Plant Stand
When it comes to food waste, RTS reports that the United States throws about 120 billion pounds of perfectly good food in the trash each year, or about 40% of the entire US food supply. Apparently, food takes up more space in US landfills than anything else, making up 22% of municipal solid waste, and the amount of food wasted in the US is worth approximately $218 billion. There’s no question that many of us should be cutting back on our consumption and waste production, and one way to do so is by pulling perfectly good food that’s been tossed out of the trash. As you can see from the pictures on this list, a little digging around in a dumpster might allow you to find lots of delicious items for free, that would have otherwise taken up space in a landfill.
A School Had Thrown These Fossils In The Dumpster. The Claw And Tooth At The Top Are Casts, But Everything Else Is Legit!
Found These Two In The Rubbish Today
Dug This Late 50s Bike In A Dumpster At An Apartment On The Way To Work
Even if you don’t need many items for yourself, dumpster diving can actually be quite the lucrative hobby. One Buffalo, New York-based couple told Business Insider that they make around $3,000 a month through their dumpster diving side hustle. Erin and Dave Sheffield shared that they began rummaging through garbage more than a decade ago and got the idea to start selling items they find in dumpsters of large depot stores. “Especially in the time we live in, you kind of have to realize that if you don't take that thing out of the trash, that's going to a landfill," Erin shared. "But also, you can actually make money." Some of the most valuable items they’ve been able to resell are a Prada purse and a truck-load of college textbooks.
West Elm Plates! A Set Of 8. A Distinguished Gentleman, Animal Collection
I think this series is out of production, because I can't find any of the Distinguished Gentlemen plates available anymore. This is an incredible find.
Found A Box Being Tossed With Some Old Japanese Money And Two Books From The Late 1800's Inside!
Why Just Chuck This??
The Sheffields say that the best food items they find in dumpsters are usually taken home with them or given away to friends and family members, but they also shared that there will always be more valuable items that they can’t manage to save. “We can't possibly come close to even touching the amount of good stuff that's thrown away every day," Erin told Insider. "Even if we went out from sun-up to sundown, and went to every place we could think of, we still wouldn't get close to what is being thrown away in our city." You hear that, pandas? That means there’s plenty waiting out there for you too!
Just Saved These From The Dump
Got This Awesome Chair From A Curb Today
Found This Bad Boy Near The Trashcans Of My Apartment's Parking Lot. It'd Been Out There A Week And A Half. Even Rained On A Little Bit. Didn't Expect To Power On At All
Aside from just finding great items for themselves and for others, dumpster diving can also be great for the environment, as it takes a small burden off of our already full, or nearly full, landfills. Countries like the United States are already dumping their waste in foreign countries because they have nowhere to put it all, and China, Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia have had to enact bans on importing waste from other nations. Much of the waste in landfills is being burned as well, which is also a problem because it releases toxic gasses into the atmosphere, such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides. Every little bit helps when reducing waste, and dumpster diving can certainly make a difference.
I Saw A Free Couch On The Side Of The Road So I Dug In The Cushions For Change And Found A $100 Chip For A Local Casino
Free Floor Upgrade
Found 90+ planks of SPC flooring in the common park construction dumpster , perfectly timed! I was just debating upgrading the floor in my bathroom, but didn’t want to spend the $$$ prior to moving. 60 full planks remain after this project, so i’ll be doing my kitchen next!
This dumpster has been a goldmine!
Cool Looking Lamp I Found On A Curb
If you’re wondering how to go about dumpster diving safely, Eco Friendly Fact has shared some of their best tips on their site so you can have successful dives. First, it’s important to always know the local laws and to get permission when necessary. Dumpster diving is legal in many places, but you should never embark on a dive without knowing your rights and the regulations. It’s also recommended to visit more dumpsters in less time. If you don’t see anything good on top, don’t waste too much time searching for a gem. Just move on to the next one, and come back another day.
Shoe Store Recycling Dumpster Boxes Are Great For Shipping, And Today I Got Lucky And Found A Brand New Pair Of Converse!
Pulled This Sweet Solid Wood Desk Off The Curb
Found This Guy With A Bunch Of Letters And Photos From The Early 1900s. The Baby In The Pictures Was Born In 1919, So Probably From Around Then
On "Antiques Roadshow" things like this always seem to be highly valued
Dumpster divers also recommend having a proper route planned before beginning the day. This can be an exhausting hobby, so mapping out where you want to go and creating an efficient plan can be extremely helpful. It’s also wise to be strategic and visit the dumpsters that will suit your needs. If you want to find groceries, go to grocery stores. If you’re in need of furniture or home goods, hit up those types of stores. And remember to only take the things you need. While it’s tempting to grab anything that looks valuable, you might not be able to carry it all, and you might not have anywhere to put it. And finally, always remember to bring your equipment: scissors or a cutting knife to conveniently open boxes and trash bag, gloves, a mask, goggles and bags or containers to collect and carry items.
Well Looks Like I'll Be Making Garden This Summer!
My Friend Found Kitchenaid In A Dumpster
I have the same one at home, except it has a more rough texture. It should come with 3 attachment pieces.
My First Dive.... Saw A "Store Closing" Sign And Thought. Hmm
I'm hooked I saw these and grabbed them all.
As someone who's working a closing bed bath and beyond and had to toss all our displays: I wish I would be there when this person realized these were dummy models with no internal parts lol!
Are you feeling inspired to start taking some dives into the dumpsters near your home, pandas? If you do, remember to be safe and strategic, and I’m sure you’ll come across some wonderful finds. Keep upvoting the pics featuring items you can’t believe people pulled out of the garbage, and if you’re interested in checking out Bored Panda’s last article featuring the Dumpster Diving subreddit, look no further than right here!
I'm Currently Living In A Small College Town. The Dumpsters Are Gold Mines Right Now
Happy Belated Easter, And Reminder From Jesus That Capitalism Is A Broken System Which Puts Profits Over People!
All from the trash bin of a single local bakery, on a single night... All unexpired. Sad and angry they'd just trash it, instead of donating, brightening some child's day.
Pulled From A Dumpster A Couple Weeks Ago. Perfect Condition. My Cat Likes It
Found A Working 48 Inch TV And Ps3 On The Side Of The Road!
Wasn't even looking, I came home and saw it next door
My High School Gave Me Permission To Search Their E-Waste Trash And I Found A 24 Inch 2008 Imac In Almost Perfect Condition
Back In 2018, I Found 15 Used Iphones At My Works Electrical Waste Bin
I switched screens and batteries between them and got 6 fully functional phones that i sold for 500£. 30 minutes well spent.
If I'm sending electronics to be recycled I'm trusting the recycling place to destroy all the info. I don't like this at all. The recycling companies make money off the parts. This is basically stealing.
Yo Who Throws Away Pac-Man?
Arcade 1Up Pacman Countercade. Modern replica of a Pacman cabinet in tabletop version. About 150$ new, but the second hand market is flooded with those (especially the tabletop version). The screen is LCD -not CRT as the original-, and the electronics on these are way below top-notch quality. Admitting everything works properly, it's not worth much, possibly about 100$ to the right buyer.
Found Three Shoebox Containers Of LEGO In A Roll Off In A Chuck E Cheese Parking Lot
i'm so suspect of some of the food posts on here. having worked in a grocery store, it's true that a lot of very good food gets thrown away, but it's also very true that contaminated food gets tossed out unaltered (see: the posts of the broken aldi's fridge). stores are required to throw away food that has gone out of temperature (re: the broken fridge) because it's no longer safe. dumpster divers going for food are putting their health in danger, and if they're donating it, all those hungry people as well. and the makeup too! that can also be contaminated. society NEEDS to work on making food providers donate IMMEDIATELY upon unavailability for sale; it's the safest way people will be able to use what cant be purchased.
We never throw usable things out at home. If we don't donate we have special "buy nothing" groups.
i'm so suspect of some of the food posts on here. having worked in a grocery store, it's true that a lot of very good food gets thrown away, but it's also very true that contaminated food gets tossed out unaltered (see: the posts of the broken aldi's fridge). stores are required to throw away food that has gone out of temperature (re: the broken fridge) because it's no longer safe. dumpster divers going for food are putting their health in danger, and if they're donating it, all those hungry people as well. and the makeup too! that can also be contaminated. society NEEDS to work on making food providers donate IMMEDIATELY upon unavailability for sale; it's the safest way people will be able to use what cant be purchased.
We never throw usable things out at home. If we don't donate we have special "buy nothing" groups.