Who doesn’t love a good visual breakdown of data, neatly packaged for easy consumption? I’m talking rows, bars, tables, graphs, maps—the works. 2D, 3D, black and white, color-coded, all beautifully laid out for maximum clarity.
That’s exactly what you’ll find on r/charts—a subreddit dedicated to, well, charts. From serious and insightful to glaringly obvious and hilariously unnecessary, this place has it all. We’ve rounded up some of the best ones below. Enjoy!
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Hey Buddy
Friend: "You Can't Make Genetics Easy To Understand In Just One Image". Me:
Venn Diagram Of Strippers/Cats
The Planets To Scale
What Do You Use Most?
When busses go where and when people need to, without an hour wait for the next bus, without having to go into the city center then back out so as to reach a neighboring area, when they run late enough, they might be a viable option.
Literal And True
Illustrated Chart Of Wild Mustard Evolution Via Artificial Selection For Specific Traits
And people say GMO is bad, but all of those are Genetically Modified Organisms.
M**der Rates In The Us And Europe
Breakfast Is A Lot Of Work
Feelings Chart
A Chart Of My Weight Loss For The Last 4 Months!
Gerrymandering Explained: How Elections Are Stolen By Redistricting
The US really need to dump that fixation on two parties. In a solid democracy there are 20 parties to choose from, every vote is counting directly for the result without filters, no winner-takes-it-all and a % bar that prevents a tunnel view. This results in a coalition of 2 to 3 parties in power of governing a coumtry and 3 to 4 i opposition = the sound of reason is always present.
Was Trying To Figure Out My Dogs Age, Found This Great Chart
1996 Was Peak Year For Colourfulness Of Cars
Go back further, there's even more color. I'm so sick of looking at grayscale cars. No personality, just endless shades of grey. What free car colors we're offered are often blue-grey, green-grey, brown- grey. Like how many shades of boring are there???
The UK's Political Sudivisions
Population Info Chart
Must be old,the latest number I saw was 8.2B? Or the number I saw is wrong?
Personal Space Guide
Gun Control Laws Across The World (Blue = Permissive, Red = Restrictive)
So does the gray mean that in those areas, there are no gun laws at all?
Venn Diagram Of States And Elements
Number Of Land Animals K**led For Meat In 2013
5 Months Of Job Searching While Working Part Time
Which Animals Do Americans Think They Could Beat In A Fight?
Housecat... are you kidding me! A cobra you could run from. But a cat fighting for its life will f**k you up completely!
History Of Pandemics
Again old data? A quick googling found they estimate the deaths from covid is 7M?
World’s 25 Largest Lakes Side By Side
The actual greatness of those lakes doesn't really show. There should be a scale at least...
Fun With Data. If You Make A Graph With Log Scale Of Covid Cases In Belgium And UK, You Get This Piggy
I Cataloged 2020 By The Quality Of Each Day
America's Favorite Thanksgiving Pie!
I Posted On R/Polls: Should Making Racist Comments Be Illegal? Here's The Breakdown Of Over 4,000 Responses
Why would you believe a chart or graph made by someone who can't even spell the things they're charting and graphing correctly?
Why would you believe someone, who can't use proper punctuation, what proper is?
Load More Replies...There's a difference between different spellings & pronunciations because of dialects and just having bad grammar
I didn't understand a lot of these, often because they were too small to really see what was going on.
Why would you believe a chart or graph made by someone who can't even spell the things they're charting and graphing correctly?
Why would you believe someone, who can't use proper punctuation, what proper is?
Load More Replies...There's a difference between different spellings & pronunciations because of dialects and just having bad grammar
I didn't understand a lot of these, often because they were too small to really see what was going on.