Who doesn’t love a good visual breakdown of data, neatly packaged for easy consumption? I’m talking rows, bars, tables, graphs, maps—the works. 2D, 3D, black and white, color-coded, all beautifully laid out for maximum clarity.
That’s exactly what you’ll find on r/charts—a subreddit dedicated to, well, charts. From serious and insightful to glaringly obvious and hilariously unnecessary, this place has it all. We’ve rounded up some of the best ones below. Enjoy!
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Hey Buddy
Friend: "You Can't Make Genetics Easy To Understand In Just One Image". Me:
Venn Diagram Of Strippers/Cats
The Planets To Scale
What Do You Use Most?
When busses go where and when people need to, without an hour wait for the next bus, without having to go into the city center then back out so as to reach a neighboring area, when they run late enough, they might be a viable option.
Literal And True
Illustrated Chart Of Wild Mustard Evolution Via Artificial Selection For Specific Traits
And people say GMO is bad, but all of those are Genetically Modified Organisms.
M**der Rates In The Us And Europe
Breakfast Is A Lot Of Work
Feelings Chart
A Chart Of My Weight Loss For The Last 4 Months!
Gerrymandering Explained: How Elections Are Stolen By Redistricting
The US really need to dump that fixation on two parties. In a solid democracy there are 20 parties to choose from, every vote is counting directly for the result without filters, no winner-takes-it-all and a % bar that prevents a tunnel view. This results in a coalition of 2 to 3 parties in power of governing a coumtry and 3 to 4 i opposition = the sound of reason is always present.
Was Trying To Figure Out My Dogs Age, Found This Great Chart
1996 Was Peak Year For Colourfulness Of Cars
Go back further, there's even more color. I'm so sick of looking at grayscale cars. No personality, just endless shades of grey. What free car colors we're offered are often blue-grey, green-grey, brown- grey. Like how many shades of boring are there???
The UK's Political Sudivisions
Population Info Chart
Must be old,the latest number I saw was 8.2B? Or the number I saw is wrong?
Personal Space Guide
Gun Control Laws Across The World (Blue = Permissive, Red = Restrictive)
So does the gray mean that in those areas, there are no gun laws at all?
Venn Diagram Of States And Elements
Number Of Land Animals K**led For Meat In 2013
5 Months Of Job Searching While Working Part Time
Which Animals Do Americans Think They Could Beat In A Fight?
Housecat... are you kidding me! A cobra you could run from. But a cat fighting for its life will f**k you up completely!
The problem with a fighting cat is that it's trying to hurt you (to get away) while you're trying your best not to hurt it.
Load More Replies...A cat fighting for it's life? Hell, a cat a little mad about getting it's nails clipped could f**k you up completely.
To be fair, the cat's nails are connected to the bone, so it's basically like clipping it's bones.
A frightened puppy will whine and roll over; a frightened kitten will puff up its tail and prepare to die fighting.
Plus they waaaaay overestimate how many of them could defeat a goose. Those things are scary AF
I've seen video's of housecats taking people out. I wouldn't want to fight a cat, unless its a fat lazy cat. Even then I'd get roughed up pretty good.
They go for the throat and once they latchon they won’t let go until whatever they’re fighting drops.eff around and find out
I would say the Chimpanzee marks the point where more doubts should start to appear
6% of Americans are insane, or have absolutely no idea what a bear is. There is nothing wrong with wanting to appear tough, or being willing to try defending yourself even against superior force, but thinking you could beat a grizzly is a level of delusion I don't understand. So, for context, the average weight (varying by gender and age) of a grizzly is 450/850lb or 207/389kg. The average human weighs (etc etc) 60-120kg. They are around 6.5ft-10ft in length (on all fours) compared to a human 5-7ft. Totally discounting the ability of grizzlies to outrun, outclimb and outswim most humans, AND totally discounting their paws with claws the length of human fingers, grizzlies are notorious for shrugging off bullet wounds. Early American settlers blasted them with long rifles and got torn apart for their trouble. But sure, your punches will work.
A spaniel might kiss you to death. A chi? Death from the ankles down. Although the only two chihuahuas I've known in person were nice, my friend has an amazing way with them.
People are delusional. Lion? Chimpanzee? They will immediately tear out your throat and gonads.
ok first of all NO wins in a fight with a chimpanzee, they look cute but they are jacked under that fur and with those teeth. shudder. I would rather fight the crocodile or cobra than a chimpanzee or gorilla. knowledge comes from working at 2 different zoos both teaching at them and working in the primate diets area.
The chart doesn't indicate whether the respondents were drunk or sober. I think you would see much larger numbers if you polled drunk people
I think it's funny that people think they can take on a chimpanzee more easily than a king cobra or a crocodile (assuming on land). I'd rather face off against a bear than a chimpanzee. At least you can scare it off and if not, it'll be a quick end. But MF chimpanzee? That beast will tear off my face and testicles with no remorse. Bite off my fingers one by one and keep me alive while playing in my blood. Hell, a gorilla wouldn't even come close. At least they're docile by nature. And why the hell isn't the moose on here? Predators at least try to keep themselves safe, but the steroid Bambi will royally mess you up just because you're there.
Have you ever been attacked by a Canada goose? You will be lucky to escape with only minor damage!
I couldn't beat any of them. They all have more survival instincts than I do, and I can't run very well.
I'm assuming that by a "fight" it means hand-to paw/teeth/talons etc combat? I imagine most of these deluded people look just like the photo. I want to see part 2 of the kanga fight- where it dropkicks dude clear across the woods
Offer this 6% who are idiots by the way, $1,000 to fight a Grizzly. Walk them up to the case holding the Grizzly and I'd like to see how fast they back down.
Geese are CRAZY !!! One time I was walking by the river eating a sandwich and the goose wanted it. I threw it a piece. Big mistake. It raised up, put it's wings out, head down and CHARGED AT ME!! It was huge and taller than me. I threw my sandwich in the sand and RAN.
Beat a grizzly? In a fair fight? Well, give us both AK-47s and the same amount of ammo, and I might prevail.
Well, that is until you realize that bear is the Polish bear that fought in World War 2...then you might be fugged...
The 61% who think they could beat a goose has never been exposed to many geese. My husband used to work at a zoo and he tells tales about when kids who normally messed with geese would try it during the mating season.
People underestimate the size of eagles, man. And the power and size of feet and talons!
Depends if they all fight according to the Marquess of Queensberry's rules. Otherwise a rat up your trouser leg will win every time.
Honestly it would be hard to prove either way. You'd have to have every American fight one and then see the results. Also a control group could be Canida.
This list is messed up and sad. 100% of adults should have confidence in beating a rat or house cat. Lions are vastly overrated. King cobra is a non constricting snake, come one people the height weight advantage alone! Chimpanzee getting no respect. I would put Gorilla #1 Chimpanzee #2 and Grizzly number 3. Humans today vastly underestimate the advantages of being bipedal with long arms in a one on one fight. I am trying to think about which animal I would bet on in a fight. As always I think geese are overrated and only living off an overblown reputation.
1. Obviously, you have never been attacked by a goose, their reputation is, if anything, under-blown. 2. Gorillas are a lot more peaceful than people think. Leave them alone, they'll leave you alone. Chimps, on the other hand, are more aggressive than people think.
Load More Replies...But this survey allows that the bell has rung and the fight is ON. Most animals like gorillas will avoid violence if possible (Predator aside). For me, the most terrifying animal here is the chimpanzee.
From a one day survey of maybe 10 people like most surveys that are not large scale or scientific it means nothing.
I read that a chimpanzee has the strength of ten men (Allegedly), so the only (cheating/cowardly way) a man could beat a Chimp, is by shooting it - from a distance. Same with the last 5, lol.
History Of Pandemics
Again old data? A quick googling found they estimate the deaths from covid is 7M?
World’s 25 Largest Lakes Side By Side
The actual greatness of those lakes doesn't really show. There should be a scale at least...
Fun With Data. If You Make A Graph With Log Scale Of Covid Cases In Belgium And UK, You Get This Piggy
I Cataloged 2020 By The Quality Of Each Day
America's Favorite Thanksgiving Pie!
I Posted On R/Polls: Should Making Racist Comments Be Illegal? Here's The Breakdown Of Over 4,000 Responses
Why would you believe a chart or graph made by someone who can't even spell the things they're charting and graphing correctly?
Why would you believe someone, who can't use proper punctuation, what proper is?
Load More Replies...There's a difference between different spellings & pronunciations because of dialects and just having bad grammar
I didn't understand a lot of these, often because they were too small to really see what was going on.
Why would you believe a chart or graph made by someone who can't even spell the things they're charting and graphing correctly?
Why would you believe someone, who can't use proper punctuation, what proper is?
Load More Replies...There's a difference between different spellings & pronunciations because of dialects and just having bad grammar
I didn't understand a lot of these, often because they were too small to really see what was going on.