This Online Community Celebrates The Land Of ‘Nope’, Here Are 30 Of The Most Interesting Posts (New Pics)
Some call it The Land Down Under, others call it The Land of 'Nope'. Yet, however you refer to Australia, it's a pretty good place to live in. After all, according to the 2025 World Happiness rankings, it's the 11th happiest country in the world!
We want to celebrate Australia and all its wild weirdness and glory, so, we've got you a collection of the newest pics from the subreddit dedicated to this wonderful country. Scroll down and find out, Pandas, if it's only spiders and other critters you should be worried about when coming to Australia.
More info: Reddit
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These Are Ghost Mushrooms, Omphalotus Nidiformis, Bioluminescent Mushrooms Native To Australia. They Come Out On A Dead Tree On My Farm Each Year After A Rainy Season
We Have Spent 13 Years Of Hard Work Regenerating An Old Cattle Property Into Natural Bushland. The Return Of Wildlife, Including Echidnas, Bandicoots And Lyre Birds And This Sunset After A Clearing Storm Makes It All Worthwhile
Red Necked Wallabies Are Returning To Our Property That We Have Been Reforesting Since 2013
Every country and its people have at least one stereotype about them. That's just our human nature; we find it easier to categorize people and things according to traits. Australia is no exception: people think they know what and how Australians drink and eat, what nature's really like over there, and what the most popular slang phrases are.
In 2024, Preply polled over a thousand Australians and asked them their opinion about the way folks from other countries stereotype them. 66% think that stereotypes about Australians and Australia are mostly positive. Yet they have two that they really dislike: that all Australians love 'putting shrimp on the barbie' and say 'g'day, mate'.
Peak Vicroads Humour
This Little Guy Likes To Come Sit On The Fence Every Evening
Uluru In The Rain
Yet not all stereotypes are bad. Some paint Australia and its people in a good light, and Australians are way more likely to like those. In fact, at least 42% of the Australians Preply surveyed said they liked people thinking that Australians are laid-back people. They also like the stereotype that Aussies abbreviate words (37%), and I have to agree. 'Brekkie' is a way better way to refer to breakfast.
Only 19% of Australians also agree with the stereotype that all Australians are fearful of animals. It's probably just because they grow up there and know which ones are safe to pet and which ones they'd better avoid. In fact, most local Australians will tell you that the wildlife is more scared of you than you are of them!
I Love That We Do This
My Wife Came Home And Found This Guy At Our Front Door
Aussie Farmer Uses Tractor To Create Australia Day Tribute
Contrary to popular belief, Aussies don't go around getting into punching fights with kangaroos. And they don't ride them, either. Kangaroos often get a bad rap: if we were to believe that one video online, all 'roos' are out to get you and your dog. But, in reality, kangaroos are pretty chill animals if they're not being disturbed.
Every Morning Without Fail, This Bugger Sits Here And Taps The Window
Delivery Attempted
Nullarbor, Australia
Some people make the mistake of trying to keep kangaroos as pets. However, they've never been domesticated, and keeping a kangaroo as a pet can be incredibly dangerous. Graeme Coulson, professor at the University of Melbourne, calls kangaroos 'vegetarian gladiators'. He explains that kangaroos only attack when provoked or cornered.
It Can Feel Overwhelming Sometimes [oc]
But we still feel the ramifications of what happens elsewhere
Viscous (Aka Vegemite) By Nathan Pyle
I am Australian and the only thing I can compare it to is thickened soy sauce. Extremely salty though I believe there is now a low salt version.
Trees Poisoned In Bayside Council (Nsw) For The View - Council Responds With Old Shipping Container And Signage
Large pets and dingoes are the main predators of kangaroos, and that's why the cornered animals may feel the need to defend themselves when faced with a human and their dog. "Domestic dogs and kangaroos do not mix," Coulson writes. "Many attacks on people occur when a kangaroo defends itself against a dog, then the owner tries to intervene."
I Never Used To Check, Now I Look Everytime
A spider in Dutch is a spin, giving a whole new meaning to the word clothespin :)
Can You See The Rip? If You Can’t Then Don’t Swim Unless There Are Flags
Had The Pleasure Of Experiencing Melbournes Happiest Tram Driver. This Guy Genuinely Made The Whole Tram Riders Super Fun!
For those who wish to see a kangaroo, it's best to do so from a distance. 'Roos' roam in grasslands, outback plains, vineyards, and islands. In Western Australia, some kangaroos even hang out at beaches. "Their favourite spot seems to be at the western end of the beach just next to the campground where they laze around and feed on the seaweed that’s washed up," travel blogger Mark Fitz writes.
Only In Australia Can You Find Mittagong Road Leading To Bowral And Bowral Road Leading To Mittagong
Probably named by the people in those settlements. For them that's the road out of Mittagong leading to Bowral, thus Bowral Road, and vice versa.
Crocodile Cruising In The Suburbs During Flood In Townsville
If you ever have the chance to visit Australia, Pandas, you'll probably hear that no Aussies ever say the phrase "shrimp on the barbie". That's actually a phrase from American ads popularizing tourism to Australia, titled "Come and say G'Day". In the ads, Australian actor Paul Hogan says "I'll slip an extra shrimp on the barbie for you", but Australians don't even call them shrimp! They say 'prawns'.
This Is My Reminder To You All To Use Sunscreen. The Sun Ain’t Messing Around This Year
Welcome To Australia
'Brekkie', 'avo', and 'mozzies' (mosquitoes!) aren't the only diminutive nicknames Aussies use. They even have a unique way of referring to McDonald's and call it "Macca's". For Australia Day in 2013, most restaurants in the country sported the abbreviated name for a day: on their website, menus, drive-thrus, and even on signs outside selected stores. The most-ordered item might surprise you as well: as it turns out, Australians really like their Macca's hash browns!
Local Woolies Stocking Eggs Section With Easter Eggs Due To Egg Shortage
My Daughter Accidentally Poured The Perfect Slurpee
Found This Massive To Gum Leaf Today In Adelaide
They say everything is bigger in Texas but Australia is the king of go big or go home!
Another thing people often assume about Australia is its weather. Contrary to popular belief, it's not always a sun-soaked paradise. In fact, if you're in Melbourne, you might experience four seasons in one day. The Australian Alps near the capital Canberra even experience snowfall, and sometimes more than Switzerland during the peak of winter.
Someone Riding Their Small Motorcycle With Their Belongings In A Blue Plastic Bag And Spare Fuel Canister Strapped Onto The Bike Across The Nullarbor
How Not To Exit A Roundabout
Wtf Is This And Should I Destroy It?
Note: this post originally had 53 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.