50 Awful People Who Got A Heavy Dose Of ‘Instant Karma’, As Shared On This Online Page (New Pics)
We don’t know if you’ve heard, but the world isn’t a very fair place. Justice isn’t always handed down where it should be. And far from everyone gets what they deserve. Bad things happen to some good people while some bad people seem to get to do whatever they please. But sometimes… sometimes the planets align and the Universe shows up with a big ol’ bag of karma and a can-do attitude.
That’s where the massively popular r/instantkarma subreddit comes in. Home to over 2.3 million members, the online community shares photos and videos of people who “experience karma that is instant.” Check out some of the most impactful pics for a taste of some of that sweet karmic justice.
When you’re done with this list, Bored Panda invites you to take a look at our previous feature about the ‘Instant Karma’ page. You’ll find it right over here.
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Busted Not Paying For Your Taxi!
God's Work
When You Steal From A Shop In Zelda
The r/instantkarma subreddit has continued to grow by leaps and bounds since 2012. It went from 1.9 million members the last time that we wrote about the community to more than 2.3 million redditors now.
It seems like many people are fans of seeing justice being carried out, and awful, entitled, and arrogant people getting a taste of their own medicine. And, if we’re completely honest with ourselves, many of us enjoy that, too. Wouldn’t you agree, dear Pandas?
Karma Bitch
Waitress Isn't Playing Around With Sexual Harassment
Armed Man Gets Tripped By Random Bystander
The joy that we get from seeing someone else failing or being humiliated is called schadenfreude. It almost perfectly describes how someone feels when a jerk gets humbled for being mean or doing something really awful.
It feels as though there actually is justice in the world, and that everything’s working as it should. However, it might not be divine retribution that we’re seeing, but a mathematical and statistical inevitability.
Atlanta Police Fire Tear Gas At Protesters, Wind Blows It Back In Their Direction
Wait acctually- serious question, would it be possible to have like the fifty people in the front of a protest bring huge shop fans and do this? Edit: thanks to all the replies! Apparently they did something similar in Portland Oregon with leaf blowers so it has been done before. I’m so sorry that this even has to be thought of, and that someday we could have equal rights 🥲
Yes. It happened in Portland, they used leaf-blowers!
Load More Replies...It's all fun and games until the protest turns violent and they loot and wipe out a bunch of businesses
Well, history teach us valiable lessons lmao, and WW1 taught us that chemical wepons are kind of s**t, because the wind can Turn them against you.... ( Learn from history's mistakes... )
That's something the US seems to have great difficulty with. Especially some of the more conservative parts of our country.
Load More Replies...For firing chemical weapons at people peacefully exercising their right to protest? No. Nobody in their right mind would think that's right.
Load More Replies...I think I saw a photo somewhere of protesters in Hong Kong covering the gas grenades with pots, containing the smoke. Loved that!
Your idea of Karma sucks in this instance. Why is it karmic for law enforcers to have this happen.
They are trained for that and have gas masks. Besides, they do their job. Or you prefer to let protesters let loose and vandalize (at best) ?
The police will claim to have been attacked with tear gas by the demonstrators.
Bad boys Bad boys what cha gonna do, what cha gonna do when they come for you? Stand opposite the wind, what else 🤷🏼♂️...
Funny how I haven't seen any of the televangelist talking about this as "Gods work".....it's almost like they support power instead of Jesus .....
Does someone has a solution that applies to grenade launchers? asking for friends in France...
That’s What You Get For Snooping
Kids Help Old Man With Walking Chair And Get Instant Karma
It makes sense that out of all the possible outcomes in any given situation, some of them happen sooner while others happen later. That, at least, explains the ‘Instant’ part of ‘Instant Karma.’
Furthermore, it’s only logical that many people would consider some of those possible outcomes to have a negative impact on the awful individuals who they feel should be punished. From a purely statistical standpoint, it’s practically inevitable that some jerks will get their comeuppance almost instantly, and that someone will be around to either take a picture or film what happened.
Instant Karma From A Squirrel
Let Me Snatch This Girl's Phone
Twitch Streamer Kisses A Random Woman On The Cheek For The Sake Of Views Instantkarma
Meanwhile, we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that there are probably tons of situations where folks experienced karma, but nobody else was around to witness it. That’s not to mention all of those cases where justice took an incredibly long time to be carried out. Or all the cases where awful people didn’t have to deal with the consequences of their actions… or even ended up being rewarded.
Guy Attempts To Steal Package But Gets Caught. When He Drives Away His Car Gets Stuck In Snow
Not The Normal Type Of Karma We See In This Sub, But Still Karma
Driver Tries To Avoid Traffic By Driving On The Sidewalk. Meet A Bunch Of Gents That Teach Him A Lesson
Yes, it’s satisfying to see people getting what they deserve—whether for good or for ill—but we shouldn’t be naive to think that this happens all the time.
If it did, r/instantkarma probably wouldn’t exist as a community because instant karmic justice would simply be how the world works.
No Easy Grandpa
Knocks An Elder, Gets Chased By Civilians And Arrested
Sharing Is Caring
The ‘Instant Karma’ subreddit is successful because human beings have a need for closure and fairness. We want to see complex situations being resolved. And we crave clarity: we’d prefer to know that action A leads to consequence X, instead of having to swim around in a soup of chaos and uncertainty.
Instant Karma For Emergency Lane Abuser
Guy Shoots Himself In The Leg, Trying To Break Into A House
Driver Slows To Allow School Bus And Bmw Driver Reacts
It can feel comfortable to believe in concepts like karma, fate, and luck because they help make sense of the world and make us feel like there’s clearly-defined order and structure in the world. These ideas can give you hope and optimism for a brighter future. However, these very same ideas can leave us feeling like we lack freedom and agency. People can simply shrug off responsibility for their actions, as they blame ‘bad luck.’
Guy Refused To Wear Mask Then Fight With Customers And Promptly Arrested
Man Pinched Random Women’s Ass Karma
Illegal Parking Karma
Believing in luck and fate is useless if you don’t put in the effort to move toward your goals. Previously, Bored Panda looked at how seeing yourself as a ‘victim’ of luck or fate should be avoided. For example, if we believe that bad luck ‘follows us around,’ we might start using that as an excuse not to try harder at school or work or at building our relationships with others. We tend to confirm our personal self-biases, as we look for evidence that would support our theories.
Karma X 10
So satisfying... I get so wound up when people are driving like idiots, overtaking, speeding - then the awesome times when they get pulled over - gold!!!
Throwing A Sign
Good Grip Strength
Yes, luck does play a role in our success. Without a doubt! However, attributing all of our achievements in life to luck and luck alone essentially means that we ignore the need to make good decisions, work hard, and take ownership of our actions. Why bother being a good person who takes the high road if all you really need is just a run of awesome luck to have everything you want to achieve? You can’t rely on luck and karma and fate to get to where you want to go. However, the mature thing to do is to be humble enough to recognize that we can’t control all of the outcomes of our actions. Alas!
Creep Sneaks Into Woman’s House While She Dances
0:15 Show Clerk Thwarts Robbers Using Flame Thrower
Crazy Chilean Karen Kicks Shopping Cart, Gets Hit Back
Man Steals Woman's Purse Right In Front Of Cop Then Throws Suicidal Tantrum Before Being Tazed
He Deserved It
People From All Over Come To The Rescue To Catch Chain Snatchers
Trying To Squeeze Past A Truck While Being Chased By The Cops
Guy Gets Cheated On So He Removed His Ex’s Floor Since He Payed For It
How To Dodge The Attack?
You Assaulted The Wrong Person
Breaktester Gets What He Deserves
That's How Karma Works
Road Raging Camry Fake Swerves Into Hyundai But Over-Corrects, Crashing Into Barrier
Annoying Dad While He’s Trying To Grill
Guy Gets Caught Trying To Break Into His Neighbor's House
0:32 Well, Well, Well... If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions
Karma For Road Ragers
I always wonder about road rage. Like what is it about being in a car that turn otherwise sane, reasonable people into maniacs. Is it that being in your own bubble dehumanizes the car infront so you are screaming at a machine rather than a human? I bet most road ragers wouldn't act like this just walking in a park, crazy s**t when you think about it. Obviously there are nut jobs but it does seem very prevalent on the roads where I live so they cant all be nuts right?
Throwing Your Soda At Someone. (Not Mine)
I saw this video. Someone outside throws the drink right back into the car.
Car Tries To Break Check A Tractor
Package Theft Failed
Road Rage Karma In Sunny Scottsdale, Az
It’s All Fun And Games Until.. It’s Your Turn
Trying To Scare A Coworker
I feel like someone printed out a gif, like even with discriptions I don't know what's going on but these low-quality photos(clips?frames?) probably come from the same yt video
Click The Words At The Lower Left Of The Picture To See A Video Of The Action
Load More Replies...I can't understand what is going on in most of these. A little explanation would be helpful. I feel like the author had moving pictures and did not realize we only have 2 or 3. Either that or they've got the back story. In any case they didn't explain it to us clearly. I had to stop bc I was frustrated.
these are all from the r/instantkarma subreddit. they are almost all videos, but are difficult to watch without a Reddit account as most of them are rated 18+. whoever made this list didn't quite think it through
Load More Replies...OP: virtually every post requires clicking link to original to make sense. Appreciate your efforts but this is not the way...
For Those Who Don't Know---Click The Words At The Lower Left Of The Picture To See A Video Of The Action
It's great that things like these can happen. Here in Austria, when you try to stop a crime or help a victim of a crime, there's a good chance that you then get charged instead. Then the criminal gets away scot-free and you're incriminated. (And it mostly happens with illegal immigrants. Yeah, it sounds bad, but it's the truth. It happens. No way to sugarcoat it).
Happens in America, too. Victims that fight back to carjackings, robberies, SA, and home invasions that result in perp's death also face prosecution.
Load More Replies...Here is some appropriate music. https://youtu.be/kgm-utGMpsA (It's "Il Barone Rosso" and has appeared in a LOT of comedy clips).
These would have been a lot more interesting and easier to decipher if they were videos. Not a lot of them made sense as stills
Absolute waste of time. Couldn't tell what most of them were about and some wouldn't even load. Karma to me for clicking on this, serves me right. 🤷♀️ I'm still ticked off though.,😡
So I don't have reddit, I refuse to have reddit, so I can't watch any of the videos with links to it. It says "mature content" and says I have to open it in the app... Wtf lol
The screenshots just can't provide enough context for most of the posts. You absolutely have to go to reddit for each one if you want to understand what's going on. If I'm going to spend all that time on reddit looking at 2 year old posts, I might as well not bother with this one on BP.
Click The Words At The Lower Left Of The Picture To See A Video Of The Action
I feel like someone printed out a gif, like even with discriptions I don't know what's going on but these low-quality photos(clips?frames?) probably come from the same yt video
Click The Words At The Lower Left Of The Picture To See A Video Of The Action
Load More Replies...I can't understand what is going on in most of these. A little explanation would be helpful. I feel like the author had moving pictures and did not realize we only have 2 or 3. Either that or they've got the back story. In any case they didn't explain it to us clearly. I had to stop bc I was frustrated.
these are all from the r/instantkarma subreddit. they are almost all videos, but are difficult to watch without a Reddit account as most of them are rated 18+. whoever made this list didn't quite think it through
Load More Replies...OP: virtually every post requires clicking link to original to make sense. Appreciate your efforts but this is not the way...
For Those Who Don't Know---Click The Words At The Lower Left Of The Picture To See A Video Of The Action
It's great that things like these can happen. Here in Austria, when you try to stop a crime or help a victim of a crime, there's a good chance that you then get charged instead. Then the criminal gets away scot-free and you're incriminated. (And it mostly happens with illegal immigrants. Yeah, it sounds bad, but it's the truth. It happens. No way to sugarcoat it).
Happens in America, too. Victims that fight back to carjackings, robberies, SA, and home invasions that result in perp's death also face prosecution.
Load More Replies...Here is some appropriate music. https://youtu.be/kgm-utGMpsA (It's "Il Barone Rosso" and has appeared in a LOT of comedy clips).
These would have been a lot more interesting and easier to decipher if they were videos. Not a lot of them made sense as stills
Absolute waste of time. Couldn't tell what most of them were about and some wouldn't even load. Karma to me for clicking on this, serves me right. 🤷♀️ I'm still ticked off though.,😡
So I don't have reddit, I refuse to have reddit, so I can't watch any of the videos with links to it. It says "mature content" and says I have to open it in the app... Wtf lol
The screenshots just can't provide enough context for most of the posts. You absolutely have to go to reddit for each one if you want to understand what's going on. If I'm going to spend all that time on reddit looking at 2 year old posts, I might as well not bother with this one on BP.
Click The Words At The Lower Left Of The Picture To See A Video Of The Action