50 Instagrammers Whose Photos Are So Far From Reality, They Got Shamed For It Online (New Pics)
Welcome to the world of filters where looks are everything, and everything else is nothing. While there are many exceptions, social media is still notorious for breeding and celebrating vanity, from boosting your ego to making others (and yourself included) feel miserable.
But sometimes it’s too much even for Instagram. You see, some people airbrush and edit their pictures beyond the acceptable norm and the result is, well, reality-bending. The subreddit “Instagram Reality” is calling out those instances by sharing pictures of influencers taking editing a step, or rather a mile, too far.
Below we selected some of the most recent posts from the community, so pull your seat closer. And after you’re done, be sure to check out our previous features on Instagram vs reality here, here and here.
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I Love This
Why Would Someone Do This? The Original Is Stunning Already
Not Even Judas Was As Treacherous As That Mirror….
In order to understand social media, and the influencers that go above and beyond to stand out, build their audience and establish their brand, we have to look at the other culture that paved the way to influencers as we know them today. And it’s celebrity culture. Both share the insatiable hunger for an idealized image, but also the need to deliver substance and make it interesting for the viewers.
So Bored Panda reached out to Claire Sisco King, the Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Vanderbilt University who happily shared some very interesting insights into the over-the-top world of celebrities and influencers.
I Forgot What She Really Looked Like
Found On A Dating App
She’s The Best. These Are All Photos She Posted Herself Either On Her Story Or Ig Feed! She’s Beautiful, Confident And Silly
I fricken love Doja cat so much. She’s so gorgeous and witty and talented
“Celebrity culture has been a significant part of popular media in the United States since the early 20th century. Its origins can be traced in large part to the Hollywood star system,” King told us. “By the 1920s, film studios had developed a system for crafting star images—from the stars’ names to how they dressed to the types of film roles they played. Studios relied on their own promotional departments as well as fan magazines to create these images and make them familiar to audiences, promoting fan attachment to the stars,” she explained.
Don’t Be Afraid To Age Folks
The Power Of Filters - It Doesn’t Always Have To Be That Noticeable
Flexxing On Some Totally Real Muscles
It turns out that for decades, “most of this publicity remained largely positive because it was heavily controlled by the film studios, offering highly calculated views of celebrities’ personalities and private lives.”
But all changed with the advent of tabloids by the mid-twentieth century, including radio shows and magazines, King said. That’s when the attention to gossip and the more salacious aspects of celebrities’ personal lives increased. “Often this coverage was out of celebrity control; but, at the same time, celebrity has become dependent on the gossip industry because it drives audience interest and fascination,” the professor said.
Another One
Shame On The News Outlet Who Photoshopped The Left Picture
Found This One While Browsing A Dating App
Thanks to reality television and the internet, in the beginning of the early 2000s, expectations about access to celebrities dramatically increased. King explained: “Reality television fostered the idea that anyone could become famous by ‘playing themselves,’ and there was the corollary expectation that celebrities should engage with the genre to give audiences an idea of who they ‘really are.’”
His Jawline Is Definitely 100% Real, No Editing
Imagine Your Surprise When You See Her For The First Time Without All That Makeup, Filters And Editing
She Claims To Not Edit Her Photos
Meanwhile, “the development of digital media and the internet meant that there were endless opportunities for audiences to seek information about celebrities, which meant that media companies also felt obligations to generate more and more content about them.” King argues that the era saw the proliferation of websites and blogs devoted to celebrity fandom and/or gossip.
At First The Terrifying Bird Feet Got Me But The Longer You Stare...the Worse It Gets
Her Poor Friend
How Is This Even Legal?
Applies to all of them, but… is this what they want us to see or what they want to see?
The development of social media really amplified all of these expectations about access to and intimacy with celebrities. “Platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat give audiences the sense that they can see into celebrities’ private lives and get 'behind the scenes' access to them. Even though the glimpses audiences see are highly curated and carefully crafted, they suggest that fans can get an 'authentic' idea of who celebrities are,” King explained.
Same Day. Insta vs. Pap Picture
In all seriousness, do people really think those lips are pretty? Or desirable? I find them disgusting and I really, really wouldn't want to kiss her or anyone with lips like that, even if they were the god of orgasmic kissing or whatever. Or the last person on earth. EDIT: i was referring to filler lips, not natural lips. Natural lips are sexy. Filler lips, when you can clearly see that they do not belong on a face, are not. Sorry if anyone felt offended, I was referring strictly to the lips in the picture, filler lips.
At Least She's Self Aware...?
When You Have A Friend Who Edits The Whole Group
Is It Just Me Or Does His Head Look Way Too Small?
She Got Called Out For Using Heavy Filters And Her Response Was Interesting
I agree with her. And it's a trend going on showing how you look with filters vs without.
She Adamantly Denies Filtering Her Pics On Every Post
She Uses The Teen Filter So Much, She Has Convinced Herself That She Looks Like This
Found This One! — He Claims To Be 31 Years Old, Flashes Fake Watches And Cars He Doesn’t Own
Posted As Part Of A Massive Clothing Campaign…how Could Such A Big Label Not Have Enough Money For Decent Editing? She Has Slender Man Fingers!
She Is 81 Guys ... I Don't Know What To Say
Found In The Wild - When You Forget To Edit Your Husband
Rip Her Poor Hips..must Have Fallen Off In Her Tagged Photo
This is just so absurd to me, having grown up in a society in which those hips would have been shamed for being fat. Maybe 15 years ago. Now people are purposely trying to look that way. It's all so silly when the trend goes away and another begins. About our bodies! Just accept the body your in, skinny, thick, whatever. Your own body will go in and out of style throughout your lifetime. Stop trying to make it fit a trend.
I Mean
Why do people keep having plastic surgery when it just seems to make you look SO. MUCH. WORSE. ?
Instagram vs. Public Video
A Local Club Owner.
Feed vs. Press Photo
Spent Too Much Time On The Faces, Forgot About The Rest
Claims She Doesn’t Want Women To Feel Bad About Their Postpartum Bodies If They Haven’t ‘Bounced Back’ Like Her
Both Are Instagram Posts
A Woman From The Danish Equivalent To Teen Mom, She's Not A Teen Anymore
She’s Already Petite But They Shrank Her Even More While Forgetting Her Forearms
Is that her face palming the editing on her own body? They made her look like a child!
When You Can't Control The Photoshop
This Gal Is Acting As If We Don’t Know What She Actually Looks Like
I think the lesson to be learned from this trend is that these people, for whatever reason, feel like they are not ok as they are, and that is very sad and disturbing, as much as it is scary. It, in my opinion at least, is as destructive as an eating disorder. We are all who we are, and we are all important and beautiful and worthy just by being ourselves.
Posts vs. Tagged
Maternity Photoshoot vs. Youtube Video 4 Weeks Later
They’re Not Even Trying To Hide It Anymore. She Blurred Her Unedited Reflection
What She Posts On Ig vs. What The Paparazzi Took
How To Recognize Body Filters In Videos
Completely Unrecognizable!
I don't think left pic is supposed to be her? If it is it's bad editing. Anyway she looks fine to the right.
Her Caption Says: ‘I Actually Don’t Have Foundation On, Only Concealer And Everything Else’ But Am I Wrong If I Only See A Heavily Filtered Pic?
Instagram vs. Tagged Photos
Some Unfiltered/Unedited Photos From The Met Gala Versus Their Ig Equivalents Or Most Recently Posted Photos
The unedited ones are actually better than the edited ones. I prefer natural beauty. I don't like makeup, so I don't wear it. I've been told I need to wear makeup, because I'm ugly and not a real woman without it. However, I notice these people are pretty much all misogynistic men who believe that women should always strive to please men, including looking aesthetically pleasing to them. These people also condemn me for not liking to shave and having body hair, think I should obsess over my weight and appearance, and say my acne makes me ugly, and that I should be obsessed with getting rid of it.
I am ugly, so f*****g what. Can't wear makeup, even hypoallergenic burns after awhile. Can't wear jewelry, even real gold. So ya' get what ya' get. Tell people who don't like you as is..right back at you, a*****e.
Load More Replies...Based on the true images, tge problem isn't their skin or so, jt's that theur smiles are so unnatural. That seems to point at deeper problems, if many of tgem didn't look so pained they would look much prettier
The unedited ones are actually better than the edited ones. I prefer natural beauty. I don't like makeup, so I don't wear it. I've been told I need to wear makeup, because I'm ugly and not a real woman without it. However, I notice these people are pretty much all misogynistic men who believe that women should always strive to please men, including looking aesthetically pleasing to them. These people also condemn me for not liking to shave and having body hair, think I should obsess over my weight and appearance, and say my acne makes me ugly, and that I should be obsessed with getting rid of it.
I am ugly, so f*****g what. Can't wear makeup, even hypoallergenic burns after awhile. Can't wear jewelry, even real gold. So ya' get what ya' get. Tell people who don't like you as is..right back at you, a*****e.
Load More Replies...Based on the true images, tge problem isn't their skin or so, jt's that theur smiles are so unnatural. That seems to point at deeper problems, if many of tgem didn't look so pained they would look much prettier