45 Times People Uncovered How Fake Some Pics On Instagram Are And Just Had To Share (New Pics)
With the rise of photo editing software and the increasing importance of our image on social media, most of us sometimes get worried about what people think of us. Do I look good enough? Do I dress stylish enough? What do people think of me when they see my picture? Would I get more likes/upvotes/notes/tiny red digital hearts if I did X, Y, and Z?
Unfortunately, some people have these thoughts far too often and take them to extremes: they care about their body image so damn much that they start relying on photo manipulation to extreme levels. This results in people looking radically different online than they do in real life. And when you do a side by side comparison? Wow. The difference is striking, often hilarious, and might make some of us wish you were born before they invented electricity.
We’ve collected some of the best examples of Instagram photos vs. reality from the incredibly popular r/Instagramreality subreddit, so get ready for some shocking comparisons. Scroll down, upvote the pics you enjoyed, and let us know what you think in the comments. After you’re done with this list, be sure to check out Bored Panda’s previous articles showing the vast difference between what some fake people look like in real life and how they present themselves on social media right here, here, and here.
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Found On Facebook
When You Preach Body Positivity And Then Shop Your Waist Into Oblivion
There are more people who Photoshop their pictures than most of us think. Of course, most of these edits and photo filters aren’t as drastic as the ones shown in this list, but it still raises the question of how widespread this is.
According to one study, two thirds of Australian women believe that it’s wrong for magazines to edit photos before printing them. The irony is that 57 percent of them also admitted to Photoshopping their own pictures before posting them on social media.
Saw This On Instagram
When You Move Too Much And The Filter Comes Off
His Page vs. Her Page. I Guess He Had To Bring Her To His Level ?
The desire to receive approval and to create a positive reputation for oneself means that some people take multiple selfies in order to get the ‘perfect’ shot.
Dr. Vivienne Lewis, a Clinical Psychologist at the University of Canberra, told the Daily Mail that more and more women are becoming dissatisfied with how they perceive their bodies and their image, thus resulting in a low self-esteem.
Girl, What Is Up With Your Legs?? She Put The Whole Leg On Backwards In The Second Pic!
Famous Singer From My Country
Floors Look A Bit Bent...
“The thing is, they're constantly having to meet unrealistic beauty trends and standards,” Dr. Lewis explained. She noted that there is huge pressure for women to look ‘perfect’ in the age of social media. “Women in particular who are very concerned about their bodies can spend hours editing photos.”
What The Tim Burton
On The Left, Pictures Someone Posted To Twitter Calling Her The Most Beautiful Woman Alive. On The Right, What She Really Looked Like That Day. I Agree She’s Absolutely Gorgeous, So Why Photoshop Her To Make Her Look Like A Doll?
This Girl Was Posted In Another Post For Falsely Calling Police On Her Neighbor. They Put Both These Pictures In The Article
I Cannot Believe She Seriously Posted This
This Person Is Running For Mayor Where I Live. Yikes
Legs For Days
Left: Instagram, Right: Youtube
Local Nail Salon Apparently Removes All Wrinkles From Your Hands After Doing Your Nails
The Longer You Look At It, The Weirder It Gets
Now That The Clouds Have Been Pointed Out, That’s The First Thing I Look At Now
Flexible Bones
Couldn’t Believe My Eyes With This One
Same Person, Different Angle
Apparently We Should All Be Ashamed Of Our Knuckles Now
I Normally Don't Notice These Things But Come On....
Her Instagram Is A Gold Mine For This Stuff. Every Time She Posts, Her Edits Get More Extreme
May I Present To You, A Thicc Zombie. He Makes Fake Pages To Follow And Comment On His Own Pictures And Deletes Anyone Else’s Comments That Call Him Out
This is just disturbing...it sounds like there's something seriously wrong with this guy
The Guy On The Left (Who Doesn't Really Filter On His Own Insta) Got Filtered By The Other Guy A Bunch Too
Serving Ginger Realness
Saw This Girl On Tiktok...atleast She’s Completely Honest About It Lmao
Dude From Tinder Must Think He’s Got Us All Convinced
Goldmine Ig Account. There So Many To Choose From
Left Was Posted On A Thinspo Insta Page. I Thought They Were Tackling This Issue?
I Don’t Even Have To Say Anything
She looks so much better without it. Many people here are prettier before all the Photoshop.
Ouch @ Her Dislocated Hip, She Should Go Get That Checked Out
Filtered vs. Unfiltered
At This Point, What Is Real?
Completely Changed Her Face Structure
Christmas Is Coming. Don’t Forget To Photoshop Yourself With A Nice Tree
I Posted A Girl Who Got Called Out For Photoshopping Her Makeup A While Ago. Now It Seems Even The “Greats” Are Getting Away With It
The Picture She Posted vs. The Original
The Photo She Posted vs. The One Her Friend Posted Of Her
He Is Honestly Very Talented But The Editing Is Just So Unrealistic
At Least She Edited Her Friend Too
On Today's Edition Of What I Bought vs. What Arrived
I really wonder what is going on in their head when they 'shop themselves into oblivion. On some level I feel sorry for them, because they must have serious mental issues. But on the other hand they are a-holes promoting a toxic culture to a wide and often very impressionable audience.
It all boils down to our obsession with beauty and what we feel beautiful should look like. It's sad really. I'm just as guilty to hop on snapchat and throw on a filter.
Some of these filters are ridiculously fake looking, do these people actually think they make them look sexy? Also, level of denial of when some of these 'influencers' get called out is ridiculous.
Photos on Instagram and other social platforms have lead people to believe that beauty can only exist in an unachievable body type; that it’s even remotely healthy to look like the models in the photos we see. It's very saddening that it teaches women and young girls that it’s appropriate to try to hide their flaws at all costs instead of embracing them. :(
I really wonder what is going on in their head when they 'shop themselves into oblivion. On some level I feel sorry for them, because they must have serious mental issues. But on the other hand they are a-holes promoting a toxic culture to a wide and often very impressionable audience.
It all boils down to our obsession with beauty and what we feel beautiful should look like. It's sad really. I'm just as guilty to hop on snapchat and throw on a filter.
Some of these filters are ridiculously fake looking, do these people actually think they make them look sexy? Also, level of denial of when some of these 'influencers' get called out is ridiculous.
Photos on Instagram and other social platforms have lead people to believe that beauty can only exist in an unachievable body type; that it’s even remotely healthy to look like the models in the photos we see. It's very saddening that it teaches women and young girls that it’s appropriate to try to hide their flaws at all costs instead of embracing them. :(