30 Instagrammers Whose Photos Are So Far From Reality, They Got Shamed For It Online (New Pics)
At this point, Instagram looks like an alternate universe. A place governed by its own laws. A place, where the ultimate creator is photo editing software.
In fact, it's so full of fake influencers, there's even a subreddit dedicated to calling them out, r/InstagramReality. "Social media is a breeding ground for Facetune and Photoshop," the online community writes on its page. "It's unbelievable how some people get away with it while others don't!"
These Internet detectives are on the quest to expose those who have taken it too far: guys who make their biceps so big, they warp the space-time continuum, women with skin so smooth, you can't tell where they chin ends and their necks begin, they're all here.
When you're done scrolling, check out our earlier articles on the subreddit here, here, and here.
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I'm Calling Emergency Services. This Injury Is Serious
Wow it’s like those old trees that consume the fence around them
I’m Sensing A Filter
Holy Hand Difference, Batman
In an earlier piece on r/InstagramReality, Bored Panda spoke to Siobhan Ward, a primary therapist at Life Works, a rehabilitation center that provides treatment for addictions and eating disorders, about the scope of social media addiction in the United Kingdom.
"If you broke 'social media addiction' down into categories, it would encompass other process or behavioral addictions such as porn and gambling, as well as eating disorders, especially predominant with the likes of Instagram," Ward explained. "It may be that the addiction is not with the social media itself, but the social media has become a tool of other addictions."
The therapist thinks people can't stop faking and editing their Instagram photos (even when it's an obvious lie) because of brain chemistry. "Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that comes into play with the addict — it is what tells us that we enjoy something and therefore need to do it again as it gives us pleasure."
"If the person is taking a lot of selfies that have to be 'perfect', then maybe they are not addicts. Instead, this could be a sign of a possible narcissistic personality disorder. Also, if someone is posting pictures to get as many likes as possible, they may not be getting certain needs met in their life. They may not have the love, support, or even safety that they need now or that they needed when they grew up and therefore have had to find another way to fill that hole," Ward said.
Internal Organs? Never Heard Of 'Em
She Could Be An Olympic Swimmer With Those Flippers!
Interestingly, being reminded that social media is fake can also 'fill' us. In a 2019 study, researchers decided to investigate the effect 'Instagram vs. Reality' pictures (the ones containing side-by-side photographs of the same woman, one an idealized depiction and the other a more natural depiction) have on body image.
They got together 305 women aged between 18 and 30 years, the largest demographic group of Instagram users. The sample had a mean age of 25.34 years, and their mean body mass index (BMI) was 26.98, indicating a slightly overweight sample. The majority of participants identified as Caucasian (69.2%), followed by Latino/Hispanic (11.8%), African American (10.2%), Asian (6.6%), Native American (0.3%), and 'other' (2.0%). The participants were randomly assigned to view one of three sets of Instagram images over a period of time: 'Instagram vs. reality" images, the 'ideal' side alone, or the 'real' side alone.
You Have Got To Be Kidding Me
She Forgot The Reflection In The Glass
No Face Texture
"[The study found that] viewing the 'Instagram vs. reality' and real images resulted in decreased body dissatisfaction relative to the ideal images," the researchers wrote. "Furthermore, the detrimental effects of appearance comparison were much less marked for the 'Instagram vs. reality' and real images than for the ideal images. It was concluded that 'Instagram vs. reality' and real posts have the potential to bolster women's body satisfaction, but more research is needed to assess their longer-term impact."
Siobhan Ward said that we need to become aware of what we believe we are getting from the Internet in order to start resisting its temptation. "By understanding why [we] turn to the Internet, [we] can start to think about healthier ways to meet these needs."
Nearly Had A Heart Attack When I Opened Tinder This Morning
I Was Shopping Online When I Saw This Dress... And Those Shoulders...
Faking Swimming With Sharks Is A Thing Now I Guess, By Blatantly Stealing A Background Image From The Internet
I’m Speechless
Ok These Are Getting Ridiculous...
That Is One Giant Hand
I Can’t Decide If This Is A Joke Or Someone Actually Thinks This Is Believable...
Seems Legit (It's A Real Profile From Facebook)
Found In The Wild - Why Would Anyone Even Post This?
Chin To Neck Transition?
Found On Amazon Reviews
Banana Hand
Toy Story 4
Chin, Meet Photoshop
I Can’t Look Away... The Eyes, The Teeth... So Bright. The Mouth... So Large
This Is Not How Real Hair Looks Like Bro
Forgot To Photoshop The Other Boob
Nice T-Rex Arm
Same Girl, 10 Year Difference (In Photoshop Skills)
Ahh, They Definitely Look Alike Alright
"Anyone think my mom and I look alike!? I'm 22 she's 44!"
Was Reading An Article About Photoshop Fails On Instagram. This Was One Of The Examples
Some of these are funny, some creepy, all pitiful. It's a crying shame that people can't just be happy with themselves. I'm not perfect.
And it seems some even are ads, and often models do not have a say in how they are photoshopped after a shoot. It makes them look bad.
I am torn being pity and contempt. Pity, because at least some of these people must have mental issues such as extremely low self-esteem paired with a broken self-image; they may need professional help. Contempt as all these posting, even if taken to extremes, may induce the feeling in others that how they look is not good enough – particularly insecure people, or those that still seek their place in life. Therefore, while these photos are ridiculous, they are also deeply toxic.
I agree 1000%. You said it perfectly. It's a shame the social platforms these are posted on allow them to be posted. I see this as "harmful content" or whatever criteria they use to remove other things or ban people. It does influence others with issues, and some of these posters use such manipulated and false photos to get revenue from products or routines they claim make them looks so "good". It isn't art and it isn't humor...it is toxic. I feel so sorry for these people and those it can effect.
Load More Replies...Not all of them pretty sure. Some could just be fishing for likes. I get what you mean tho and it is really sad.
It has got to be a generation thing. I grew up 80s/90s and how people think those butts are beautiful is beyond me. I still think my normal sized, normal ass it's too big...
thinking your butt is too large is also a generation thing though
Load More Replies...Yeah we had super super skinny role models, Monica on friends, Michelle Pfeiffer, Victoria Beckham etc. Collarbone and ribs were fashionable. Curves were not.
Very often at BP, I see posts etc about acceptance, compassion, kindness ... about not bullying or shaming other people, and then I see articles like this, where we're kind of publicly shaming people, some of whom simply don't have good technical skills, but some of whom are obviously victims of cripplingly low self-esteem, and maybe even mental illness, and that, to me, just seems wrong. If someone obviously has a genuine problem, shaming them's not really the right response.
This place is the biggest community of 'compassionate' hypocrites on the planet, I'm not surprised.
I can't believe the extent of some celebrities doing this. Like, they do realize we can see what they really look like pretty easily... right? I was embarrassed to edit a pimple off a photo before in case someone noticed lol. These people have no shame posting these disasters
It's a pity that people are so ashamed of their own body, that they have to alter pics of themselves to look their idea of perfect. Be happy with who you are.
Oh good lord and gods above WHAT is wrong with these people. And they are not the only ones. Photoshop should sue for slander or something. Giving Photoshop a real bad name?
This begs only one thing to say: what a bunch of self-centered morons.
These people are sick and I'm tired of acting like this is normal and okay. When we all know it isn't. Well those of us that are well mentally know it's an issue. I just feel so bad for these folks. They are suffering mentally and we just kind of make fun of them and go on about our lives. But I guess even if we did try to help they wouldn't admit they aren't well. It's just sad, so so sad to see what's happening to human beings and not being able to help them.
These photos should remind us of the world we live in today. Beauty and perfection have become so important people are using filters to a crazy extent. It's always quite obvious when pics have been worked on and these are examples of the extreme. Quite sad, actually, and a pity that people feel the need to use them. Why bother when it's so obvious the photos are fake?
I feel that as a society, we’re all to blame. Everybody seems so quick to poke fun and judge others. If you’ve ever used a filter, please raise your hand. We are all part of the problem, and we should all be working together to find a solution. I think we should all be more supportive. It’s possible every one of these people are just trying to fit in. Be happy with your body the way it is. Also, if these filters really do give people happiness, then so be it, let them be happy.
These remind me of one picture i took trying to take a pic of my new haircut but my body looks weird as heck like bodies should not be able to move the way mine did in that photo
I'm not a social media thing fan for myself, but if a pic I wasn't happy with would just repose again! Filtering is silly cause you can't step out the door n not have people know who you truely are!
And my profile pic is of a vinegar egg me and my son did together, held it up to the sun with a pair of gloves on. That's why I called my profile clearly sunny as the sun shines through it! I'm not always sunny for goodness sake.
I've just read another post of bored panda about facts that make people sad. This post makes me sad because all these people feel that they have to distort their pictures to the point that they don't even look human any more. They are doing it because they don't feel that their natural bodies or faces are acceptable. It's really sad that beauty standards have been warped so far that people believe these images are attractive.
Some of these are funny, some creepy, all pitiful. It's a crying shame that people can't just be happy with themselves. I'm not perfect.
And it seems some even are ads, and often models do not have a say in how they are photoshopped after a shoot. It makes them look bad.
I am torn being pity and contempt. Pity, because at least some of these people must have mental issues such as extremely low self-esteem paired with a broken self-image; they may need professional help. Contempt as all these posting, even if taken to extremes, may induce the feeling in others that how they look is not good enough – particularly insecure people, or those that still seek their place in life. Therefore, while these photos are ridiculous, they are also deeply toxic.
I agree 1000%. You said it perfectly. It's a shame the social platforms these are posted on allow them to be posted. I see this as "harmful content" or whatever criteria they use to remove other things or ban people. It does influence others with issues, and some of these posters use such manipulated and false photos to get revenue from products or routines they claim make them looks so "good". It isn't art and it isn't humor...it is toxic. I feel so sorry for these people and those it can effect.
Load More Replies...Not all of them pretty sure. Some could just be fishing for likes. I get what you mean tho and it is really sad.
It has got to be a generation thing. I grew up 80s/90s and how people think those butts are beautiful is beyond me. I still think my normal sized, normal ass it's too big...
thinking your butt is too large is also a generation thing though
Load More Replies...Yeah we had super super skinny role models, Monica on friends, Michelle Pfeiffer, Victoria Beckham etc. Collarbone and ribs were fashionable. Curves were not.
Very often at BP, I see posts etc about acceptance, compassion, kindness ... about not bullying or shaming other people, and then I see articles like this, where we're kind of publicly shaming people, some of whom simply don't have good technical skills, but some of whom are obviously victims of cripplingly low self-esteem, and maybe even mental illness, and that, to me, just seems wrong. If someone obviously has a genuine problem, shaming them's not really the right response.
This place is the biggest community of 'compassionate' hypocrites on the planet, I'm not surprised.
I can't believe the extent of some celebrities doing this. Like, they do realize we can see what they really look like pretty easily... right? I was embarrassed to edit a pimple off a photo before in case someone noticed lol. These people have no shame posting these disasters
It's a pity that people are so ashamed of their own body, that they have to alter pics of themselves to look their idea of perfect. Be happy with who you are.
Oh good lord and gods above WHAT is wrong with these people. And they are not the only ones. Photoshop should sue for slander or something. Giving Photoshop a real bad name?
This begs only one thing to say: what a bunch of self-centered morons.
These people are sick and I'm tired of acting like this is normal and okay. When we all know it isn't. Well those of us that are well mentally know it's an issue. I just feel so bad for these folks. They are suffering mentally and we just kind of make fun of them and go on about our lives. But I guess even if we did try to help they wouldn't admit they aren't well. It's just sad, so so sad to see what's happening to human beings and not being able to help them.
These photos should remind us of the world we live in today. Beauty and perfection have become so important people are using filters to a crazy extent. It's always quite obvious when pics have been worked on and these are examples of the extreme. Quite sad, actually, and a pity that people feel the need to use them. Why bother when it's so obvious the photos are fake?
I feel that as a society, we’re all to blame. Everybody seems so quick to poke fun and judge others. If you’ve ever used a filter, please raise your hand. We are all part of the problem, and we should all be working together to find a solution. I think we should all be more supportive. It’s possible every one of these people are just trying to fit in. Be happy with your body the way it is. Also, if these filters really do give people happiness, then so be it, let them be happy.
These remind me of one picture i took trying to take a pic of my new haircut but my body looks weird as heck like bodies should not be able to move the way mine did in that photo
I'm not a social media thing fan for myself, but if a pic I wasn't happy with would just repose again! Filtering is silly cause you can't step out the door n not have people know who you truely are!
And my profile pic is of a vinegar egg me and my son did together, held it up to the sun with a pair of gloves on. That's why I called my profile clearly sunny as the sun shines through it! I'm not always sunny for goodness sake.
I've just read another post of bored panda about facts that make people sad. This post makes me sad because all these people feel that they have to distort their pictures to the point that they don't even look human any more. They are doing it because they don't feel that their natural bodies or faces are acceptable. It's really sad that beauty standards have been warped so far that people believe these images are attractive.