Kids Are Creating Memes About Their Insane Parents And Here Are 30 Of The Best Ones
InterviewArguing with parents is the only battle you can never win. Every time it seems you’re just a step away from winning, there’s a bonus card being thrown your way. “You’re still a kid” works even if you’re already a parent yourself.
Luckily, there’s a subreddit dedicated to capturing all the messed-up drift we got from our parents. R/insaneparents is a safe space to talk about hard things in memes. Lucky enough to have a woo-woo anti-vax mom? They get you. Dad insisting COVID-19 is caused by 5G? Been there, heard that. All these shenanigans get a well-deserved meme fix, and Bored Panda has selected the best ones down below. Don't forget to upvote your faves and share what you think in the comments!
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Others Have It Worse Than Many Of Us
I Feel Like This Applies A Lot For The Parents On Here
Insane Parents Inadvertently Teaching Skills
Bored Panda contacted redditor u/Mynameisethan182, who’s the moderator of r/insaneparents, to find out more about their community, which has a whopping 984K readers.
It turns out, r/insaneparents is far more than just the memes. “The community started off as a joke and it grew over time into a weird, chaotic place for people to talk about their real issues and hopefully raise awareness about them.” Kids today deal with their issues with memes and jokes, and they have “a much darker sense of humor than I had when growing up,” said u/Mynameisethan182.
Should've Stayed At Home
We Have All Been Through This
R/insaneparents looks for memes that have a story to tell and take effort to make. Most importantly, other Reddit users have to relate to it. “No one wants to see memes about your mom taking your Xbox away—they don't care about that,” explained the moderator. “They want to know others out there are going through the same traumas as them and they find solace in that.”
On average, r/insaneparents pulls 900K page views per day with 350K unique viewers. It adds up to a total of 15-20 million page views per month. But u/Mynameisethan182 assures me it’s not about the view count: “We're a decently-sized community and just want to help people.”
He’s Totally Safe!
A Meme About How My Parents Treat Me
This was the question I got from my family. "Why don't you ever come over for the holidays?" Because I don't care to travel almost 2 hours to have a quick meal that eventually deteriorates into a full scale screaming match. When I went to college, I was encouraged by a friend to cut out the negative influences in my life. My family is extremely negative. Out of my parents, my 3 siblings and my cousins...the only one I have time for is my sister...and only because we've supported each other so much through the years. Just because they are related to you by blood does not mean you should obligate yourself to their abuse. The way to rise up is to shed the weights that are holding you down. Who knows..you may encourage them to take a turn towards change.
It Be Like Dat
We’ve all been in a situation where it seems that no matter what you tell your parents, they’ll always have their own way of doing things. It's not uncommon for kids and parents to argue over most things. But if it’s happening way too often and leaving a negative impact on your life, self-esteem, and relationships with others, you should get worried.
According to Psychology Today, you should ask yourself a couple of questions in order to find out whether your relationship with parents is unhealthy. “Do they try to control you? Do they manipulate, use guilt, or play the victim? Do they disregard your feelings and needs?” If the answer is positive, it may be a sign you’re living with toxic parents.
Just A Little Meme For You Guys
Let me fix this. My mother is a horrible person. She treats everyone like c**p. Screams at everyone. Has the mouth of a drunken sailor and will steal the shirt off your back when you're not looking. That being said, I still love her...I just hate the things she does. I know she was dealt a crappy hand in life, but that doesn't excuse her behavior. I know she has mental issues that she doesn't want to get help for and that's her choice. But it doesn't mean I make myself open to her abuses and her behavior. I can worry about her and would be devastated if something happened to her. But I won't feed into her problems by opening myself up to her abuse.
She Doesn't Know I'm Bi
How I've Been Feeling These Past Many Months. Maybe Not Stressed Y'know But Still
Why is this so true? Honestly I'd show this to my parents but then I'd get a "Well you DO have it easy."
Darlene Lancer, a certified hypnotherapist, suggests detaching from toxic parents. “It means not reacting, not taking things personally, and not feeling responsible for someone else’s feelings, wants, and needs. Our parents can easily push our buttons.” In fact, it has nothing to do with physical distance. You can still be close to your parents, but not taking in the things they say.
Remember that having a healthy and pleasant relationship always starts with your feelings and attitudes. “Sometimes working on yourself is all it takes. That doesn’t imply that your parents will change, but you will,” Darlene claims. And that means that sometimes forgiveness is necessary to keep on moving together and building a connection.
Still Bitter...
Meme Monday Has Arrived
My husband looks at the floor anytime we have an argument. I kept thinking that he was just ignoring me. It would make me more furious. Then when I spent quite a bit of time with his mother, I realized she was the queen of lectures. Then I understood who had conditioned him to look at the floor. I approach arguments differently now..trying not to lecture but, instead, engaging him to express his thoughts. We've been able to overcome much more stress in our relationship because we both have a voice.
This just reminds me of that weird movie where this guy kidnaps a kid and winds up taking him Trick or Treating while he robs people because his Mom wouldn't let him trick or treat. Its called A Perfect World. Pretty interesting movie actually.
Happened To Me Once
Whenever Mom Is Losing An Argument
Not Saying Anything Is Sometimes Worse Though
My son got into a fight at school. I was told he started it. I was furious because he knew that I didn't approve of fighting. Then I get to the school and was told that he attacked another kid in the hallway next to the school door to his classroom. After talking to witnesses, I find out that the boy in question had decided to call my son all sorts of nasty names (my son is autistic) including "stupid" and "r****d" because my son was holding the outside door open in ice cold weather so the bus driver could help a student in a wheelchair enter the building, also letting cold air in. The school explained that my son would receive a day in-school suspension, but that the other kid was being suspended for 3 days. I sat down and explained to him how to handle it differently next time and I explained the reason he was suspended for a day was because he took it to the next level of physical attack instead of getting an adult involved to make the kid stop.
Basically Every Kid Growing Up With Strict Parents
(: Fun
Never tell your kids you had it worse. It's like telling them "I suffered more so you just need to suck it up!" Just listen to them.
That'll Solve It
Insaneparents When They Expect Children They Abuse To Love Them Unconditionally Be Like:
This is true. When I was younger my mum hit me and pinched me and whatnot. Now, I stay in my room, and she tells me off when I "isolate" myself. I firmly believe she only stopped abusing me because we learnt about childline in school and I came home telling her all about it.
Gotta Save Every Last Penny
I wish I could do that... the problem is, my parents have to know EVERYTHING that I do. I swear, it feels like they are stalking me sometimes...
My Parents To A Tee
My mom saw an e-girl and told me to look away and called them strippers.
“Walked To School... Uphill Both Ways...”
The Taste
If you're kids are making a valid argument, don't shut them down. Discuss it. Admit Defeat. If you shut them down every time they are winning an argument, you teach them never to fight for what they believe in. You make them shy about asking for help. You make them afraid of authority. That opens the door for them being taken advantage of and it creates problems with confidence. If you are a mature adult..it's ok to admit that a teenager is making a valid point. It's not disrespectful to stand up for what you believe in as long as you keep the conversation civilized.
It's That Damn Radiation!
This is the same BS logic that caused anti-vaxxers to believe that vaccines cause autism. Autism is a genetic malady..not caused by heavy metals in vaccines (which, btw, have already been removed.)
Guys What Do I Do. I Creted This Meme So She Wouldn't Understand This
It also makes me realize, sadly, that I am completely not alone in my experience :(
Load More Replies...had an eating disorder lost a bunch of weight ended up in hospital , i was told by both parents and drs that it was attention seeking or i was on drugs, lol thanks, my sister only has to have a sniffle and its off to A an E. One time she had wind and they took her to emergency room. I fell down the stairs and fractured my ankle and they said its just a sprain and left it. now my ankle is messed up lol
I hear you. I had a severe reaction to medication once, which made my muscles contract randomly; my eyes rolled back and my arms were bent at the elbow and wouldn't release. my mother told me to stop acting, and belted me. She put me to bed, and slapped me again when I couldn't lie down because my abs were contracted. Eventually, after hours of this, she realised I needed a hospital. It's hard to forgive that one, I was only 5 or 6 yrs old.
Load More Replies...It also makes me realize, sadly, that I am completely not alone in my experience :(
Load More Replies...had an eating disorder lost a bunch of weight ended up in hospital , i was told by both parents and drs that it was attention seeking or i was on drugs, lol thanks, my sister only has to have a sniffle and its off to A an E. One time she had wind and they took her to emergency room. I fell down the stairs and fractured my ankle and they said its just a sprain and left it. now my ankle is messed up lol
I hear you. I had a severe reaction to medication once, which made my muscles contract randomly; my eyes rolled back and my arms were bent at the elbow and wouldn't release. my mother told me to stop acting, and belted me. She put me to bed, and slapped me again when I couldn't lie down because my abs were contracted. Eventually, after hours of this, she realised I needed a hospital. It's hard to forgive that one, I was only 5 or 6 yrs old.
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