Something my parents instilled in me from a young age is the importance of good manners. Please, thank you, yes ma’am, no sir and a polite, pleasant attitude can get you a long way. At the same time, acting like a spoiled brat can set you back and, perhaps, even get you called out online. 

We took a trip to this subreddit that’s dedicated to putting entitled individuals on blast and gathered some of their best posts below. From selfish people making demands on social media to drivers taking up as many parking spots as they like, enjoy scrolling through these examples of atrocious entitlement, and be sure to upvote the pics that make your blood boil!


Entitled Petty And Second Class Woman

Entitled Petty And Second Class Woman

Fr1sk3r Report

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drdlyamamoto avatar
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You'd better address me with my neighbour's hamster's room-mates- librarians cousins rank, which is mayor pain in the a*s.

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This Unhinged Karen Who Hit And Bit Flight Attendants And Other Passengers On An American Airlines Flight Last July And Was Tied And Duct-Taped To Her Seat Was Fined $82,000

This Unhinged Karen Who Hit And Bit Flight Attendants And Other Passengers On An American Airlines Flight Last July And Was Tied And Duct-Taped To Her Seat Was Fined $82,000

ghostgoddess7 Report

Nobody wants to be seen as a pushover, and if you genuinely are entitled to something, you shouldn’t be afraid to say so. Boss refuses to accept your time-off requests even though you’ve acquired dozens of days off? Speak up. Food courier forgot half of the meal you paid for at the restaurant? You deserve to get your money back. But it’s important that we all understand what we’re actually entitled to versus what our delusions tell us we deserve.

The Entitled “Batch” subreddit (who’s name we’ve had to censor) is all about calling out individuals who believe they are owed much more than they really are. It describes itself as a place “to post and read about experiences with people who think they can always get their own way and are better than everyone,” and it’s become quite popular. With over 343k members, this online community is the perfect place to remind yourself that not everyone has great manners.


EK Breaks Store Policy And Is Upset With Outcome

EK Breaks Store Policy And Is Upset With Outcome

beemo_wisdom Report


Someone Is Hella Over It!

Someone Is Hella Over It!

HoweverSeine Report

We’ve all encountered entitled behavior before, whether it’s a Karen demanding that a restaurant seat her party before others even though she doesn’t have a reservation or a couple expecting to get free wedding photos from a professional photographer because they went to high school together. But most of us know that this behavior is totally inappropriate, so where does it come from? 

To gain more insight on this topic for a previous Bored Panda piece, we got in touch with Licensed Creative Arts Therapist and Board Certified Music Therapist Al Hoberman. Al was kind enough to have a chat with us and explain how exactly people justify their entitled behavior. 


“Entitlement can come across as overconfidence, but turned on its head, we can see it as an expression of some kind of need,” Al explained. “Maybe it’s wanting to feel special, to be cared and provided for, or to know that you’ll be there for them. Wanting a lot is a sign that someone feels that they’re lacking a lot, whether they’re fully aware of it or not.”


Mommy Letting Her Children Sit On The Edge Of The Cruise Ship’s Balcony During Crossing. She Got Removed From The Cruise And Claimed She Was Being Victimised

Mommy Letting Her Children Sit On The Edge Of The Cruise Ship’s Balcony During Crossing. She Got Removed From The Cruise And Claimed She Was Being Victimised

ladysman_untrue Report

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de-snoekies avatar
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yep, she was victimised because her children didn't fall to their deaths so that she couldn't be reimbursed for the costs of the cruise.

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One Of The Busiest Beach Days Of The Year And This A-Hole Parked Like This

One Of The Busiest Beach Days Of The Year And This A-Hole Parked Like This

Objective-Cupcake745 Report


She Forgave Herself For Cheating

She Forgave Herself For Cheating

ajjflash , Report

Al also noted that entitlement amongst family members can sometimes be a bid for connection. “Just like a young child who is all smiles at daycare, and then comes home and has a meltdown, we tend to show our most difficult feelings around people we trust,” he previously shared. “So if a family member is asking a lot of you, it may be an unconscious way of asking ‘how much can I lean on you and have you still love me?’”


What The What?!

What The What?!

Helloo_clarice Report

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drdlyamamoto avatar
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can't deal with that "proud to be in the military " stuff. Where I come from, nobody see it as something positive.

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She Thinks She Can’t Fired

She Thinks She Can’t Fired

Ok-Willingness1409 Report


Change Your Dog's Name, Or My Unborn Baby's Life Will Be Ruined

Change Your Dog's Name, Or My Unborn Baby's Life Will Be Ruined

buckfasthero Report

“On the other hand, if someone has grown up in an environment where this kind of behavior was rewarded, or they observed it in others, it could be that this is just what feels normal to them,” the therapist pointed out. “They might not even see it as special treatment, it’s just what they’re used to doing.”


Because Rents Already Cheap Enough As It Is

Because Rents Already Cheap Enough As It Is

Kaankaants Report


Her Broke Baby Daddy/Ex Boyfriend Is Absolutely Floored That She Changed Her Netflix Password Lmao

Her Broke Baby Daddy/Ex Boyfriend Is Absolutely Floored That She Changed Her Netflix Password Lmao

captaincumragx Report


When You’re Not The Baby’s Daddy

When You’re Not The Baby’s Daddy

Fr1sk3r , Report

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rayceeyarayceeya avatar
Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No, it means she cheated. I can't think of any other way to interpret this. Even in 16th century Europe that was grounds for divorce and do you know how hard it is to get the actual Pope to OK a divorce? Ask Henry the VIII.

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We also asked the expert for some advice on dealing with relatives who make others feel guilty about not giving into their selfish demands. “This is what practicing boundaries is all about,” Al noted. 

“It’s a common misconception that setting boundaries is about getting the other person to do something you want. Actually, it’s about figuring out what your limits are, and deciding how you’re going to respond when they’re crossed,” he explained. “Then, importantly, you communicate that decision ahead of time.”


Do You Expect Him To Give You A Ring That Costs More Than Your Rent!

Do You Expect Him To Give You A Ring That Costs More Than Your Rent!

tuxedo-permakitten Report

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de-snoekies avatar
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm all for happy relationships, but this boyfriend should ditch this woman. No good can come from this.

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Roommate Crashed My Car While Borrowing It To Go To Work Then Refuses To Pay Anything Unless I Let Her Continue To Drive It In The Future

Roommate Crashed My Car While Borrowing It To Go To Work Then Refuses To Pay Anything Unless I Let Her Continue To Drive It In The Future

ghostgoddess7 Report

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black-adder avatar
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

With a person like that, I would say yes and then never do it.

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See Also on Bored Panda

Came Across This Post From A Fellow Classmate. She Wants Everyone To Ask Her For Permission Before Getting Married/Taking On A Job

Came Across This Post From A Fellow Classmate. She Wants Everyone To Ask Her For Permission Before Getting Married/Taking On A Job

Inner_Antelope6724 Report

“Say I have a parent who keeps giving me unsolicited parenting advice,” Al says. “My first step is to tell them it’s unwelcome, and ask them, firmly but kindly, to stop. Next, if they persist, I might say something like, ‘Listen, if you’re really not able to stop, I’m going to end our conversation. We can talk about something else another time.’”

“Of course, chances are, the person you set boundaries with is going to be upset at first. That’s where the guilt comes in,” the therapist continued. “No one wants to feel like they’re letting down someone they love, but tuning in to this caring can help you express yourself compassionately without compromising your own needs.”


This Kevin Thinks He Should Get This Woman’s Seat Because He Boarded The Flight Before Her

This Kevin Thinks He Should Get This Woman’s Seat Because He Boarded The Flight Before Her

MarsRoadster Report


Entitled B***h Couple Enjoy Lunch Past Wall You’re Not Allowed To Cross (Also A Protected Habitat) At The Cliffs Of Moher

Entitled B***h Couple Enjoy Lunch Past Wall You’re Not Allowed To Cross (Also A Protected Habitat) At The Cliffs Of Moher

firewaterking3 Report


She Thinks Her Husband Is In The Wrong! Infuriating

She Thinks Her Husband Is In The Wrong! Infuriating

ViolettaNoRegard Report

See Also on Bored Panda

While setting boundaries with entitled individuals is a good way to handle conflict, Al told Bored Panda that it doesn’t prevent it altogether. “It can be an emotionally taxing process, and especially if you’re naturally conflict-averse, it's important to have a support system in place as you go through it. This could mean speaking with friends, a partner, or a therapist, but should also include keeping in mind that you’re in a vulnerable place and treating yourself with care.”


This Passenger Put Her Bare Foot Inbetween My Armrests During A 10 Hr Flight! I Noticed When I Felt Her Toenails On My Arm. Ew

This Passenger Put Her Bare Foot Inbetween My Armrests During A 10 Hr Flight! I Noticed When I Felt Her Toenails On My Arm. Ew

ghostgoddess7 Report


Someone On My College Campus Posted About Wanting Her BF Circumcised. I Hope He Dumps Her After This

Someone On My College Campus Posted About Wanting Her BF Circumcised. I Hope He Dumps Her After This

avocado_lump Report

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Jeremy James
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Even if you were married, demanding that your partner get elective surgery to suit your tastes is a little extreme.

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Entitled Humans That Don’t Put Away Their Shopping Carts

Entitled Humans That Don’t Put Away Their Shopping Carts

Realistic_Rice_2709 Report

We hope you’re enjoying reading through these posts, pandas. It’s never fun to have to deal with entitled people, but it certainly can be enjoyable to roast them online! Keep upvoting the pics that you find particularly atrocious, and let us know in the comments below if you’ve encountered any particularly selfish people recently. Then, if you’d like to check out even more posts calling out entitlement online, we recommend reading this Bored Panda article next!


Eb Prioritizes Legroom Over Industry Safety Standards

Eb Prioritizes Legroom Over Industry Safety Standards

silenceinobservation Report

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Sian E
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The whole point of being allowed to sit in the emergency exit row is that you're able bodied enough to open the door/window escape and assist others with exiting the plane.

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I Can’t Eat Fajitas Without Shredded Cheese. This Is Unauthentic

I Can’t Eat Fajitas Without Shredded Cheese. This Is Unauthentic

IMakeStuffUppp Report


I ordered an Uber

I ordered an Uber

The girl arrived and then she turned her way around and currently is 3:17 and she is going further away, almost 20 mins away, if I cancel it, Uber charges me for the amount of time she is taking, so f**k my Life, I needed to get to work.

Cutitie Report

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thatguv avatar
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You cancel it, then report that ride and explain what happened and then they refund you.

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Note: this post originally had 57 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.