Good educators significantly impact a student's life. But so can the bad ones. 

Today's list continues Bored Panda's series of articles covering some teachers' irksome and unprofessional behavior. While a few submissions are laughable, others prove that not everyone is fit for the job. 

Some of you may have had similar experiences, so feel free to share them in the comments.


Teachers Need To Understand Students Don't Always Sleep In Class Just Because Of Laziness

Teachers Need To Understand Students Don't Always Sleep In Class Just Because Of Laziness

Phantom_Wolf52 Report


    I Was A Teacher For 8 Years, And I Never Made A Student Feel Small After Asking For Help

    I Was A Teacher For 8 Years, And I Never Made A Student Feel Small After Asking For Help

    washedupteach Report

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    niti-sims avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The magic of washii tape! I partially open difficult things and then seal them for my kid.

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    "They Both Tried To Laugh It Off Like It Was All A Silly Misunderstanding And Never Apologized To Me"

    "They Both Tried To Laugh It Off Like It Was All A Silly Misunderstanding And Never Apologized To Me"

    JoyAng , JoyAng Report

    “Bad teachers are extremely rare,” according to decorated film producer, screenwriter, and English teacher Ellie Herman. But having seen her fair share of subpar educators, she found five common tendencies. One of them is having a noticeable dislike towards children. 

    “The number one quality I’ve observed in bad teachers is that they do not seem to like children very much. In high schools, this means they do not seem to find teenagers charming, funny, or interesting—ever.”


    It Took Him A While

    It Took Him A While

    Just for some perspective, I emailed him in my 2nd year of undergrad. I have graduated from my undergrad, have two master's degrees, and I'm in the 6th year of my PhD.

    academijung Report

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    davidpaterson avatar
    David Paterson
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's why I wouldn't make a good teacher. Some time I'll get to answer those emails from 15 years ago.

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    A Former Teacher Of Mine Publicly Ridiculing And Passing Judgement On Someone For Being Proud Of Their Sobriety

    A Former Teacher Of Mine Publicly Ridiculing And Passing Judgement On Someone For Being Proud Of Their Sobriety

    ander2kv Report


    Disinterest in the subject they’re teaching is another tendency among bad teachers, according to Herman. 

    “If asked ‘why are you teaching this?’ will you respond ‘because it will be on the test’? Every teacher has dud lessons from time to time (believe me), but what I sense in the classrooms of bad teachers is that they have no interest in their entire subject.”


    Apparently Enjoying The Workout Is Part Of The Grade

    Apparently Enjoying The Workout Is Part Of The Grade

    1Cryptic_Phoenix Report


    My Brother's Kindergarten Teacher Printed These Out For The Class

    My Brother's Kindergarten Teacher Printed These Out For The Class

    brendan1228 Report


    I Had To Do A Survey For Math And Made It As Simple As Humanly Possible, But According To The English Professor, Hostel Isn't A Word

    I Had To Do A Survey For Math And Made It As Simple As Humanly Possible, But According To The English Professor, Hostel Isn't A Word Report

    Beloved teachers have one trait in common: they care. They are genuinely invested in their students’ success. But some are already emotionally checked out, and Herman says it shows. 

    “A central quality in truly bad teachers is that they seem to have stopped caring; this lack of engagement is reflected not only in their interactions with students (or lack thereof) but in their seemingly random choice of lesson topics.”


    I Had An English Final Exam Today, And I Had To Describe This Image. Teacher's Copy vs. Student's Copy

    I Had An English Final Exam Today, And I Had To Describe This Image. Teacher's Copy vs. Student's Copy

    Fastestbullet99 Report


    My 3rd Grade Kids Were Given This Ridiculous Project

    My 3rd Grade Kids Were Given This Ridiculous Project

    ThatsMrSmeeToYou Report

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    nathbp1 avatar
    Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Must be able to fly. Must be able to turn lead into gold. Must be able to demonstrate we live on a Flat Earth.

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    My Son Then Told Him That Was Offensive, Explaining That Autism Means Seeing The World Differently And That Jesus’ Perfection Was About Being Sinless, Not Neurotypical

    My Son Then Told Him That Was Offensive, Explaining That Autism Means Seeing The World Differently And That Jesus’ Perfection Was About Being Sinless, Not Neurotypical

    AndrewTDraper Report

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    arranrichards avatar
    Tobias Reaper
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my nephew is autistic and when he was 5 or 6 he was upset and started cry and said his brain was broken someone had said something to me it absolutely broke my heart. Being neurodivergent myself i know its not something that needs to be healed at all so this dude can bugger right off

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    Teachers have their favorite students; however, it won’t be an issue if everyone receives fair treatment. It becomes a problem when these biases become evident. 

    “The truly bad teachers I’ve observed tend to engage only with a small number of very compliant, eager students, ignoring the rest except to reprimand troublemakers,” Herman says.


    We Are No Longer Allowed To Yawn In My College Course, With Points Off Our Grade As Punishment

    We Are No Longer Allowed To Yawn In My College Course, With Points Off Our Grade As Punishment

    sleepiesen Report

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    zeljkoklaric78_1 avatar
    Bernd Herbert
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    2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And while you’re at it, please stop breathing! That also has a negative impact on me

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    This Typo Caused Me To Fail The Entire Assignment

    This Typo Caused Me To Fail The Entire Assignment

    nlwfty Report


    So Rude And For What

    So Rude And For What

    EM0DOG Report

    However, there are people who see some benefit in having their kids learn under bad teachers. Author Linda Flanagan is a mother of three teenagers, and here’s what she’s observed. 

    “An indifferent teacher can compel the self-motivated student to pursue his own interests,” she wrote in an article for HuffPost. “The teacher who spends class time devouring People while students fill out worksheets might not inspire, but she might prompt a little self-directed learning just the same."


    Apparently, My Answer Was Wrong Because The Teacher Forgot To Add An End Parentheses

    Apparently, My Answer Was Wrong Because The Teacher Forgot To Add An End Parentheses

    Clymmie Report


    My Teacher Only Lets Us Go To The Bathroom 3 Times A Month

    My Teacher Only Lets Us Go To The Bathroom 3 Times A Month

    Imayhaveeatenthedog Report

    Flanagan's example of a bad teacher is someone she describes as a "tyrant" and "petty dictator" who is more about control. She says having these people as mentors is a valuable experience when entering the real world. 

    "These skills will come in handy when it's time to renew a driver's license, contest an insurance payment, or dispute a cable bill. Having a tyrant for a teacher helps young people appreciate why abuses of power must be resisted throughout life."


    This Teacher Is Wild

    This Teacher Is Wild Report

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    redwyvernemperor avatar
    Red Wyvern Emperor
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dude for 200$ an hour I will pick that cotton and prepare field for next year. XD

    lmm-kuiper avatar
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    2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is the same as that question "Would you flip burgers for 200/hr? Yes? Guess it's not hard to find employees, employers just don't pay enough". I bet this questions leads to discussing they didn't really need slaves to do the work, but they didn't want to pay people enough to do it voluntarily. It's a good discussion to have. Slavery was about profit, and we're going that way again, but more subtle (as in, without the obvious abuse, like whipping and raping and locking people in chains). Now it's simply "sure, you can chose not to work two crappy fulltime jobs, but then you'll live on the streets and have no food".

    sueuser avatar
    Sue User
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But just get a better paying job /s .As if there is an infinite pool of better paying jobs. Also it is perfectly fine for corporations to charge as much as possible to maximise profits but when i do the same , I am demanding.

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    jaswarner avatar
    Jas Warner
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    2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me being black,? I'm going with Hell no and take this question to the higher ups. Let's ask them if they'd pick cotton. Couldnt just learn about black inventors huh? Alfred Cralle made the ice cream scoop. Marie Van Brittan Brown invented the first home security system. I'll bet the teacher wasn't my same skin color. Like 50 shades lighter. These comments don't suprise me seeing as they're from non melaninated folks

    confred78 avatar
    Marlowe Fitzpatrik
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But as an educator (though for much smaller kids), I think this is a perfect opening to a very interesting discussion. For that money? Sure, this pay sounds great. Do we know what the work entails? How hard is cotton-picking? How hard was it back in the days? Why DID the white plantation-owners use slaves? What did the system of systemical abuse of people with dark skin mean on the long run? It could be a very long-term (it's a MONTH, right?) project that starts an understanding of peach-colored kids why there are still issues - and what would need to change to create actual equality. Sure, this teacher could also just be a D**k and offensive. But we can't really judge from one picture, can we?

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    savesoliii avatar
    Trev Fontaine
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yea id pick that. The issue with people picking cotton is that they traditionally were not paid

    confred78 avatar
    Marlowe Fitzpatrik
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm pretty sure that is the answer the teacher is going for. And then start a discussion.

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    ukachukwuokpara avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dude I will pick the cottons then wade in the water straight to the bank singing oh freedom

    rwtnuhkielf7 avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was in class once, there was announcement over the intercom (paraphrasing here) that in honor of BHM, the cafeteria would be serving fried chicken, collared greens, watermelon, and grape soda. My room was dead silent for a moment as everyone's brains were rebooting from the collective WTF?! moment. After 5 seconds or so, one of the kids piped up "I don't know whether to be offended or get some, 'cause that sounds really good." I was chatting with him later that day & jokingly asked if he ended up getting any and if they also gave him some menthol cools. He lost it and had to run off to some of his other friends to repeat.

    virgilblue avatar
    Virgil Blue
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The point was not being employed to pick the stuff but that you were frigging enslaved.

    lanebass1990 avatar
    LooseSeal's $10 Banana
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Assuming the teacher knows their students,I could see this being jumping off point into the value of stolen labor.

    annk4444 avatar
    Ann Kapoxeet
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's sad that teachers think this passes for honoring Black history.

    xolitaire avatar
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    2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would totally pick the cotton, take the money and then force the cotton down that teachers throat. F them and their brilliant "discussion starter" idea.

    jessica-bertram1 avatar
    Jessica Bertram
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh totally agreed. At best it's damnably insensitive, at worst it's a fireable offense.

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    jessica-bertram1 avatar
    Jessica Bertram
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I need context though. This might (MIGHT) be leading to a lesson, and is just the hook.

    kari-du avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is beyond disgusting. How the heck did anyone think this is appropriate? Picking cotton should not be used as an example like that! That teacher needs to be reported. My god!

    robertbenson avatar
    Robert Benson
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I acknowledge that this is a completely insensitive question. That being said, I would be willing to do the work, but I have an extremely bad back... the suffering that I would experience would require a lot more compensation... For $200K/HR I'd deal with the consequences, but I'm willing to negotiate a lower rate if there are good benefits :)

    phillybobsquires avatar
    Philly Bob Squires
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For 2 large an hour, I'd not only pick it but I'd make some cool T-shirts too!

    michaelnone avatar
    Michael None
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    $200/hr I'd pick the corn out of your s**t. If you gave me gloves.

    jbunting242 avatar
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    2 weeks ago

    This comment has been deleted.

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    I Would Hate That In My Classes

    I Would Hate That In My Classes

    CLOVIS-AI Report


    I'm A Blind Guy, And My Teachers Tell Me They Don't Know Why I'm Not Looking Forward To The School Trip To The Museum. Can Anyone Guess Why?

    I'm A Blind Guy, And My Teachers Tell Me They Don't Know Why I'm Not Looking Forward To The School Trip To The Museum. Can Anyone Guess Why?

    Frikandelneuker Report

    Flanagan also experienced what she describes as “the idealogue” when her son’s seventh-grade biology teacher pushed his belief in creationism onto his students. 

    “It introduces kids to mankind’s endless capacity for self-deception. Warning: this lesson only applies when there’s a rational adult in the mix to provide a reality check.”


    I Did My Biology Assignment. It Counted Me Wrong Because I Put Their First And Last Names

    I Did My Biology Assignment. It Counted Me Wrong Because I Put Their First And Last Names

    ChikinNuggetsRmine Report


    My Teacher: "Go To This Link And Fill Out The Form"

    My Teacher: "Go To This Link And Fill Out The Form"

    BramKalkman Report


    My Son Misspelled A Word, So The Teacher "Corrected" Him

    My Son Misspelled A Word, So The Teacher "Corrected" Him

    Edawg661 Report


    Woke Up At 7 AM, Headed To Class In The Freezing Rain, Just To See "Class Is Cancelled" Written On The Whiteboard And The Door Locked. No Email Or Anything First

    Woke Up At 7 AM, Headed To Class In The Freezing Rain, Just To See "Class Is Cancelled" Written On The Whiteboard And The Door Locked. No Email Or Anything First

    Firecracker7413 Report

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    ovanrem avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My age/generation is about to be revealed, but there were times when that was normal

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    My Son’s First Grade Teacher Sent This Home Today

    My Son’s First Grade Teacher Sent This Home Today

    highfivesandhandjobs Report

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    Our Driving Class Teacher Is Never On Time. She Should've Been Here 20 Minutes Ago

    Our Driving Class Teacher Is Never On Time. She Should've Been Here 20 Minutes Ago

    Things like this repeat all the time. Previously, we had to wait for her for 30+ minutes.

    Olya_roo Report


    My Teacher Printed The Video File On Paper

    My Teacher Printed The Video File On Paper

    Huge-Technician2889 Report

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    The Article For An Assignment In Class Is Paid

    The Article For An Assignment In Class Is Paid

    Accomplished_Bike149 Report

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    lmm-kuiper avatar
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    2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So you can't complete the assignment until the teacher prints the article or gives you an account. Easy. (yes, megasmacky, I meant "or". cool down)

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    This Program Our Professor Wants Us To Use For Our Tests

    This Program Our Professor Wants Us To Use For Our Tests

    The reviews all say it's spyware and that it ruins computers. In the past, we’ve used Honorlock, but this professor just had to be different.

    TexasMeatMan Report


    The Lines A Fellow Teacher Gave A 7-Year-Old Student To Write 20 Times As A Consequence

    The Lines A Fellow Teacher Gave A 7-Year-Old Student To Write 20 Times As A Consequence

    Illustrious-Laugh795 Report

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    ukachukwuokpara avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Explanation: I must remember to forget the correct shoes to wear which means ( consequence lines = no meaning)

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    When Teachers Give Diagrams Like This

    When Teachers Give Diagrams Like This

    gr33nh3at Report


    My Four-Year-Old Daughter's Preschool Homework. "Match The Pictures" With No Other Context

    My Four-Year-Old Daughter's Preschool Homework. "Match The Pictures" With No Other Context

    chuck1830 Report


    This Sign Is On A High School Classroom Door

    This Sign Is On A High School Classroom Door

    cmonfiend Report


    My French Teacher Gave Us New "French Names" About Two Weeks Ago And Takes Off Points From Your Exams And Daily Participation If You Don't Refer To Yourself By Your French Name

    My French Teacher Gave Us New "French Names" About Two Weeks Ago And Takes Off Points From Your Exams And Daily Participation If You Don't Refer To Yourself By Your French Name

    dykejoon Report

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    ukachukwuokpara avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think some cultures would find this offensive,............ wait, I find this offensive

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    My Blind Child Came Home From School Today With This Homework

    My Blind Child Came Home From School Today With This Homework

    zixxty Report

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    livlisbon84 avatar
    Olivia Lisbon
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    While it’s possible that their child is the only blind one, and this was a standard assignment for everyone, it’s amazing how blind this teacher was.

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    Kindergarten Homework Is Kicking My Butt. "In Front" Or "Behind"? I Got -2 Points For This

    Kindergarten Homework Is Kicking My Butt. "In Front" Or "Behind"? I Got -2 Points For This

    Fresh_Counter Report

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    livlisbon84 avatar
    Olivia Lisbon
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How is this math? Besides that, they’re all ambiguous. If the mistake is that the clouds are behind the rainbow, I could also say the fence is behind the horse. Stupid assignment.

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    This Stressed My Son Out. Literally Impossible

    This Stressed My Son Out. Literally Impossible

    IndependenceLumpy294 Report


    My Kid's Science Teacher Assigned An 82-Question Packet To Be Done Over Spring Break

    My Kid's Science Teacher Assigned An 82-Question Packet To Be Done Over Spring Break

    gardenbikie821 Report


    No Point In Studying For The Final

    No Point In Studying For The Final

    pizzadough_ Report

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    andilyden avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This means that you have done so badly in other exams that to get a passing grade you will need a higher score than is possible - its not difficult if somewhat a funny way to put it -

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    Teacher Not Happy With Marching Band Score And Award

    Teacher Not Happy With Marching Band Score And Award

    DesertRat13 Report

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    nawny avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Band teachers can be wild. Had one in elementary school that used to throw recorders, ukuleles and chairs at students. Like 6 year olds. Or maybe it was just the 80’s that was wild lol.

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    I Didn’t Know People Actually Covered Clocks In Schools

    I Didn’t Know People Actually Covered Clocks In Schools

    JacobIsAFroggyBoi Report


    The Way My Math Teacher Numbers His Worksheets

    The Way My Math Teacher Numbers His Worksheets

    adeel-a Report


    My University Cancelled Class Today Due To The Weather (A Freezing Rainstorm Caused Thick Layers Of Ice All Over The Campus), But My Professor Still Wants Us To Go To Our Lab

    My University Cancelled Class Today Due To The Weather (A Freezing Rainstorm Caused Thick Layers Of Ice All Over The Campus), But My Professor Still Wants Us To Go To Our Lab

    Lada730 Report

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    jnogrimes avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Forward it to the office that closed the school. Massive liability could occur.

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    All Of My School's Printers Are Auto-Configured To Print Double-Sided. However, My Programming Teacher Requires Code To Be Printed Single-Sided

    All Of My School's Printers Are Auto-Configured To Print Double-Sided. However, My Programming Teacher Requires Code To Be Printed Single-Sided

    Smile_Space Report

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    morphuny avatar
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    2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Requires code to be PRINTED? We would get kicked of computer class for that at university 😂 we have to give them the code as a python script or something but never ever print code

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    This Keyboard At My College. Teachers, Don't Let Us Clean It

    This Keyboard At My College. Teachers, Don't Let Us Clean It

    Benji0514 Report

    Note: this post originally had 60 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.

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