30 Times Neighbors Were So Horrific People Just Had To Shame Them (New Pics)
You can choose your friends but not your neighbors. If you’re lucky, you get to live among decent people who don’t constantly test your boundaries. You might even have the pleasure of sharing your hood with some really lovely folk. But one survey found that 75% of people dislike at least one of their neighbors. A separate poll revealed that 65% actually hide from their neighbors to avoid seeing or talking to them.
People have been sharing the most infuriating and terrible things their neighbors have done, and we have to say, some are just jaw-dropping. Others are plain gross. From leaving live pet fish out for dirt collectors, to dumping bags of cat litter in the blazing sun, it seems there’s no shortage of garbage behavior doing the rounds in various neighborhoods. Bored Panda has compiled a list of truly horrific encounters people have had with their neighbors, and we hope you never have to experience any of them. Ever.
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Neighbors Gave Me Their Dog Because They Didn’t Have Time For Her But Just Got A New Puppy
This girl showed up in my yard about a month and a half ago. When I found her owners, they said, “you can keep her if you want; I don’t have time for her.” It was about 20 hours between me finding the dog and finding the owner, and they didn’t even know she was missing! They said they’d been planning to sell her since they don’t have time for her but had been too lazy to get around to it.
But let me tell you, she’s been absolutely wonderful! So well-behaved and sweet. So I told the owners I’d be happy to have her and to take any food, toys, treats, etc off their hands if they don’t need it. They brought me half a small bag of food, not even a leash or collar.
This morning, as I’m walking my wonderful girl, I pass the owner’s house and see someone walking inside carrying a 2-4 month old puppy. As I’m walking back he catches me and asks if I have any dog food I can spare. He says he’s just dog sitting that puppy and doesn’t have any food and was about to walk to the store to get some. (Of course I gave him some food.)
The old owners didn’t have time for this amazing and chill 4.5 year old (who maybe didn’t even have a single toy), but they do for a young puppy? A young puppy they didn’t even leave food for the dog sitter?
These Types Of People Don’t Learn
Visited my family member in San Jose area, went out on foot to buy some cigarettes. Walked approximately a half of a mile before I was stopped by the police. Somebody called the cops because they saw “somebody suspiciously walking in the middle of the day”. For context I was clothed normally and just walked as usual.
Snow Has Melted Enough To Show How Cr**py My Neighbors Are
Right next to my steps by our front door at our apartment.. As a smoker myself, I find this disgusting af.. it’s called an ashtray.
My neighbour used to flick his cigarette butts over the fence into our garden. Thank goodness the jerk's wife eventually kicked him out for cheating on her.
I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t hidden from a neighbor at least once in my life. And it turns out I’m not alone. A survey conducted by Top Rail Fence found that two-thirds of Americans have found ways to avoid interacting with their neighbors.
Of the more than 1000 people polled, 37% of respondents said they simply pretended not to see the proverbial Jones’, while just over a third admitted to staying indoors when they see their neighbors outside.
26% of sneaky people could win an Oscar for their acting skills. They said they made like Houdini and pulled out all the stops to make it look like they weren’t home. A few others preferred to seem distracted and wore headphones or pretended to be on the phone when faced with a neighbor.
Upstairs Neighbor Has Been Dumping Their Cat Litter And Trash Out Of Their Window For What Seems To Be The Past Year Or So
I moved in only a few months ago. The other night I woke up to a noise by my window. I looked out and noticed this massive pile of cat litter. I've complained to the landlord but they haven't done anything yet.
Neighbor Put Out Active Fish Tank On Curb For Bulk Trash Pick-Up
Bulk trash is on Saturday in my neighborhood so my community usually puts out items like furniture and broken large items that the garbage man can’t take. This neighbor has put out a bike and a tank on a table the was quite murky. Walking to dog today I notice the bike was gone (others in the community will often scavenge the piles for things to take before pickup) and I walked closer to see what the tank was and noticed something moving.
There are SEVEN clown fish in what looks like a 9x11 tank swimming around. I didn’t notice this when I saw the tank on Wednesday and it has been out there for three days now. Who dumps a tank with live animals on the curb to die and be carted off for garbage? I have a tank myself but It hasn’t been used in years and I fear I wouldn’t be able to move the fish safely into my home as I don’t have a space to effective house them and would stress them out. I’m looking for someone to come and take them safely or will take them myself to a pet store so they can at least have a chance to live. Just scared I won’t get to them in time. Garbage behavior.
Ps. These are the same neighbors with two large German shepherds that have horrid temperaments and are always freaking out at other dogs and pets.
Neighbor Constantly Parks In Front Of My House, Blocked Driveway This Time
They have a 2-car garage and large driveway, but they keep the garage empty to sit in their lawn chairs and park 3 of their cars in front of neighbors houses (never their own house). This time, they parked in front of our driveway. I asked them to move it so my gf can leave for work at 5am tomorrow, and they said “sure we’ll move it in 10 minutes.” It’s now been over an hour and it’s still there.
They have 2 hours until I go to bed and call the non-emergency number to ticket/tow it so we can go to work tomorrow.
Each house here has space for one parking spot on the street. My next door neighbor put a basketball hoop in front of his. Can't say as I blame him
According to Top Rail Fence, younger generations are nearly twice as likely to avoid their neighbors than people over 60. And the older generations are more likely to be friends with and trust the person living across the street.
64% of people polled said they'd be willing to ask their neighbors for a small favor. However, only 17% trust their neighbors enough to leave them with a house key. Those over 60 were twice as likely to leave a set of keys with a neighbor than those between the ages of 18 and 29.
Neighbors Leaving Lit Candles Unattended Outside Apartment Doors
Not even sure how to approach this situation. It feels very unsafe to leave candles lit on a carpet floor.
The Way My Apartment Neighbor Parked Next To Me (My Car Is On The Left)
Yes, these are assigned parking spots. I can still get my car in and out but it is incredibly frustrating. I plan to leave a polite note for my neighbors if this keeps happening but I don’t understand why people can’t just park normally, it takes 30 seconds to pull forwards and backwards again. This is the 3rd time in the past couple of weeks that they’ve parked way too close to me.
Our New Neighbor Just Moved In And Placed This Huge Container Outside Her Apartment Blocking Half Our Bedroom Window
This just happened today so we haven’t yet addressed it with them/the apartment complex but it’s mildly infuriating to have to deal with this and/or potential confrontation with the new neighbor.
If you need a storage unit, rent a storage unit. Also those are super easy to break into.
A separate Lending Tree survey revealed that nearly three-quarters of Americans polled dislike at least one of their neighbors. The three main gripes were that the person gives off a weird vibe, is too loud, or is simply plain rude.
23% of respondents said they’d gone as far as calling the cops on their neighbors. While 1 in 10 just couldn't take it anymore, and had packed up their belongings and moved because of a neighbor.
Someone Parked Their Car In Front Of My Garage
Live in a townhouse with an alleyway of garages in the back. What's worse is that there was open street parking. And the neighbor that they were visiting had their driveway full of trash because it was trash day. Which is how I found this, because I was taking out my trash.
Neighbor Treats Our Shared Porch Like A Dump
This isn’t a stand alone incident. I’ve been neighbors for years with them. There’s always trash out there ALWAYS. Be it trash bags full of kitten litter or random things that’s being hoarded. Something about the Florida heat beating this lump of trash today has put me over the edge. I’ve never tried to tell the office about this issue but I have today. I put in a ticket about this issue and my fiancé and I are calling them tomorrow morning.
That is bad enough to call the city/ county to get it removed. They'll be having a fine.
My Neighbor Is Telling Everyone I’m Lying About My Pregnancy
Across the pond, Brits also seem to be less than friendly with their neighbors. A Good Move survey found that less than 17% of those polled choose to engage and socialize with the people they live closest to on a regular basis.
Around three-quarters said they enjoy polite conversation if, and only if, they happen to bump into them. Less than one in ten Brits don’t speak to or communicate with their neighbors at all, going as far as looking the other way should they pass them in the street.
Older Neighbor Cut Down The Trees Between Our Properties With Warning Only An Hour Before
This has ruined the privacy of my backyard, and I am very sad. They also say they can’t afford to put up a fence and don’t mind the lack of privacy.
They could afford to cut the trees down. You could call the City Arborist or a Tree preservation group, ask for tree saplings, and plant them on your side of the property line, maybe about 5' back.
My Neighbor Parks Like This And When I Ask Him Not To He Tells Me To Do Something About It
Oh no, I fell down the step while holding this anvil and landed on your car...
My Neighbor Keeps Adding Rocks To Our Driveway
So, yeah. We have never had issues with our neighbors, until the crazy lady moved in next door. And yes, she's a nutter. We caught her throwing rocks from her backyard at our garage. We contacted the property management office and then the rocks started appearing at our driveway. And no, our driveways are definitely not even near each other. She screams at my kids (one is eleven, one just turned five) to "stay off her lawn". I mean, she's THAT neighbor.
The worst part? When I contacted the office to let them know, because technically these are on our side of the property, instead of acting like an adult and just moving them, she keyed my car and threw some kind of liquid all over the drivers door. And yes, we know it was her, in don't go anywhere and I certainly don't go around upsetting people enough to actually key my car. If we could afford to move, we would. The office refuses to do anything about it and I'm worried if I move her rocks that she will do something even more outrageous.
The Brits cite extreme loudness as their number one pet peeve and reason for having a fallout with a neighbor. Poor parking, having a “questionable lifestyle”, engaging in illegal activity, and having lots of parties also rub the British up the wrong way.
A quarter of Brits polled said they couldn’t handle a neighbor making unapproved changes to shared space or boundaries. While around a third hate poor home and garden maintenance. 33% wanted their neighbors to STFU and stop complaining about nothing.
Ceiling Is Leaking For The Second Time In Four Months Because Of Upstairs Neighbors
Four months ago, the upstairs neighbors clogged their kitchen sink and left it for a day and a half until it started coming through my boyfriend's condo (which he unfortunately owns) ceiling, ruining it and his hardwood floors.
It took over three months for him to finally get the insurance claim and check situated (he has to pay deductible, neighbors can't be held accountable due to some clause in the HOA I think).
Today, the neighbors were doing construction and apparently cut through a water pipe causing the hole to start leaking again.
Thankfully we haven't gotten it fixed yet due to the delay. We just picked out new floors last weekend and planned to schedule repairs ASAP.
Now I'm worried this will happen again after we get everything fixed. And the neighbors still won't be held accountable.
If there is a clause in the HOA that prevents holding them accountable, I suggest leaving. That is a terrible HOA. I have a friend that has only ever lived in condos and she has always had good experiences because she has a lawyer go over the HOA by laws before she buys
Neighbour's Pick-Up Truck Hit Our Wall
So, the truck stays at a ramp on one side of the road, and our house is on the other size. He put his kid in the van and entered, but ye forgot something so he left, and when he left the truck didn't have the handbrake on so it went down and hit our wall, with his 6yr still inside, it'll be around 1000€ to fix.
Neighbor Parks Her Car In Front Of Our House Daily. Texted Her Sunday About Some Landscaping We Were Having Done This Month
The landscapers had to ask her to move the car this morning and I got this.
At a loss as far as what to do. I feel like I have plenty of notice and I’ve tried being a good neighbor but they’re generally rude any time I’ve tried asking for them to move the car.
They Parked Here? Like Really?
Neighbors were throwing a party and all valid street parking was completely full, so they block another driveway in.
Neighbor Went Psycho And Decided To Knee My Car At 2am
That's Awful
Make loud remarks about seeing his w***y. Have a good laugh at it, and yes, tell his wife.
Recently Took Over My Grandparents' Home With My Boyfriend (We Both Wfh) And Apparently Also Inherited A Karen Neighbor
My Neighbor Asked If They Could Pick Some Of My Blueberries, I Said Sure, Lets Get Together
And they proceeded to come over without letting me know and pick almost every berry off the bush, even green ones.
So that was the first time I met my neighbor, I was checking the mail and they were walking by and asked if I had been picking blueberries the day before. I said yes, they said they loved blueberries, so I politely said oh we should get together and pick some one day.
So the next week, today, I go put to pick some blueberries and see almost every berry, and a lot of leaves, are gone. The first pics are the bushes now, and the ones after the bag of blueberries are the pics I took last week after picking that sack of berries, so that was after picking half a gallon.
Karen, My Angry Neighbor And Her Welcoming Sign
Cool, you won't mind me and my friends doing a bit of Satanic worship then. We hold a monthly bonfire and it might get a little loud with all the chanting and heavy metal music.
Neighbor, Who Eats In His Car, Always Throws His Trash Out The Window
Our neighbor, who hates his wife, spends all day in his truck. He literally comes home from work, takes a shower, then spends the rest of his waking life inside his truck, exhaust fumin' and music blarin'. Whenever he is inside the house, they're always screaming at each other to the point that I'm convinced one day someone in the house will become a family annihilator.
He also always eats fast food and twizzlers, and throws all the trash right outside the window. The breeze always blows it inside my yard or the grass right outside. We've complained to him and he gets very defensive and starts screaming again.
My Neighbours Won't Clear The Dirty Water In The Pool. And Now I Can See Mosquitoes Sitting On The Water, Reproducing. Tried Telling Them, But They Find It Too Gross To Clean
Easiest answer is to call the Marshal and report it. Note: County Marshals handle code enforcement like this.
Our Neighbors Installed New Deck Lights
Neighbours' Kids Are Jealous Of Our Inflatables For My 4yo Sister. Only Logical Thing To Do Is To Puncture It
For the past few weeks the neighbours have been talking stuff about our inflatables. We live in semi detached houses and the walls are very thin. We heard the conversation through the wall.
To cut a long story short, the mom asked her husband to do something about it. He refused.
This was a few weeks ago and yesterday we got a new inflatable. Then today one of them is punctured
We also heard the kid ask his mate to steal a rubber duck that was left in the inflatable pool
They also have a history of deflating them.
Camera. Then confront the parents. If that don't work? Turn evidence over to the police and ignore their c**p about "ruining my baby's life!"
Dirty Upstairs Neighbor. Have Upstairs Neighbors Who Keep Littering Outside My Kitchen Window. I've Mentioned It To Management (3 Separate Times ) Every Time And Nothing Gets Done And The Gardeners Just Mow Over It All
Start throwing your trash upstairs. The really bad kind. Eggs about to go bad, used condoms, tampons, etc.
Neighbor Threw Out Their 12+ Year Collection Of Lottery Tickets This Week And They're All Over The Street
Poll Question
How would you rate your overall experience with your neighbors?
Very positive
Somewhat positive
Somewhat negative
Very negative
I prefer not to say
Not me, but my friends. There was a neighbor that was the terror of their block. Took an irrational dislike to everyone, but especially to one young couple. He'd shine lights into their windows, shout obscenities at them, etc. He started firing a BB gun at the back of their house. One pellet went through the window and lodged in the wall of their unborn baby's nursery. Cops carted the guy off and that was that.
It would be useful if we taught kids what kind of problems go where in local government, most of these are things that they are set up to deal with.
Not me, but my friends. There was a neighbor that was the terror of their block. Took an irrational dislike to everyone, but especially to one young couple. He'd shine lights into their windows, shout obscenities at them, etc. He started firing a BB gun at the back of their house. One pellet went through the window and lodged in the wall of their unborn baby's nursery. Cops carted the guy off and that was that.
It would be useful if we taught kids what kind of problems go where in local government, most of these are things that they are set up to deal with.