Relationships are the best. Imagine coming home to a surprise dinner, all your favorite dishes cooked lovingly by your partner. Afterwards, you enter your room to see it’s beautifully decorated to celebrate your success at work. Looks like a scene out of a movie, right?
While nice gestures are part of a relationship, they don't paint the entire picture. Partners need to put a whole lot of effort into day-to-day life as well. And sometimes they don't.
From neglecting to clean the sink post-shave to leaving dirty laundry around the house, husbands and boyfriends sometimes do things inefficiently. And while there’s not one correct way to do things, we at Bored Panda have put together complaints by women frustrated by their partner's incompetence at daily tasks.
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Dog Destroyed Trim
I left my husband in charge of our dogs while the kids and I visited my family. He chose to stay at his brother's house and only let our dogs out once a day. Yesterday, he sent me this picture and proceeded to blame it on me.
Every relationship has its own ups and downs. And sometimes constant complaining may create a negative atmosphere. However, not speaking up at all makes it difficult to connect on a deeper level with your partner. Imagine you keep shaking a bottle of fizzy soda. What happens when the pressure builds up? The bottle explodes.
Stephanie O'Leary, PsyD, practicing in Westchester, NY said, "Holding in feelings has a negative impact on mental and physical health. Short bursts of complaints are preferable so stress hormones don't build.”
My Partner Borrowed My Car For A Few Days, And Gave It Back Like This
Husband's Bedside Table That I Am Making A Point Of Not Doing For Him. It's Already Been 2 Weeks
It’s all about finding the right balance. Tina Gilbertson, a psychotherapist and the author of Constructive Wallowing, agrees. “Acknowledging feelings is healthy, it’s good for you physiologically and it’s good for your emotional health," she said.
Journaling is a good way to express what you are feeling. “If you're prone to holding things in and then having a rant, practice writing down what's bothering you at the end of the day, and if you see an issue show up two days in a row, know it's time to address it directly,” O'Leary said.
My Husband, The Love Of My Life, Decided To Trim His Hair This Morning Before Leaving For Work
I am really tempted to just ignore this and use a bidet and bath faucet and see how long this stays here.
My Sister's Boyfriend Lost His Wallet Before Leaving To Go To His Mom's House. He Left The Living Room Like This After He Found His Wallet
The Way My Fiance Leaves Peanut Butter Has Me Rethinking My Choices
Having an empathetic approach with the person you're complaining about is important to make both of you understand how the other person's behavior impacts you. Unless you are fully aware of the situation, you won’t be able to grasp what’s going on.
My Fiance Has A Weird Habit Of Not Closing Drawers Or Cabinets
When The Hamper Is Right There
My Husband Leaves Car Like That Every Single Time I'm About To Use It
Alicia Clark, PsyD, practicing in Washington, DC, says, "Facts invite your listener to think about them and agree or disagree, whereas feelings invite your listener to understand. The difference comes down to whether you discuss the facts about a situation or your feelings about it."
Clark further explains, "And while this may seem a minor difference, it sets up a big difference in what you will receive from your listener that can, in turn, have a big impact on how you end up feeling.”
This Is How My Husband Opens The Bread If I Don't Get To It First. Just Rips A Hole In The Bag And Leaves It Open Like This
My Husband Ate The "Roof" Parts Of My Mini Gingerbread Houses While I Was Waiting For The Rest Of The Parts To Set
We had a bunch of random cookies and broken bits from the same batch available. And yes, he knew the others were there. He also ate some of them but said the roof parts tasted better.
When I Asked My Boyfriend To Bring Me Home Some Food From The Bar
The Hummus Containers My Boyfriend Put Back In The Fridge, Leaving A Little Bit For Later, I Guess
Don’t argue with your partner the minute they tell you about something that bothers them. They just want to be heard at that moment. “When we are complaining, we are unhappy and want to feel better. We are looking for compassion and understanding, not debate and judgment. People want to know why something matters, and we are wired to respond with empathy when we hear people describe their feelings or why something matters to them."
Boyfriend Put His Drink On My Brand New Notebook
Why Is My Boyfriend Doing This?
Don’t argue with your partner the minute they tell you about something that bothers them. They just want to be heard at that moment. “When we are complaining, we are unhappy and want to feel better. We are looking for compassion and understanding, not debate and judgment. People want to know why something matters, and we are wired to respond with empathy when we hear people describe their feelings or why something matters to them."
My Husband Did This
I Called My Boyfriend From The Supermarket To Check If I Needed To Grab More Pads And He Said, "No, There's Loads Left"
My Husband Took A Bite Out Of The Butter And Just Put It Back. I Told Him I Would Publicly Shame Him If He Did It Again After That Cheese Incident
A relationship is a two-way street where both partners need to put in equal effort. So, if there’s something bothering you, find a solution that works for you. Sometimes, ranting about it online will do the trick and other times, you can ask your partner to have a heart-to-heart talk.
Father-In-Law Visited Us And Took Flowers From My Flower Bed. And My Husband Helped Him
He said his wife would like the flowers and just took them home with him. My husband is going to buy me new flowers tomorrow.
My Husband Is Technologically Challenged
My Boyfriend Took A Bite Of All The Chocolates To Find The Caramel One. There Wasn't Any
My Husband Puts Food In The Sink
"It'll get to the trash eventually", which means he scoops it out of a water-filled sink after pushing some into the drain, and no, we don't have one of those grinders. It's even worse when he does it with rice.
Why you wasting that much food? There's no need for that to go in the bin, pasta keeps for days in the fridge or can be frozen :/ my poor-person soul is screaming at the idea of all that good food being binned.
Husband Keeps Putting His Shoes On Top Of My Shoes And Making Them Dirty
This Is How My Boyfriend Leaves The Sink After He Shaves
The 11 Smartphones That My Mom’s Boyfriend Has Broken In The Year They’ve Been Together. Some Of Them Were His, Some Were Hers, And One Of Them Was Even Mine
I've seen this before. This issue is caused from lack of anger management.
I Put My Phone To Charge At Night Before Bed. My Husband Unplugs It And Uses It Because He Always Breaks His Chargers
My Fiance Never Changes The Toilet Paper When He Finishes The Roll, So I Decided To Do The Same This Time. This Is What I Saw When I Went To The Bathroom The Next Time
How Did I Not Notice My Boyfriend Does This Until Now?
I caught his 12-year-old doing this the other night, trying to fry eggs after school, and I had no chance of teaching him because he said, "This is what my dad does".
I Bought A Bag Of Candy And Saved It All Week For A Friday Night Treat. Apparently, Husband Had Already Opened And Left Me 8
My Partner Told Me They Would Have Chicken Noodle Soup Waiting For Me At Home Because I'm Sick. This Is What He Meant
Nice silverware. Makes it look like he could have procured better soup.
Husband Went Grocery Shopping Last Night And Didn’t Close The Freezer Door Correctly. He’s Done This Multiple Times With Multiple Reminders To Remember To Close The Freezer Door
My Boyfriend Fell Asleep While Baking Pizza. It Cooked For Nine Hours
I Came Home To My Fiance Cooking The Cookie Dough Out Of Our Ice Cream
My Fiancé Leaves His Shoes On The Dresser
I Asked My Boyfriend To Bake The Croissants For Our Dinner
My Boyfriend Refuses To Use The "Wash As You Go" Method When Cooking Dinner
My Boyfriend Grabs A New Roll Before Finishing The Last One
My Husband Put This Butter Container Back In The Refrigerator
My Husband Kills The Bugs And Then Leaves Them Because He Thinks It Will Keep The Other Bugs Away
The fact that you now have multiple dead flies proves his theory wrong.
When My Husband Loads The Dishwasher
My Boyfriend Lovingly Insists On Cooking Dinner On Mondays But Ends Up Leaving All Of His Dishes And Mess Behind Because He Has To Leave For His Weekly Chess Meet-Up
Don’t get me wrong, I love that he’s willing to cook dinner. He just always underestimates how much time he’ll need to cook and eat, leaving me to clean up the carnage. Every Monday, it’s the exact same thing.
Normally, we clean up together. This week’s mess was, honestly, pretty mild. There are usually food bits, spices, and many other things scattered around.
And that’s why he chose that day to cook. Time to switch his cooking day.
The Way My Boyfriend Ate This Pie
According To My Boyfriend, His Toothbrush Does Not Need To Be Changed
The Way My Boyfriend "Cuts" The Butter
When Your Husband Forgets To Set A Timer For Hard Boiled Eggs
The Way My Husband Wraps Gifts
At least he's doing it himself and not leaving it to you. If the gift is thoughtful, who cares how neat the wrapping is?
My Boyfriend Puts The Empty Packages Back In The Box
The Way My Fiancé Ate These Muffins
My Husband Puts This Much Food Back Into The Fridge To Avoid Doing The Dishes
My Husband Thinks This Is How You Should Get A New Trash Bag. Please Help Me Settle This Debate
Poll Question
How would you address a partner's habit that bothers you?
Direct conversation
Subtle hints
Ignoring it hoping it stops
Seeking advice from friends
This has a very strong passive-aggressive flavour to it. It just seems as if these guys expect their SO to clean up after them as if they were children.
Some of them do, and some of them sound like they never bothered mentioning it so it goes on. Communication is a wonderful thing.
Load More Replies...This is seriously making me mad. I can't believe we live in a world full of man babies. Where were the parents? I was raised much much better than this. Sickening really. Poor wives and girlfriends. I pray for your sanity.
This has a very strong passive-aggressive flavour to it. It just seems as if these guys expect their SO to clean up after them as if they were children.
Some of them do, and some of them sound like they never bothered mentioning it so it goes on. Communication is a wonderful thing.
Load More Replies...This is seriously making me mad. I can't believe we live in a world full of man babies. Where were the parents? I was raised much much better than this. Sickening really. Poor wives and girlfriends. I pray for your sanity.