50 Facepalm Moments To Make You Question The World More Than You Already Do (New Pics)
Interview With ExpertMore than half of the world now uses social media. That’s around 5 billion people posting whatever they want, whenever they want. While a lot of the content out there is entertaining, informative and interesting, there’s also some that might make you question why certain individuals don’t have their devices confiscated while they sit in the naughty corner. From misinformation, to sheer stupidity, to a lack of critical thinking, there’s no shortage of unsharp tools in the proverbial digital shed.
Thankfully, there’s an online community that makes it their mission to shame those who refuse to think before they type, speak or act. The Facepalm subreddit has more than 8.2 million members, calling out people who have proven themselves to be fools without fear or favor. Bigotry is not tolerated, states the page, though facepalming at it is welcome. We've put together a list of the most cringey, awkward and downright dumb things shared on the page that shine a light on humanity’s beacon of stupidity. Bored Panda also reached out to William DiAntonio, founder and CEO of Reputation911 for some advice on how to conduct oneself online and what to do if or when things fall apart.
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And it's no joke. I once talked to my grandmother (who had still seen things like diphtheria in her youth) about vaccinations and she had absolutely no effs to give about anti-vaxxers. She said no one in their right mind would refuse protection against those diseases.
In a world where we are bombarded with information left, right, and center, critical thinking is just that: critical. If we were to believe everything we read online, watch on tv, or hear in person, the consequences could be fatal.
Monash University defines critical thinking as “a kind of thinking in which you question, analyse, interpret, evaluate, and make a judgment about what you read, hear, say, or write.” Good critical thinking is about making reliable judgements based on reliable information, notes the university.
When you lack the ability to think critically, and believe everything you read or hear, you run the risk of doing or posting some very stupid or questionable things online. And in turn, ripping your reputation to shreds. What you put out there influences the way people perceive you.
And while you can’t control everything others say, you can manage the content you publish, your responses to feedback, and address defamation to influence the public conversation, warns online reputation management firm Reputation911.
The kids was not CEO. Only 'k*****g' embryos and CEO will get you this punishment.... 🤔🤷♂️
USA is screwed. You guys are the only country in the word that doesn't have universal health care, billioners don't pay taxes and it is legal to buy a politician. You're down down the drain and that is sad.
Bored Panda reached out to the founder and CEO of Reputation911, William DiAntonio, to find out more about the importance of keeping your nose clean in the digital age.
"Online reputation management (ORM) is the process of shaping how individuals or companies are perceived online. It involves monitoring digital presence, addressing negative content, and proactively building a strong, credible brand across search engines and social media platforms," DiAntonio tells us during our interview. "ORM combines SEO, crisis communication, content strategy, and privacy protection to ensure that online narratives reflect a person's or company's true reputation."
We could have had Sanders and Corbyn, but no, they were too extreme and radical.
Lol. Poor Bielefeld doesn't deserve that, even if it existed.
Load More Replies......which is why they built a whole town, just to hide the fact that Bielefeld doesn't exist (for non-Germans: the city of Bielefeld not existing is a popular mock conspiracy tale...btw, everybody please let's all not call conspiracy lies "theories", thank you).
My aunt was from Bielfeld. Not sure how to spell it. Born 1926. Nice lady.
They own friggin emerald mines! Forgive me if I don't feel they understand the plight of the "common man"
I have one question for Maye. "Why the f*** could you not have used contraception".
So don't do anything that brings a spark of joy to your life. Just have kids you don't want and can't afford to have so billionaires can have more people to exploit.
You took the words out of my mouth (Plus like your cat icon)
Musk is a N**i, Neo-N**i or is a N**i sympathizer. That needs to be said anytime Musk is mentioned - not stating that is journalistic malpractice.
Oh, the word N**i is censored? That's a little Orwellian. We can see Musk but how dare we label him a N**i?
Load More Replies...How does she look like a Disney and Marvel and corporate villain all at once?
RIGHT? She almost looks like step-mom from Cinderella
Load More Replies...While I don't like the man, I'd have to say that there have been worse people to live...like Hitler.
Just because we haven't seen all of Musk's rotten core yet, doesn't mean he does not have it in him. At some point, Hitler was just a painter too...
Load More Replies...And he was known for his love of chidren (some of them, if you follow my drift) and animals.
While Musk couldn't make such a career (not born in the US) he still can become a Himmler, Göring or Speer
He comes from Nazii sympathizers . He thinks empathy is what's wrong with the West and actually believes he is a super hero.
It's just a question of creating/using the right circumstances for the opportunity to arise.
The far right wants a giant workforce of desperate people who will take whatever wages they can get, pay whatever rent blackrock charges in their tenements, and be too distracted by the struggle to survive to pay attention to their corruption.
Ah, yes, the “we need exploitable workers and we expect you to provide them even if you have to live a joyless existence” argument. Wealth warps peoples minds and sense of humanity.
Don't y'all just love it when an ultra-wealthy person explains how you, too, can budget your finances. I just want to sneak up behind people like this with a shovel.
Similarly , Donald is very influenced by his father and his friends. Donny's mentor was McCarthy's lawyer.. McCarthyism is deeply seeded in him. But his main definition is his social desperation.. He's an outer-boro kid, a bridge-and-tunnel kid who has always wanted to be Manhattan old money.. This is paramount to his need to be biglyest.
and I can't believe anyone in the NYC area my age voted for him.. we all grew up on him being a cheat and a cheater. ..... He called up channel 9 on 9/11 and boasted how the WTC collapse just increased the value of His downtown office space holdings. He signed copies of "Art of the Deal" to hand out to his creditors during his casino(s) bankruptcy hearings. He screwed a lot of people here and did it with a smile.
Her father moved her from Canada to South Africa - . “Instead of the Government’s attitude keeping me out of South Africa, it had precisely the opposite effect—it encouraged me to come and settle here".He would later claim apartheid South Africa was leading “White Christian Civilization” against the “International Conspiracy” of Jewish bankers and the “hordes of Coloured people” he claimed they controlled. “The natives are very primitive and must not be taken seriously... Some are quite clever in a routine job, but the best of them cannot assume responsibility and will abuse authority. The present government of South Africa knows how to handle the native question.” ..... Elon's beloved granpawpaw was a n**i.
also.. Elon's grandfather (who died piloting a plane into powerlines- accidental) also wrote a book about "The International Conspiracy in Health" targeting fluoridation, vaccinations, and health insurance. He was a chiropractor .
JFC I guarantee she has a coat made from the hides of puppies in her closet. She looks like a Disney villain.
He says he wants to save humanity from humans - pesky unskilled poor have no room in his/our future
just realized Elon Musk is the guy building the secret earth escape rockets for the rich like in the film 2012,
Yeah, and her ex husband, musk's dear father, now has children with his own step daughter. He was in his upper sixties, she was 29. So miss maye is clearly a great judge of character and full of good advice, her ex husband seems like a really stand-up guy, and of course their son turned out great... (that's sarcasm there at the end in case anyone didn't catch it...)
Yeah, and her ex husband, musk's dear father, now has a child with his own step daughter. He was in his upper sixties, she was 29. So miss maye is clearly a great judge of character, not least because her son turned out so great... 🙄
The rich just want the poor to stay in their little boxes. They want us healthy, but not *too* healthy. Educated, but not *too* educated*.
Gosh it's all so clear now! The solution to being poor is to just stop spending so much money! /s
Maybe said b***h should have kept her legs firmly SHUT !, or been sterilised at birth done us all a favour !
Give me examples of what he has done that’s so terrible. Or is it that he’s a billionaire and you aren’t?
peoples right to own guns over children's right to not worry about being k****d at school
Reputation911 cautions that social media can be a double-edged sword. Things can go either way, depending on what's posted. As we've seen time and again, content can go viral in a flash on social media, and this isn't always a good thing. Managing your content on social media is critical, warns the agency, and using socials strategically can help with your online image.
"One of the biggest mistakes people make on social media is posting impulsively, without considering how their words or images may be perceived in different contexts. Avoid sharing controversial opinions in a way that invites backlash, disclosing too much personal information, or engaging in heated arguments that can escalate," DiAntonio told Bored Panda.
The expert adds that it's important to remember that even deleted posts can be screenshotted and resurface later. He says it’s always best to pause before posting and ask "Would I be comfortable seeing this on the front page of a news site?"
Thanks for censoring the word múrder. what would be do if that word was clearly readable?
Reputation911's CEO warns that in today’s digital-first world, a person’s or company’s reputation is often determined by what appears in a quick Google search. "Employers, investors, customers, and even personal connections use online information to form first impressions," says DiAntonio.
"A strong reputation builds trust, credibility, and opportunities, while a negative or misrepresented online presence can result in lost business, damaged relationships, and long-term professional setbacks."
Despite your best attempts, sometimes the things will still hit the fan. If this happens and you find your reputation rapidly heading for the drain, the experts advise that you do damage control as fast as possible. Here's what Reputation911 suggests you do when things go south...
First, do some research to figure out the extent of the damage so you know what you're dealing with. "If a post leads to unexpected backlash, the first step is to assess whether removing it is the best course of action. Deleting a post doesn’t erase screenshots, but it can help de-escalate the situation," says DiAntonio.
"If the reaction is minor, it may be best to let it pass. However, if the post has gone viral, addressing it head-on, through an apology or clarification, may be necessary. The key is to avoid defensive responses that fuel further criticism. Seeking professional reputation management guidance can also help in cases where significant damage control is needed."
And considering that they are trying to get the f*****g polio vaccine permit revoked, I think smart people will be wearing masks!!
The agency advises that if you are at fault for the situation, you need to make amends. This means issuing a statement apologizing for any wrongdoings that have affected customers, stakeholders, and others.
But the experts say simply issuing an apology is not enough. You need to create a long-term recovery plan. If you just say that you will do better, people won’t trust you. Instead, you have to show them that you are doing better, warns Reputation911.
The company says the next step is to proactively communicate any changes you have made to address the issues with your audience. And then to make it a priority to follow through on any commitments you have made. Consistency helps to rebuild trust with your audience, adds the team. But be patient because the recovery process doesn’t happen overnight, and can often take a long time.
The two on the right also could be Sarah Wagenknecht and Alice Weidel in Germany.
We asked DiAntonio what someone should do if they notice negative posts or content about themselves online. "The best approach depends on the nature of the content," replied the expert. "If it's defamatory or violates platform guidelines, it may be possible to have it removed. If removal isn't an option, investing in suppression strategies, such as publishing positive content to push negative results down in search rankings, can help."
DiAntonio says sometimes it pays to seek professional help. "Legal options may also be available in cases of harassment or false claims," he told us. "Most importantly, staying calm and responding strategically, rather than reacting emotionally, is crucial to minimizing long-term reputational damage."
And, of course, remember: prevention is always better than cure!
They mean divorced (because of his cheating) father of two (ages 16 and 19 years old). Of course the sensational press wants to make it out his devastated wife and two small kids are waiting at home for him never to return. YUCK
While it is fiction read Robert Heinlein's FRIDAY. It gives a view of what corporate control of the world looks like up to and including limited nuclear war as internal nuclear war between rival groups within one corporation.
you mean the Vaccine that has helped eradicate polio what is wrong with him
Sarcastic joke here (not reality): for the security of everybody in the women's lockerroom, a male bouncer will check everybody's genitalia thouroughly by touch-examining them. Don't you feel safe and comfortable now.
That's what it looks like. I'm American. I did not vote for Trump. I am sickened by what's becoming of this country.
Maybe a 46k medevac bill to a trama center being denied? Or perhaps a 6k copay for dental surgery?
For the first time in 2 decades, no woman will lead a House committee.
And by "The World" it is largely USA, while the rest of us scramble to save what we can because the US elected a d******r funded by a psychopath. I wonder if there will be someone complaining about the US being dissed. This will be my last comment in a while, I'll be back if BoredPanda goes back to being a European website.
Look on the bright side - problems here in Europe now seem considerably smaller and more manageable, by comparison ;)
Load More Replies...Cancelled a surgery at the beginning of this week because I no longer qualify for financial assistance (disability--get yhis--now pays too much) and Medicare leaves me with about $1200 in residual costs (PT three times a week for three months). Murica!
I'm in a similar predicament 😞 I didn't vote for the Orange man either time because I knew it was going to be bad for everyone who is not independently wealthy
Trump, a man who bought his way out of military service, is sending innocent refugee people into a war zone. Says all about the USA you need to know.
Look up the studies that show most of these billionaire CEO's are psychopaths.
Good stuff. I’d seen all of these elsewhere, but BP reaches a different audience, so I appreciate it.
Don't recall seeing any nakedly partisan political content 3 months ago.
S glad I live in uk lol it’s not brilliant per se but dam it’s better than the USA any day of the week ! Your own fault for voting in that nasty pos ooomp Loompa homophobic misogynist ashole !
All of that was devastatingly accurate and for the most part was originally posted by Americans. You are clearly part of the problem if you think the world shouldn't criticize the US. As an American I couldn't be more disappointed that we're now Murica, home of the easily-offended mouthbreathers who think they're exceptionally manly men. Your sad little post unironically accepts that our once revered nation is now the low hanging fruit of .
"LiBeRaL eChO cHaMbEr" buddy your president has said "they're eating the cats and dogs" over 100 times.
And by "The World" it is largely USA, while the rest of us scramble to save what we can because the US elected a d******r funded by a psychopath. I wonder if there will be someone complaining about the US being dissed. This will be my last comment in a while, I'll be back if BoredPanda goes back to being a European website.
Look on the bright side - problems here in Europe now seem considerably smaller and more manageable, by comparison ;)
Load More Replies...Cancelled a surgery at the beginning of this week because I no longer qualify for financial assistance (disability--get yhis--now pays too much) and Medicare leaves me with about $1200 in residual costs (PT three times a week for three months). Murica!
I'm in a similar predicament 😞 I didn't vote for the Orange man either time because I knew it was going to be bad for everyone who is not independently wealthy
Trump, a man who bought his way out of military service, is sending innocent refugee people into a war zone. Says all about the USA you need to know.
Look up the studies that show most of these billionaire CEO's are psychopaths.
Good stuff. I’d seen all of these elsewhere, but BP reaches a different audience, so I appreciate it.
Don't recall seeing any nakedly partisan political content 3 months ago.
S glad I live in uk lol it’s not brilliant per se but dam it’s better than the USA any day of the week ! Your own fault for voting in that nasty pos ooomp Loompa homophobic misogynist ashole !
All of that was devastatingly accurate and for the most part was originally posted by Americans. You are clearly part of the problem if you think the world shouldn't criticize the US. As an American I couldn't be more disappointed that we're now Murica, home of the easily-offended mouthbreathers who think they're exceptionally manly men. Your sad little post unironically accepts that our once revered nation is now the low hanging fruit of .
"LiBeRaL eChO cHaMbEr" buddy your president has said "they're eating the cats and dogs" over 100 times.