We all have secrets. Your partner may not know that you actually did watch the new episode already, and your parents might be blissfully unaware that very little studying got done in your high school “study group." But when it comes to the secrets that companies try to keep from their customers, many employees believe that the public has a right to transparency.

Below, you’ll find some of the dirty little secrets people who work in various industries have revealed on Reddit. So enjoy reading through these juicy responses, and be sure to upvote the secrets you want everyone to be aware of!  


Not all that much of a secret, but, i used to work in a peanut butter factory, we produced about 25-30-ish different storebrands ranging from very cheap to stupidly expensive, we had a grand total of 3 recipes, chunky, not chunky and no additives

ptvipers Report

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Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There are wines out there made by companies that have no wineries or vineyards. They just pay other wineries to make liquid and bottle liquid. All they do is print fancy labels and market the product.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers None of your restaurant food is "made with love". Anger and anxiety is what made that muffin, Tina, don't you forget it.

    FatherKerosene , cottonbro studio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Both things can be true. the environment is definitely frustrating, intense, and anxious due to time/staffing constraints. But many chefs/cooks still love cooking and love the ffood, love feeding people.

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    I used to do landscaping/mowing. All these people being like “I hire a professional lawn care company”. Like, no you don’t. You hire me and about 4 crackheads.

    Johnny_been_goode Report


    The vast majority of people working for pharmacuetical companies are hardworking, highly ethical, and proud of the work they do.

    We hate the executives as much as you do....

    chiree Report

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    PeepPeep the duck
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah I hate people who lump all the science and lab people into the ‘big pharma’ group. Like what kid dreams of being a pharmaceutical villain for the money? The clearly go into it for the love is science and discovery and that generally doesn’t change.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers We touch your food with our hands. Weird. And yes, we wash them so often that they might fall off. That, or you get a**holes that wear gloves for 12 hours and never change gloves or wash their hands.

    somecow , Elle Hughes Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    imo touching food with your bare hands is totally acceptible and normal. People freaking out over it... pfffft. How do they prepare their meals at home, how is the family meal prepared?

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers If it’s the first time a professor is teaching a course, there is a good chance they are just one lecture ahead of the rest of the class.

    BubblyMimosa , fauxels Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me! When I taught web design and new standard or technology just went out. BUT, I asked my students first: do you want the "classic" course content, the one you signed for... or the new standard, with that one we will learn together, and I will take some time to prepare exercice... They choose the new. It was one of the best class I had in my (short) career. Learning WITH students is very cool: guided them, discover new thing and effects together, discuss and debate the impact of new technology...

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers Wells Fargo (and other banks, WF is just the worst I’ve had experience with) likes to come up with ways to illegally charge you fees. They then eventually get sued, pay a fine that is less than 1% of the profit they made on those fees, then finds a new slightly different way to f**k you some more. Rinse and repeat.

    Find a good credit union. Mega banks are all screwing you over.

    ShadeOfDead , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Agreed with you on Wells Fargo. I was with First Interstate for years but they sold to Wells Fargo and service went to hell. That was 30 years ago now. I've had many more banks but I'm with a local credit union now and much happier.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers There is a lot of money spent every year that decides where specific items are placed on grocery store shelves.

    If you're at a grocery store that's part of a chain, and you look at a shelf and there's an item that's approximately at eye level, I guarantee you that the company that makes that item paid a lot of money to put them there. There's lots of weird psychological tricks that go on in terms of how stores are laid out.

    blueeyesredlipstick , Pixabay Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Bulk stuff above eye level, expensive stuff eye level, cheap stuff bottom shelf. That's literally why they call it the bottom shelf brand.

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    this isn’t necessarily a dirty little secret, but I work in a clinical laboratory at a big hospital. there is absolutely NO DIFFERENCE between pregnancy tests you get from the dollar store vs the $20 clearblue at cvs. they have the same. exact. technology.

    also, we use cheap a*s pregnancy tests in the lab. please save yourself, if you’re in the US, that $1000 ER visit and get a cheap a*s pregnancy test. I promise they are no different.

    sdossantos97 Report

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    Philler Space
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Seriously. Even if you doubt the accuracy of the $2 bargain bin pregnancy test, just buy a second one to confirm. Heck, I'll type a problem into the calculator twice just to make sure my results match; why would you be less careful with this?

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers When an app pops up with a 'do you like this app?' thing, the Yes button goes to the App Store for a review, the No button goes to an internal complaint process. This on average filters upset customers away from the app store and artificially raises app score by a whole star on average. That is the only way most corporate service apps have 4 stars.

    tristanjones , Nathan Dumlao Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So the lifehack is to say yes but write bad reviews. Taken under advisement.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers Nobody who actually sorts mail gives a s**t about your package. The word fragile doesn't stop them from throwing it 20ft into a metal container.

    buttchuggin4life , RDNE Stock project Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's why you label it "Danger, BIOHAZARD". Nobody drop kicking that cardboard box.

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    HVAC guy here. Not really a secret but home owners sure think it is. CHANGE YOUR F*****G FILTERS!!!

    AssInvader93 Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So true. They cost around $20 a piece but a dirty filter can cost you a couple hundred over the course of a season because of reduced efficiency in your furnace.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers Locksmith here.

    We can get into any lock/door within 30 seconds.

    All the posturing and bringing out a impressive toolkit and hammer drill is just showmanship to pro long the call out.

    30 seconds flat.

    EyeBumGaze808 , Pixabay Report


    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers ex-farmer here. specifically, I worked at a "bio-certified" one. since there were no pesticides or herbicides used, every snail, every bug, every mouse had to be killed "manually" or by having a LOT of their natural predators around, ie. cats.

    the reason? nobody buys tomatoes, or anything else with snail bites on them

    sayan_sniper , João Jesus Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Many Bio certifications are f***ed up... like this story about a farmer who produce milk I red. He is not certified, because he used antibiotics on sick cows. He used it because he love his cows and don't want them to die. When a cow is sick, he take it to another field, give it some antibiotic (depending on the problem found). When the cow is okay, he test its milk for any antibiotic trace. He bring back the cow to the main field only if no trace of antibiotic is found.... for that: not bio certification.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers a very popular local bagel shop/bakery i worked at advertised all of our baked goods were homemade (dozens of muffins, danish, cinnamon rolls ect) and they were not. they all came from sysco, frozen on sheets. many customers would rave about the baked goods saying they were the best they’ve had. god bless them

    UnderestimatedIguana , Yeh Xintong Report


    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers Whenever you see a high profile person publishing an opinion piece in a news outlet, 9 times out of 10, they didn't write that. The "author" came up with a 1-2 sentence concept of what they wanted to say; their second-in-command engaged whoever the ghostwriter is; the ghost created the copy; the high profile person's #2 reviewed for necessary changes; the high profile person themselves reviewed and signed off; and the #2 engaged marketing people to place the piece in a news outlet.

    If you see an article from a CEO, a Sr. VP, a member of an elected body, anyone with status, they don't write their own stuff. This is not inherently bad - organization leaders are busy, and they have the resources to have a team oversee their public-facing thoughts, so they don't have to worry about it. Still, the opinion pages of just about every news outlet in America (and elsewhere) are populated largely by ghostwriters.

    Source: Am a ghost

    anon , alleksana Report


    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers They put little weights in lipsticks to make them feel more expensive so they can charge more.

    RandomRedditCount , Valeria Boltneva Report

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    C L
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why the heck do I care if my lipstick weighs more? The feel of the lipstick as I apply it, how long it lasts, a pretty case - but heavier makes no sense to me

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers Wash all of your “new clothes”. A very high percent has been worn and returned.

    bhellor , Raphael Loquellano Report

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    Jan Rosier
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And even if it is not worn and returned, there's bound to be a load of chemicals in it (pesticides for during transport from the low-wage country where it was made, harmful colouring residues etc...) you would want to wash out before wearing. The closer to the skin, the higher the need to wash before wearing.

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    Schedule your surgery as early in the day as possible. People in the OR get just as tired at the end of the day as anyone else.

    xnick58 Report

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    SadieCat17 (she/her)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be fair though, being the first surgery is in their tired as hell from the morning and warming up for work period. Not that I have much belief that it actually weighs the quality of the procedure anyway. /gen

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers When the health inspector shows up, a mad scramble happens in the back to clean the kitchen while they start the inspection in the dining/bar area of the restaurant.

    Lone_Buck , Liliana Drew Report


    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers People like to think that data analytics is some objective truth when there is sooooooooo much bias and room for subjectivity in data collection, analysis, interpretation, and communication. Oftentimes insights are cherrypicked datasets deliberately presented to make a specific point rather than having the data craft the conclusion.

    ButtfaceMcAssButt , Leeloo Thefirst Report


    The Defense Department literally just spends money to spend it without any actual purpose just so they can say it was spent so they don’t receive less next year. In my building with 10 men the men’s restroom was gutted and remodeled 3 times in 3 years.

    Aztecman02 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This reminds me of something I witnessed back in the 80s on my aircraft carrier. Upon returning from a cruise, the air departments generally get to leave a couple of days before we get back. The jets leave back to their home land bases and many of the airdales get to leave too if they can find a ride on one of the flights. Many don't of course. == Anyway, we are a day or two out from returning to port and we see these airdales throwing tool boxes full of tools over the side. Also one of those plug in juice coolers. We would have LOVED to have had that stuff down in the reactor plants. We needed more tools (had enough but often had to share between plants) and a cooler full of ice water would have been excellent. We asked them why and they told us the squadron would just buy them new tools back on base. It really pissed us off.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers Nurses and doctors have too many patients and the nurses are on the front line to alert the doctor on important changes in patient condition. Ideally a nurse should have no more than 4 patients who are stable but VERY FREQUENTLY nurses will have 6 to 8 patients and in that mix there are very ill individuals. We URGE you to read r/nursing frequently to get a true flavor of the atrocious dangers you are ALL in if you are a patient in the hospital. The medical establishment is gaslighting you with the nice websites, music in the lobby, smiling calm staff but behind the curtain we are all scrambling to make sure we don’t make errors but with all the stress, long shifts ….people are most likely dying from nursing and doctor errors. Most are avoidable if we weren’t stretched so thin. The industry will say there aren’t enough nurses and that is partly true but we’ve been in many many situations where there can be safer staffing numbers. Coworkers calling the hospital offering to work and they are declined.
    Unfortunately, the medical system is all too focused on financials to pay BIG CEO and upper management salaries and they answer to their shareholders interests and NOT you the patients. It is a dangerous time to be a patient.
    Again, I beg you all….in mass….educate yourselves buy reading the nurse’s comment on how scared they are. Anything marked “vent” is most likely a good read on a stressful and dangerous shift for a nurse.

    yadayadayada2u , cottonbro studio Report

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    Mark Reaves
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was in the hospital a few months back and someone mixed up records or something and now my documents say I drink alcohol. I haven't had any alcohol in literally years. It seems to be impossible to get them to correct it. It took almost a year for my medical records to be updated showing I don't smoke.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers Microsoft Excel runs the country

    Galbert123 , Windows Report


    My buddy worked at our local movie theater (AMC), he told me the signs up front say "no outside food or drink" but their policy says they can't search or stop people even if they clearly have something, I told this to another buddy and he went next week with a whole tai dinner and a big gas station soda, cashier said it smelled good lol

    ACuddlyVizzerdrix Report


    I work in childcare. If your child has a milestone first at the centre, we don’t tell you. Taking first steps is the one that sticks out the most.

    monqwel Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One trick is to say to the parents/carers, "Oooh, I think Sam might be almost ready to take their first steps." Then the parents can come back, grinning from ear to ear, "Yes, you were right! Sam took they first steps last night!"

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers I'm way late to this party, but I used to be a political campaign manager and political office staffer.

    The US government is run by an invisible network of interconnected staffers. The good elected officials are informed, but it's still the staffers who inform them. They write bills, they write bill summaries, they research the issues, they write the things the elected officials say. Without staffers, the vast majority of elected officials wouldn't have a f*****g clue what's going on, and we have *an absurd* amount of influence over the information they base their platforms off of.

    On the campaign side, the reason there aren't viable third party candidates in the US is that campaigns are highly complicated, absurdly expensive, and outrageously time consuming. Successful candidates even for your state legislative races really can't do it all by themselves, which is why everyone hitches their wagon to a party. Only ultra wealthy people can really afford to run their own successful campaigns, and even they usually need a party apparatus just to get the competent manpower required to run a successful campaign. Our first past the post means of voting virtual guarantees a two party system, because elections are just extremely difficult for individuals or small party organizations to campaign in.

    BlindWillieJohnson , August de Richelieu Report

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    Kristy Marion
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s such a shame this is the US system, bc so many talented individuals are being overlooked bc they simply can’t afford to mount a campaign, both due to the system and the outrageously long election campaign. For all the political faults in Australia, I much prefer having the party choose the candidate they’re going to put forward, and only giving me 4 weeks of listening to their b******t before voting.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers I worked at a major jewelry company in the US. When we wanted to buy jewelry, we paid what it costs to make the product (material, labor, shipping), plus 10%. I paid around $115 for a pair of $950 diamond earrings.

    SComstock , Xiangkun ZHU Report

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    Cavern Gill-Vernon
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And THAT'S why you go to a proper jeweller. We don't charge excessive markups. I know one company in the UK that charge 300% PLUS vat on top of what I charge. And I charge them the same as I charge my own customers who come through my shop door.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers You have to know your way around health care to get good health care What you should know: 1. Your patient rights. You can ask for a referral to a specialist. You can ask for second opinions. You can ask to see what is in your chart. Know your rights. 2. If you have a family member in a hospital or long term care home, please visit and be there as much as possible. When you are sick or old you are just not able to summon the energy to be on top of Med errors or even general care. The more eyes on the care and environment the better for your family member. 3. Advocate for your family member. Do some research too: what is the illness? What are some options? And take these to the doctor and ask if they’re appropriate (with the patients consent obviously) for the patient. 4. Follow up. If the office doesn’t call you : FOLLOW UP. Keep following up with offices, pharmacies, specialists, etc. until you’re satisfied. 5. If you are in the States, review your bill. Go over every item and see what can be negotiated and hound them until you feel it’s fair. The squeaking wheel gets the grease. 5. Get a job in health care. Not a clinician? No problem: environmental services and portering are excellent well-paying entry-level jobs that can get you potentially into a union. You will learn hospital and health care really fast. 6. Before your family member goes home from hospital make sure you see a “discharge planner” or a “social worker” to talk about discharge. Hospitals are full and they usually are pressed to send people home fast with health care at home being an option: but it’s not the only option. Talk to the discharge planner and push back if you need to. Look up questions to ask the discharge planner. 7. If you want the doctor to do/prescribe/refer something and they CHOOSE NOT TO, you are within your rights to say “May I have that option noted in my chart? I’d like to keep track of what I’ve asked you about”. Innocent, right? Well it’s a good way to get the clinician to think about whether they want their rebuttal of your suggestion in the chart. 8. If it feels wrong, please see someone else. Don’t just blindly trust health professionals. They’re people too. They’re not magic. Some are better than others. read clinician reviews so you at least know what to expect. To all those folks who go into appts with chronically ill family, or partners, you are guardian angels. Keep doing what you’re doing. It is more supportive (and the optics for the clinicians matter) than you know.

    Dressed2Thr1ll , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was on the operating table to get my pacemaker when I asked my doctor to give me beta blockers after... it was half the reason for the surgery, that I'd be able to take this after. Had a feeling they forgot about it... I even 'decided' my own type and dosage! All because I remembered what I used to take a few years ago. Health literacy is important!

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    The ice cream machine is not broken, no one put it in its cleaning cycle when it needed to be so they're locked out of it until they do the whole cleaning process.

    ToyrewaDokoDeska Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would like to know how your machines never break? Also do you really have an automatic cleaning cycle? We have quite strict standards here for cleaning, daily cleaning and desinfecting the nozzles and literally taking the whole thing apart every other week to individually clean every single part that is even close to touching the ice cream. But still, the damn machine has so many problems and malfunctions often.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers In the consulting world, nobody really knows what they're doing

    notyourchannel , SHVETS production Report


    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers Hotels don't change the comforter on the beds in between guests unless there's a noticeable stain on it. If the pillows are placed on a chair instead of on the bed at check out, housekeeping assumes they weren't used and puts them back on the bed without changing the pillowcases. All of this is due to cutting corners in housekeeping because the keepers are under strict timers for each room, and they have an insane amount of rooms to do everyday.

    Witch_on_a_moped , Engin Akyurt Report

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    Yer maw 󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The number of beds I've slept in over the years from hotels to friends/family houses and everything in between is it really a massive deal that another person has been there before you? Unless it stinks or has stains or whatever I really don't especially care

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers I apologize in advance. Do you ever set your groceries in the fold back child seat of your grocery cart? Between children with leaky poop diapers, vomit, the dirty shoes when children stand up and the small pets that are often placed there, you probably should stop doing that. The carts are not cleaned daily…not even close. They are sanitized by professional steam cleaners, once a month. ONCE A MONTH. That’s the frequency the Health Department requires. You’re welcome.

    SeasonedMind , Jomjakkapat Parrueng Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't actually care. Most of my groceries are packaged and never touch the actual cart. If you are worried about germs, the bigger concern is probably your bare hands on the push handle. But a lot of places have sanitary wipes available if you want to wipe it down.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers Airlines often make more money carrying cargo than passengers. Also, they have much stricter contracts about delivering cargo on time than passengers.

    If a plane is overweight, they will usually remove passengers before they remove cargo.

    El_mochilero , Matt Hardy Report


    When you call a cable company to cancel you speak with sales first the deals they offer are not the best they can do.

    BudgetUniversity3087 Report

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    Fast food, cleanliness gets overlooked to an extreme amount. Cleaning things properly takes time, which means that is time that youre not making orders to sell to customers.

    People like to say "Just clean during downtime" but there is no such thing as downtime. Because they will cut your crew to a skeleton, meaning you cant get orders out fast enough for there to be downtime.

    People like to say "Then clean at close". Nope, because they want you out asap, as to not run up the labor time. Get what is needed to be done for the morning shift and GTFO

    Raemnant Report

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    Mark Reaves
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pretty much all restaurants are absolutely filthy and only appear somewhat clean. Takes no time to wipe a wet rag over everything. It takes time to properly clean and avoid cross contamination. The human immune system is quite amazing. It has to be or we would all die before we became adults.

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    Wash the top of your cans. Mice poop on those things all the time while they are in warehouse or transit.

    Munchez8 Report


    A teacher will fail you or lower your grade simply because they don’t like you

    The3rdPedal23 Report

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    David A Paterson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can happen in Australia. I was lucky enough for it to happen in reverse. My grades in one subject improved markedly when the teacher discovered that my mother was her boss.

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    If OSHA ever pays attention to small breweries, the entire industry is going to be shut down. 

    FarmhouseFan Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Fifteen years in craft brewing and can confirm. You never get breaks. You are doing incredibly dangerous things on a regular basis. My breaking point was when I almost drowned in a wastewater sump when I was attempting to fix it without a spotter or confined space permit. They would have found my body on Monday and the owner would have been pissed about the machine running all weekend.

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    Cruise ship crew members are underpaid and overworked, to the point where it'd be illegal in most rich countries.


    I worked for a company that serviced cruise ships while they were on-shore and in port.

    The staff and crew on the ships (who actually travel with the ship) are often from developing countries and are really underpaid for the amount of hours they put in. Here in Canada (and I'm sure in the US too), it'd likely be below minimum wage.

    How can the companies get away with this? Flags of convenience. Much like how cars have different license plates from different provinces/states, ships must also be registered to a jurisdiction. But because there aren't enforced rules about the ship ACTUALLY being from where they're registered, they tend to have "home ports" from countries where labour laws and regulations are more relaxed, and follow the rules from those places instead of their actual places of operation.

    The crew puts up with this because despite being underpaid by wealthy countries' standards, that translates to a LOT of money in their home countries. So if they work for a few years on a cruise ship, they can gather enough money to put their kids through school or buy a new house back in their own country. So they tolerate it.

    This is why you have so many ships that have "PANAMA CITY" or "NASSAU" painted on the rear as their home port, even if the company itself is based in Florida or something and the ship itself has never been to its own port of registry.

    buckyhermit Report

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    Jane No Dough
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is the same for cargo ships, only worse for a lot of the employees. They may not get paid at regular intervals, and may work for months without being permitted to step off the ship in port, let alone go home.

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    More people in the US die from simple medical mistakes than are reported.

    sethito Report

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    Leo Domitrix
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The mistake is simple, The circumstances usually aren't. Underpaid pharmacy staff equals soundalike meds being given out (clonidine for clonazepam). Overworked nurses who can't see straight by end of shift may misread a number. And as an MD, I've screwed up. I've caught it, but I'm in research 90% of the time ------- I can just re-enter data. Not so easy during COvid when I was on the wards. Family screaming at you to save a life that was lost before it got there, inaccurate history given, then no idea of the meds the patient was on .... No, we don't know, and no, in the US, we cannot LOOK I TUP. Thank the Republicans and corporate health "systems" for that. I can't just enter a number and find all your info. ______ TLDR: All medical info about meds, conditions, history, needs to be on a card in a wallet at all times, on the body at all times. This helps a LOT. And don't abbreviate the drugs. You know but we don't. We see "dil" and that can mean Dilantin or dilution!

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    Post covid recycling in America basically does not exist anymore. No one is taking the end product anymore so massive yards of processed material is sitting and degrading.

    jgmathis Report

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    Trisec Tebeakesse
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We have a bottle-bill in the state where I live. For reasons unknown, bottle returns were shut down during Covid. We started throwing them in the trash, and have continued to do so. Not worth the hassle - the state can keep my nickels.

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    Most store brands, are just repackaged name brand. All they do is swap the packaging.

    The trick is finding *WHICH* name brand it is that produces it.

    The reason they do this is because the store guaranteed the name brand to purchase X million units a year. So the name brand gives them a big discount, and still makes money.

    The store sells their brand next to the name brand. And people looking for discounts buy the store brand, of which the store makes a higher profit margin, but people looking for "better" buy the name brand, so they both win.

    AlphaTangoFoxtrt Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I take plaquenil. My generic pills will often have the brand name printed on them.

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    75% ( based on personal experience)of the people working on volume build housing sites in the uk ( think persimmon, bloor etc )give zero f***s about the quality of their work as long as they get paid , and don’t have to go back and put it right .

    hippopotamus5791 Report

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    Ample Aardvark
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The people that design the houses won't be living there so they don't give a floof either if it's not practical or the double bedroom is the size of a cupboard!

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers The roses you buy at Valentine's Day were harvested around Xmas. It's the worst time of the year to buy roses and I don't mean because they're more expensive. They're also the worst quality because it's a longer holding time between harvest and use than any other time of the year.

    Never ever ever send flowers through an order processing service. Look at the location you're in or sending to and talk to a florist in that area directly. Don't pick a picture off some external website. Ask the florist what they have and can make that fits your budget. If you're worried, ask them to text you a pic of the completed design.

    VinnyVincinny , Budgeron Bach Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But if I send flowers on the 25th of Feb, there's no point because she's aready broken up with me for not sending flowers on Valentine's day.

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    Cyber security. You have absolutely no clue how out of date and insecure the vast majority of the planet’s IT infrastructure is. But the problem is that infrastructure is built upon so heavily and is such an intrinsic piece of what came after that you can’t just swap it out or upgrade it. All you can do is build layers of defence around it.

    This is the important s**t too. Nuclear systems, power stations, hospitals, militaries, banks, you name it. Your average office PC will be vastly more secure if it’s kept up to date than the PC that’s used to access all your medical records, because it isn’t held back by poor future proofing and still receives important security updates.

    ReaverRogue Report

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    David A Paterson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I could write several hundred words on why "computer security" is a useless placebo. And worse.

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    Bedbugs are actually incredibly common in hotels. It’s just that nicer hotels generally have better means of treating them.

    ryl371240 Report


    Life coaches need life coaches the most.

    sarusa2020 Report

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    David A Paterson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've no idea what a "life coach" is. I've noticed that therapists need therapists.

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    Customer service reps are timed on calls so when we rush you, it isn't to be rude.

    vegaisbetter Report

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    Tobias Reaper
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    it depends on the job my job does have average handling times we have to go by but its not strictly enforced as the nature of my job means we sometimes can have really long calls

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    There are train derailments all the f*****g time that don't make the news. Not all of them are hazmat related, but it happens a lot. 

    Mediocre_Leviathan Report

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    Mark Reaves
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, and a surprising number of rail cars leak contents along the way. Not to even mention the excessive spraying of toxic herbicides along the tracks routinely to keep plants away. It's a mess.

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    I worked in the moving and storage industry and if you EVER pay movers to pack and move your family, DEMAND an itemized bill and proof of service.

    These people are out here RAKING people over the coals. Inflating box counts, charging for services not performed, etc. it’s not AS BAD if it’s COD but if it’s a corporate move for your job?? DEMAND IT. You might not be paying for it out of pocket, but it’s still showing on your income as taxable wages.

    **special note to say not ALL companies do this but ALL the ones I worked with did**

    YEEyourlastHAW Report

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    Judy Reynolds
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A friend worked for a moving company - if they ran out of legit jobs for the time allowed, they would wrap the garbage, and charge for it.

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    I’ve been in IT for 20+ years.

    We’re not smart. We just google s**t.

    MidLifeCrysis75 Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But we are smart. We do not invent the wheel a second time. For strange or difficult problems we consult other experts - via a search engine. Why invest 40 hrs into trying to solve something, if a little googling reduces it to 2? edit: not to mention, we know how to google and to read the results. We know what to search for, what keywords to enter, which sites to trust, and most of the time a good analytic mind.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers If you’re ever buying bulk gravel/sand/crushed stone from a local pit/quarry that has scales to weigh the amount of product you’re getting- you’re getting f****d because you’re paying for water. Most of these pits/quarries spray the living f**k out of their stockpiles before/during operation to make the material heavier in the truck. Never buy by the ton- always buy aggregate by the cubic yard. It’s a measure of volume- not weight.

    Source: I own a rock crushing business/multiple quarries and I charge by the cubic yard to not screw the public :)

    ianwrecked802 , PAN XIAOZHEN Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    NO! They spray to keep dust down. Dust is a hazard to the workers and the surrounding area. The OP here is LYING and I know because my dad works for a rock crushing company. The water is there so the workers aren't breathing powdered rock. Also potable WATER is worth MORE per pound than rock. Unless you live someplace that let you spray sewer water all over the place you would be losing money by substituting water for rock.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers When you go somewhere that has novelty beer dispensers that you and a group can take to your table, just know they are incredibly incredibly difficult to clean thoroughly and there’s probably mold in there.

    bertmom , John Sullivan Report


    I use to work as a secretary at a roofing company.

    A common practice of "scumbag" roofing companies (in regards to rubber row home roofs) - if your neighbor calls a scumbag roofing company and they fix their roof and then not long after you or another neighbor's house starts leaking - there's a terrible possibility that the scumbag company went out and knifed a hole in your roof.

    They do this because your neighbor may recommend their company to you as their roof is no longer leaking. Scummy move.

    sexi_squidward Report

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    Mark Reaves
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Would be hard to do with my home. A solid 500 feet from neighbor and a metal roof.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers I wouldn’t say it’s mostly a secret but agency staffing firms churn and burn college graduates who are basically thrown in the wild. The recruiter you worked with may be gone in six months and that’s why a lot of ghosting happens.

    resident16 , Kindel Media Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And a recruiters job isn’t to find you a job, it’s to bag companies as clients.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers High volume recruiters spend an average of 10 seconds looking at a resume.

    K4SP3R_H4US3R , cottonbro studio Report


    I've worked in the music industry for 10 years and have access to financials of nearly 15% of all artists' recorded music revenue. Nobody is making as much as you think. The superstar artists who look like millionaires are not, in fact, millionaires.


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    Stephanie Did It
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How does that explain the multi-million dollar mansions, yachts and designer bling?

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    Unless it’s a chocolate themed cafe, there is a good chance your hot chocolate is just made with the powder used to garnish your cappuccino.

    Also although I never did this, I’ve known plenty of baristas who will give you the wrong milk, either by accident when they’re in a rush, or on purpose if you’re rude or sometimes when they think you’re just snooty with your milk choices. So if you’re lactose intolerant, be sure to mention it!

    roonilwazlib96 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Amen! There's no thrill like ordering a crafted beverage WITH SOY, only to experience the beginnings of a gastrointestinal maelstrom, and doing my best Roadrunner impersonation to the nearest bathroom.

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    Many therapists are still practicing after probation or punishment for really egregious acts, and they don’t have to disclose this to potential clients.

    If a therapist actually gets their license revoked they often go into life coaching.

    domestikatie Report


    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers Zoos and museums are universally held together with double sided tape. The size or prestige of the organization doesn’t matter either.

    Pentastome , Suzy Hazelwood Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh gosh never seen a zebra fall apart in front of me but when it happens, I'll be on the lookout for zookeepers with rolls of scotch tape

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    Aerospace has a phrase "Get Healthy in Maintenance." Underbid the contract to win to the work; then they over charge on the maintenance activities. It's an investment strategy that pays well. Many aerospace sites have "cash cows," long term maintenance contracts that keep the money coming into the site.

    BTW - this is one of the reasons DoD spends sooooooo much.

    jrsinhbca Report


    There is very little math in investment banking. (Trading, however, is different). They put up all kinds of gates to keep people out to chose “the best.” But all you need is good grooming and arithmetic.

    desperationcasserole Report

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    Still surprises me people don't seem to know you're SUPPOSED to call and threaten to cancel. We don't mind. We're not going to give you the offers unless you ask for them, that would be financial suicide.

    sadferrarifan Report

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    David A Paterson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In what business? Not insurance, that doesn't work any more. Internet service provider?

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    IT certification companies that sell courses to "get you into a well paid IT job by learning while you still do your day job" are selling you a hollow dream.

    I did sales. Not a single person I, or my team, suckered into buying an expensive set of courses got a job in IT, anywhere, ever. Well, amost, the company did get a single student into a job, but it was with us. In the end after giving phone-ins 'Marks' the sales script I just use to say to them "Now ask me how many people we've found jobs for." I got sacked when management listened to tapes of my phone calls. It was the only favour they ever did me.

    Most people just didn't finish the courses because they were too tired after work but the company knew this and still sold them.

    bucketofhassle Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Been a network engineer for 20+ years...I have ZERO CERTS. NOT...A...SINGLE...ONE...all my knowledge is from the JOB

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    Porta-potties are basically made to look clean and smell good when cleaned, they're not actually sanitized in pretty much any way.

    Jeff_Desu Report

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    Thomas Biorogue
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is this your squad car D**k Tracy? No kidding. It's a freaking portable outhouse. The only time those things are clean is when it's new.

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    35 “Dirty Little Secrets” Unveiled By Ex-Industry Workers If your business uses an inventory company, your numbers will not be correct.

    OriansSun , cottonbro studio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Spent 10 years with an inventory company. Some of the happiest customers were the ones being (essentially) ripped off the most


    more product hits the floor and then thrown back on the line than you know.

    source: worked in a meat packing plant.

    TrailerParkPrepper Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not at the plant I work at. Been there almost a year and never seen it happen once.

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