41 Instances Graphic Designers Didn’t Quite Think Through Their Works When Creating Logos
How many times, looking, for example, at the logos of Nike, Adidas or Apple, have we asked ourselves just one question: “Well, couldn’t we have drawn such a simple logo ourselves?” If yes, then let's move on reading. If not, we still move on. How many times have we read the news that some famous design studio redesigned the next big corporate logo for a check with an obscene number of zeros, and in the end just made the font thinner or simply reduced the distance between some details?
And so, every time we read such news, we come across dozens, if not hundreds of comments that the designers simply scammed their clients for money, but actually nothing in the logo has changed. In fact, as is often the case, things are not so clear cut.
Firstly, the famous swoosh was most likely a manifestation of spontaneous genius insight (for which, however, they paid only 35 bucks), and the original version of the Apple logo was complex, artsy and as old-school as possible. Secondly, any change in the logo in a large company is preceded by a long and thorough marketing analysis. Yes, sometimes it turns out a complete fail, as was the case with the 2012 Summer Olympics logo, but more often than not, the idea of saving on logo design doesn't justify itself at all.
Do you want proof? Voila! As many as 47 examples collected by Bored Panda, when the designer just drew something, the marketing manager was either absent or did not think at all, and the boss approved the logo without looking. And the result is what we have - this incredible selection of logos from around the world, on the one hand, beautiful and stylish - but completely inappropriate, you just have to look at it from a different angle. So please feel free to think different, as Steve Jobs once urged us, scroll this selection to the very end, and just enjoy these absolute masterpieces of human short-sightedness.
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This Catholic School Logo
Now That's Just A Bad Logo. Period
The Logo For This Spicy Apple Jelly
Its a " double entendre " and its hilarious lol, you can see it as half an Apple lol, of a fire spitting a*s, thats actually Smart.
This Medical Centre’s Logo Is A Flat Line
Unfortunate Door/Logo Placement On This Plane
My Son Who Just Started To Read, “Hell Baby. Hell Baby. Hell Baby!!!”
Hello? Is this John Constantine? Yea. So I got a Hell Baby? We might need to perform an exorcism..
Girls' Water Polo Team Logo
Whoever Designed This Logo Made A Terrible Mistake
A "Cheerleading" Logo In A Town Close To Me
Designer: Can You Describe The Logo You'd Like? Client: It Should Have A Leaky Pipe. But Instead Of Fixing It, Our Plumber Just Puts His Finger In There. And Btw, It Should Still Leak After He Does That
This Restaurant’s Logo That Looks Like A Health Grade
Design Of The Bottle And Logo Looks Way To Close To A Sunny D Like Drink. If A Kid Couldn't Read This Would Go Bad
This Yogurt Using Biohazards Symbol As Its Logo
Was Stuck Behind This Unfortunate Logo Today
This Company's Logo Looks Like Somebody Got Pulled Into A Lathe
The Flip Zone Has A Rule Of "No Backflips" When There Is Literally A Guy Backflipping In The Logo
I Love Drinking Kids Too!
It Really Feels Like The Packers Logo Could Have Replaced A Different Letter Here…
A Clothing Tag With Unfortunate Logo Design
Prizes On Offer At The Clinic
The Tim H*e Use - Supposed To Read 'The Time House'
We’re Going To Contact Them With A New Logo Hopefully
This Logo Of A Company In My City
Ride On Spac Eship
🎶 We’re going on a trip in our favorite Spac Eship! Zooming through the sky! Lil Einsteins!
This Sign In The Office Building Where I'm Attending Training
Just Another Restaraunt Logo That Was Edgy And Cool In Someone's Head. Spotted Near My Gym, Midtown Manhattan
This Logo For "Old Town North"
Welcome To Devil’s… Alvoole? Elvccle? (Advocate). I Like The Idea, But The Execution Is Not The Best
This Pub Is Supposed To Be Called “Bunch Of Grapes” And I Saw This Unreadable Logo And Asked My Mate “How Far Is The Pub Then?”
Jingleheimer Junction, Cartridges For Kids Logo
This Horrific Cafe Logo
They Didn't Think Their Logo Design Through Too Well
3lje Or Blue?
The Actual Logo Of A School Near Me
The Second Line Of This Logo Did Not Age Well
Found At The Austin Airport - It's Texas Like!
Chonoo Zendle Noodle Bar
There Is An Extra "R", Normal Name Is Chuck Burger
Ke Lebab. Restaurant In Stockholm
Saw This At My Local Heb. It's Supposed To Say "Frescura" (Freshness)
Ole Let Y, No Matter How I Read This I Will Always Have Questions
People attend art school to major in graphics, mainly to master concepts and technology. For four years they create logos and layouts, then rip each other to shreds for errors much much lesser than these.
My mom went to college for graphic design for 4 years. Nearly this whole list made me cringe horribly.
I can't stop laughing at #15, that company is in the town I grew up in, I've seen that logo a million times and never realized how bad (good?) it really is! Then again this is the same place where one year the girls lacrosse team made and sold *female empowerment* t-shirts with the slogan, "We'll beat you on the field, and then we'll beat you off!" and not one coach/teacher realized until it was far too late. 100% true story. 🤣
These get re-ordered according to votes. Which one are you referring to?
Load More Replies...People attend art school to major in graphics, mainly to master concepts and technology. For four years they create logos and layouts, then rip each other to shreds for errors much much lesser than these.
My mom went to college for graphic design for 4 years. Nearly this whole list made me cringe horribly.
I can't stop laughing at #15, that company is in the town I grew up in, I've seen that logo a million times and never realized how bad (good?) it really is! Then again this is the same place where one year the girls lacrosse team made and sold *female empowerment* t-shirts with the slogan, "We'll beat you on the field, and then we'll beat you off!" and not one coach/teacher realized until it was far too late. 100% true story. 🤣
These get re-ordered according to votes. Which one are you referring to?
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