30 People Point Out Things About Famous Movies That Might Make You View Them Differently (New Pics)
Avid movie watchers spend a lot of time analyzing and thinking about films. Often, this allows them to make connections that even filmmakers might have missed. That’s where many fan theories emerge, tying up plot lines that might not make much sense or adding a layer of deeper meaning to otherwise lackluster blockbusters.
People in this Reddit community have been sharing speculations about their own favorite movies with an unexpected, witty and sometimes fictional twist. Be ready to take these overlooked film details with a grain of salt, and upvote the ones that impressed you the most.
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It Is Often Mentioned That Actor Paul Rudd Has Barely Aged In Decades. I Raise You Maria De Medeiros, Who Plays A Grown Woman In Pulp Fiction (1994) And Was Still Casted To Play A 12-Year Old In Stranger Things (2016) Almost 22 Years Later
The Movie ‘Braveheart’ Features A Scene With A Car Barely Visible In The Background. Often Cited As An Error, Cars Were In-Fact Widely In Use At The Time Of Filming(1995)
In Children Of Men (2006), People Mostly Ignore The Impending Death Of All Humanity To Instead Freak Out About Immigration. This Is… Probably Exactly What Would Happen, Yeah
Entertainment journalist James Grebey defined fan theory as “ideas and speculation that audiences have about movies, shows, comics, or anything.” He believes they exist because fans are passionate and creative about the things they love.
There are several types of fan theories that are distinguished by the different goals they try to achieve. The mystery-solving theories, for example, attempt to figure out an enigma that actually exists in the work of fiction.
In Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory (1971), The Children Get Punished For Their Sins: Augustus Gets Boiled For His Gluttony, Violet Gets Exploded For Her Pride, Verruca Gets Dirty For Her Greed, Mike Gets Shrunk For His Arrogance, And Charlie Gets Burdened By Taxes And Osha Fines For Being Poor
Fun Fact: In Terminator 2 (1991), They Cast Twin Actors In Some Roles To Save Money On Visual Effects
To Make Sure Their Accents Were Accurate, The Child Actors In The Harry Potter Movies Were Forced To Grow Up In England
A lot of these theories are eventually confirmed by filmmakers. Like Harry Potter being Voldemort’s Horcrux. Before the entire release of the Harry Potter series, viewers and readers were able to put the puzzle together and solve it. In the final part of the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, such predictions were confirmed, much to the audience's delight.
Barbie (2023) Is Anti-Men, Or Something. Lots Of Men Seem To Be Upset. I Wouldn't Know Because I Haven't Watched Barbie, Because I Am A Man, And Men Don't Like Barbie. Men Like Nuclear War, Radiation Poisoning And 200,000+ Civilian Casualties, Which Is Why I Watched Oppenheimer Instead
In Pulp Fiction (1994) If You Pause The Movie At This Exact Scene, It Won't Keep Going Until You Hit Play Again
In The Batman (12:24:36 Am March 5 2050)
Another type of theory is a predictive one that essentially poses the question, “What happens next?” Avid film viewers try to pick on various details and hints that allow them to speculate what may come next in the story. This is essentially called foreshadowing and generates quite elaborate and interesting theories.
In Vanilla Sky (2001), Tom Cruise Is Shown To Be 5’11”. This Is An Early Hint That The World Of The Film Isn’t Real
I thought he was gonna by taller. So I looked it up, and he's actually shorter.
In Endgame (2019) Tony Stark Repeats The Line "No Amount Of Money Ever Bought A Second Of Time", While Just Hours Beforehand He Used His Great Resources As A Bajillionaire (Bought With Money) To Time Travel And Eventually, Meet His Dad Again
In Shrek (2001), Fiona Finally Ends Up With Shrek, Only After Transforming Into A Green Ogre Permanently. This Is Because The Moral Of Shrek Is That Only People Who Are The Same Color Belong Together
The plot-hole-filling type of theory tries to answer questions that aren’t as important. Since continuity errors happen in movies and TV shows, people attempt at explaining them—not always successfully though. One of the most famous ones is pondering whether there was enough room for Jack on the door in Titanic.
In The Incredibles (2004), Syndrome Says That Bob And Helen “Got Busy” Upon Seeing Their Children Beside Them. This Is A Reference To Something Really Cool And Mysterious, But My Mom Won’t Tell Me What It Is
In "The Mitchells vs. The Machines" (2020), The Main Character Says To Her Mom: "Thanks For Being The Best Mom Ever". This Is False As The Best Mom Ever Is My Mom
When I have to explain to my students how personal belief works I use this exact scenario. And they I ask them "Who is the most beautiful mother?" and they "Mine!" and I put them in detention* because I'm the teacher and I need to teach them about oppression and the abuse of power. XD * just kidding, we are Italian, we don't do detention here
Your Mom Was Originally Offered The Lead Role In The Whale (2022), But She Couldn't Commit To The Dramatic Weight Loss Required
The following two, retcon and head-canon theories, are already treading the absurd category. The former one tries to argue that what you saw on the screen didn’t actually happen, like Black Widow not actually dying in the Endgame. These speculations rarely make sense, as disproving something we can see is almost impossible.
In Avatar (2009), The Protagonist Jake Sully Turns Blue. This Is Because He Is A Marine And Ate Too Many Blue Crayons
In Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone(2001) Harry Discovers That Snakes Are Fully Sapient And Even Possess Their Own Language, Which He Uses To Converse With A Captive Snake In A Zoo. At No Point Does This Revelation Cause Him Or Anyone Else To Question The Ethics Of Human Treatment Of Animals
Home Alone 2
I think he actually understood her and gave her what she wanted without making her feel uncomfortable, which she would be if she had to get through the front door of the Plaza, etc.
The head-canon theory is fun, usually used to creatively engage fandoms. Just like the idea that Elsa and Anna from Frozen share the same parents with Tarzan. Such claims usually don’t have substantial reasoning behind them and often annoyingly spam movie watchers. However, it might be worth mentioning that the theory that Peter Parker made an appearance in Iron Man 2 was just a head-canon at first that Marvel made to come true.
In Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, Harry Buys Everything On The Trolley (He Literally Flashes Some Money And Says "We'll Take The Lot".) This Means That None Of The Other Children On The Train Got Any Sweets And Harry Is A Massive A*shole
It's a magic trolly and refilled after Harry and Tony got their treats
In Top Gun: Maverick, Tom Cruise Explains G-Force To The Student Pilots (Best In The World) As If That Isnt Something All Fighter Pilots Know About
To be fair, there is a chance that not everyone in flight school has watched G-Force (2009)
This Is An Actual Shot From A Movie Nominated For 11 Academy Awards
It is a perfect shot of a googly-eyed pet rock. Nothing wrong with that. The landscape indicates loneliness and it even has a scar on the forehead, which gives emotional depth.
The final theory is a real-life one, and as the name suggests, it speculates about the real world. For instance, how Dsiney or Sony will handle licensing disputes. This, of course, can be a lot of fun for fandoms but the issue with them is that some reporters portray them as truth in their articles and deceive their readers.
In "The Breakfast Club" (1985), No One Wants To Date The Sassy Goth Girl Until She Is Made Over Into A "Pink Princess." This Is The Most Unrealistic Detail In Any Work Of Fiction Ever Written
Ally Sheedy has talked about the fact that there's a cut scene which would have explained it a little better. She's not a goth. It's clear Allison draws scenes of rural bridges and is not dark. She's not a goth, she just dresses like that for the attention. The scene ended up on the cutting room floor.
In Lucy (2014), Lucy Forces Groups Of Villians To Sleep When Threatened With Guns. Later, And With Higher Brain Function, Lucy Forgets About This Power And Is Stuck In A Gunfight. This Is A Throwback To Reality, Where The Writers Are Only Capable Of Using 10% Of Their Brain
So many people believed the whole ‘we only use 10% of our brains’ thing, evolution got offended 😁
In Man Of Steel (2013) Superman's Father Suggests That His Son Should Have Let A Bus Full Of Children Drown. This Is An Early Hint That Zack Snyder Is An Absolute Psychopath Who Should Not Be Making Superman Movies
To wrap things up, I’ll leave you with one more fan theory that might seem unbelievable but turned out to be actually true. After Robocop came out in 1987, viewers were quick to point out that the story weirdly resembles the one of Jesus Christ: the man is killed and then resurrected to save humanity. The theory was confirmed by its director, Paul Verhoeven, who said that it’s of course a Christ story. “It is about a guy that gets crucified after 50 minutes, then is resurrected in the next 50 minutes and then is like the super-cop of the world,” he added.
In Monsters University, We Saw A Picture Showing Mr. Waternoose Used To Have An Afro, Which Confirms He Is Black. Which Made Me Realize I Always Think Of He As A White Man. But He Is A Large, Obese Gray Crab Like Monster, So He Has No Race, Which Leads To The Fact, That I Am Racist
Hey! white people had fros too... Look at Donna's dad in that 70's show lol
In The New Fallout Show A Kid Survives A Nuke In A Fridge, Proving Once And For All That Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull Was Factually Accurate
In Harry Potter, Truth Potions Are Known To Exist, Yet Are Never Used In Court. This Is Because JK Rowling Is A S**t Writer
sighs - seen this on there before - its a work of FICTION - why dont we all read every word of fiction and lay into that because we hate the writer - I dont by the way.
In The Second Episode Of The Last Of Us (2023), Joel Shoots Wildly And Does Little Damage To A Clicker. This Is An Example Of HBO Faithfully Adapting My Own Gameplay
In Beetlejuice (2024) Jenna Ortega's Character Calls Marie Curie A French Physicist. This Is A Reference To The Fact That Americans Cannot Tell The Difference Between European Countries
Encyclopedia Britannica refers to her as "Polish-born French physicist". She studied physics at the Sorbonne (France), married professor Curie and worked in France. I don't know if she was naturalized French, though.
What A Stupid Idiot
Poll Question
Do you think fan theories can add a deeper meaning to seemingly plain blockbusters?
To some extent
Not really
Depends on the movie
You know what they say about "opinions and anuses"? Everyone's got one, no matter how terrible or deluded. The least accomplished on the internet gets to air their vapid thoughts. JK Rowling is laughing all the way to the bank - and in her case, she deserves to, unlike Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Rick Scott and other con artists and losers some of these people worship.
Load More Replies...You know what they say about "opinions and anuses"? Everyone's got one, no matter how terrible or deluded. The least accomplished on the internet gets to air their vapid thoughts. JK Rowling is laughing all the way to the bank - and in her case, she deserves to, unlike Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Rick Scott and other con artists and losers some of these people worship.
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