45 Times Product Designers Failed To Consider The Practicality Of Cleaning, As Shared On This Facebook Group (New Pics)
I believe that a good design has to have at least these qualities - practicality, functionality, and an aesthetically pleasing appearance. But I also believe that not every designer has these qualities in mind when creating a new product. Therefore images on a Facebook group called Things designed by people who don't have to clean them have emerged with all sorts of objects designed in a way that just makes us feel mad. If the object turned out beautiful, that is not enough. We need it to be useful, easy to care for, and simply put - practical.
If a product design seems good on paper, that does not necessarily mean that it will be customer-approved. That is why each product design has to be tested before being sold to a broader consumer audience.
So, fellow Pandas, we invite you to see the worst possible designs, maybe learn a thing or two, and share in the comments which fail was the absolute worst for you. And if you would like to repeat this experience, see our previous post on Bored Panda here.
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Finally Found Something That's Ewww Enough For Here
The Only Bad Thing About My New Place, This Built In Cutting Board Who On Earth Thought Of This
The Inside Of My Foster Puppy’s Flexible Cone Is A Textured Fabric That Can’t Be Wiped Down. It’s Foul After Just 2 Days, And He’ll Have To Wear It For 2-4 Weeks. The Person Who Designed This Clearly Never Had A Dog, Probably Never Met A Dog
Have you ever wondered what goes into making a mass-produced product? Getting the product from an idea form to being produced is a long process that includes many steps. Sure, it is easier if you already have a product line and are just adding something new to the market rather than hopping into business fresh with no experience at all. Some beginner mistakes will definitely happen if you had no prior knowledge, but what is the most shocking thing of all is that some very well-known companies and big-label brands still manage to create something absurd.
Look At This Hellscape Of A Backsplash. Now Envision Whipped Sweet Potatoes That Had A Little Accident
First I thought it was something behind a bed. And was wondering what "Whipped Sweet Potatoes" was a rewrite of... in my defense, I just woke up and didn't se the stofe etc 😴
The Handles To The Cabinet At The House My Dad Rented For Our Christmas Gathering
Smells Exactly Like You'd Imagine
If the final product is this difficult to clean and take care of, is it worth buying? Well, some people might say that it is just laziness and not creative thinking if your so-called impractical object is dirty. But some products, even after numerous attempts, are impossible to get cleaned. Would that be considered lazy or just a terrible product design? But worst of all is how unhygienic some decisions are. Fleece cover for the toilet seat? No, thank you. That just feels wrong and dirty, if you’d ask me. Maybe warm to sit on, but where do you live, in Alaska?
This Waiting Room At A Hairdresser
Does the hairdresser practice on the walls if it's a slow day, do you think?
The Ninja Blender Handle
I understand that this post is just me ranting about how awful these designs are, and I understand that some are just beginners' mistakes. And sure, some can be cleaned in the end, but at least some advice or an instruction manual would be nice. And if that seems too difficult to make, then it is probably not a product that anyone should own.
Saw This In My Death Stairs Group. I Think It Belongs Here Too
Mmmmmm.... Just What I Need After Washing My Hands
AAAaaaaaaahhhhhhh! They need to be reported, that's effing hideous and manky, and I'm sure a health code violation in most states, the force of the air in those things is massive, and would blow particles everywhere, not just down.
A Table At A Restaurant
In the end, some people might find a few of these product designs totally fine. Maybe it is just laziness for the rest of us. But I believe that in this day and age, we, as a society, could do better and think in the best interest of each other.
So, fellow Pandas, what are your thoughts on these designs, are we just lazy, or do we deserve better?
This Hospital Finger Thingy
It's Fleece I Think
I Wonder If There Are Any Books On Hygiene
Thank God For Shoes, Is All I Can Say
Its like you have an extra rug and you don't know where to put it
Those Magazines And Shells In A Bowl Really Class Up This Bedside Table…
This was a THING last year or so for DIYers on Instagram, with mirrors and chairs, too. "Cloud furniture" and yes, it's spray foam insulator. Just awful.
Imagine That With Hard Water. Yeah... No Thank You!
At A Bar In Newfoundland And The Bathroom Handle Is Literally Rope
This Chandelier Made Of Sea Shells
Every Rainforest Cafe…
I went to the one in Niagara Falls in October. The whole place has a stale smell and general feeling of uncleanliness.
Is This An Animal Shelter? By Animal, I Mean Spiders
I mean just put those clear resin and stuff like that in the gaps. It is beautiful
For The Low, Low, Price Of $120 You, Too, Can Have A Ridiculous Faucet With A Million Nooks And Crannies For Hard Water And Dried Toothpaste To Get Stuck In!
Oven Knobs. 100(?) Years And They Still Have Crevices And Gaps For Gunk
Absolutely Speechless. Yikes
Phone Charging Point In Mcdonald’s
Ahh, people. Can always be counted on to be so classy as to shove their trash into everything.
I Would Definitely Knock Something And Start A Whole Chain Effect Of Breaking Bottles And It Would Be Impossible To Clean
Carpeted Laptop By Microsoft
Found While Browsing My Local Fb Marketplace They Originally Paid $800+ For It
Used to be a plumber in an affluent area. Designers would spec/defend things like this all the time; I'd tell them people have to live with these features. Customers would quickly realize that function>design. Especially if they had kids. Vessel sinks, almost universally hated once used. Etc, etc.
This Channel 3" From The Edge Of My Parents' Dining Room Table. It Has Been The Bane Of My Existence Fir At Least 35 Years. Crumbs For Scale
This Sink At The Airbnb We Stayed At Earlier This Year
This Card Holder In A Ford Focus
That's a gold-plated invitation to have your windows smashed and the car totally stripped. Who thought this was a good idea?
Althought It Looks Very Cool And Is A Nice Art Piece, To Be Used As An Actual Coffee Table Is One Spill Away From A Nightmare (Those Channels Filled With Rock Are Actual Channels, Not Filled In With Anything)
They should fill the canyons with colour resin, it would do the trick and it would look spectacular
My Boyfriends Shower ** Ok Let Me Add, I Live With Him, And The Reason It's So Clean Is.... Because I Live With Him Lol!
Do You Enjoy Cleaning Your Guitar?
Things Sold By People Who Don’t Want To Clean Them?
This Glitter Encrusted Soap Dispenser (The Glitter Rubbed Off In My Hand)
Just.... Why???
Those Windows. Why In The Hell
This Is An Airnbn In Madrid. Yuk
So my back is going to be rubbing against itchy cheap ivy as I sit ... where everyone's sat ... yuck
Couldnt It Just Have Been A Normal Straw…
So easy to clean, just run hot water through the straw for 3 HOURS 🙈
Anyone Got A Guess To How Many Spiders This Could Potentially House? Lol. Spotted At Magnolia
What is this obsession with spiders? I wouldn't want that thing accumulating/shedding dust and grease on my plate, it's unhygienic as anything, but spiders in particular wouldn't be my first concern (somewhere in the top 15 maybe), they might at least cut down on moskitos and flies nesting there.
My Regular Apple Watch Silicone Band Gets Manky Enough. Imagine The Grime That Would Get Stuck In These Groves
Just Saw This On Instagram And The Eyeroll Was Instant
Big Soft Building Blocks At The Public Playroom. The Velcro
Some of these are pretty bad and others are like just use a brush. A kitchen brush, and old toothbrush, anything like that. I love cleaning things with a brush, it's so satisfying.
Seems like nobody knows how to use a dustpan and brush any more.
Load More Replies...Some of these are pretty bad and others are like just use a brush. A kitchen brush, and old toothbrush, anything like that. I love cleaning things with a brush, it's so satisfying.
Seems like nobody knows how to use a dustpan and brush any more.
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