The scariest things aren’t always the ones that jump out at you. They don’t announce themselves with warning signs or eerie music in the background. Instead, they sit there, unnoticed, hiding in plain sight.

That’s what makes these photographs so chilling. At first, they look like any other picture—normal, unremarkable, even forgettable. But once you learn the truth behind them, they become something entirely different.

Scroll down to find out why—though you might end up wishing you hadn’t.

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Young girl drawing chaotic lines on a chalkboard, creating a creepy scene with dark history. See this little girl scribbling on a chalkboard? Aaaw-

Actually, this is a concentration camp survivor, when asked to draw "home".

Not_A_Human_BUT Report


    People fleeing a massive wave crashing on a beach, signifying a creepy photo with a dark history. Raw footage from the 2004 tsunami is incredibly eerie. seeing people just watching as the tide comes in and having no idea what's about to hit them... Really terrifying.

    anon Report


    Aerial maps showcasing target circles; associated with creepy photos and their dark histories. This is one that always stuck with me, just the way you have this bustling city in one frame, and the same city scythed clean with nuclear fire in the next. It's hard to imagine that level of devastation, a blast that burned civilians into the pavement and left shadows that would still be there decades later.

    Hiroshima - Before And After Bombing

    Madrojian Report


    Blurry figures walk through a mall, creating eerie and unsettling context with a dark history, evoking a creepy atmosphere. The toddler in the photo is James Bulger.

    He is being lead away from his mother by one of the two 10 year old boys who abducted and would later m****r him.

    Here's a paragraph from Wikipedia; At the trial it was established that at this location, one of the boys threw blue Humbrol modelling paint, which they had shoplifted earlier, into Bulger's left eye. They kicked and stomped on him, and threw bricks and stones at him. Batteries were placed in Bulger's mouth. Police believed some batteries may have been inserted into his anus, although none were found there. Finally, a 22-pound (10.0 kg) iron bar, described in court as a railway fishplate, was dropped on him. Bulger suffered ten skull fractures as a result of the iron bar striking his head. Dr. Alan Williams, the case's pathologist, stated that Bulger suffered so many injuries—42 in total—that none could be isolated as the fatal blow.

    Almost_a_TANK Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This case is one I wish I'd never read about. Just awful.

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    Man's legs on stone steps, hinting at a creepy history. Here's a shadow permanently cast of someone caused by the nuclear blast at Hiroshima.

    Mypopsecrets Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thanks for using the correct picture and not the one from the Metro games series.

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    A person sitting in a rocky area near a camper and vehicle, evoking a mysterious atmosphere. This photo, taken at 7 PM, May 18th, 1980 in the forests of Washington state.

    In the photo is David A. Johnston, star vulcanologist for the United States Geological Survey, camped at his trailer at his field post.

    Less than 24 hours later, Johnston, the trailer, and everything else within ~30 miles would be obliterated by a lateral blast from Mount St. Helens’s eruption, making Johnston the first US Government Vulcanologist to be k****d in the line of duty.

    His last words were a radio call to the USGS station in Vancouver WA, which you can find recordings of online:

    “Vancouver! Vancouver! This is it!”

    moss-fete Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It had to have been before May 18 because the actual eruption happened at 8:32 am on May 18, 1980. We lived in Yakima, WA at the time and heard the explosion that Sunday morning. Clouds of ash came over along with thunder and lightning. Several hours later, before noon, the sky was completely gray and nearly dark as night. Very eerie. We didn't know if it was the end of the world or not. Our daughter was 18 days old.

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    Man in a yellow jacket with a child on shoulders on a busy street, captures one of many creepy photos with hidden dark histories. The car in that picture contained a bomb that blew up just moments after this picture was taken. The people in the picture survived, but they guy who took it did not.

    Guinness2702 Report


    Two smiling women giving thumbs up in a lush, green mountainous area; creepy photo with a dark history. Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers managed to document getting lost in the jungle in Panama. They kept going past the marked easy trail instead of turning around went down the other side of the mountain, they wound up lost with no real hiking/camping supplies in dense, sparsely populated wilderness. At least one of them survived for a week. That photo is one of the last touristy ones, but they're probably already lost in it without realizing.

    IDGAF1203/ Report

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    Beak Hookage
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is *incredibly* easy to get lost in the wilderness. I went to the Yosemite with my dad once, and I wandered off while he wasn't looking. I was barely twenty paces away and he had NO IDEA where I was. He couldn't see me anywhere and freaked out when I wandered back.

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    Man smiling on a boat with a bridge in the background, wearing a white shirt; part of creepy photos collection. Josef Fritzl enjoying himself on holiday while his daughter was still trapped in his cellar at home.

    laurenjane_20 Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This man was a monster. He got his daughter pregnant seven times. If anyone deserved the death penalty, it's him

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    Divers exploring underwater, capturing creepy photo with mysterious dark history, amidst blue ocean surroundings. In this photo a man took of his wife diving, you can probably see another diver on the sea floor. That's Tina Watson. A few minutes before this photo, her husband turned off her air supply and held her underwater until she drowned. He then went up to the surface and told the other divers she was "in trouble", and you can see someone else swimming to try and save her.

    EDIT: He did serve 12 months in prison in Australia for Manslaughter, as a plea bargain (Neither he nor the court knew if he was going down for m****r). When he returned home to Alabama, the US courts tried to get him on the grounds that he'd planned the m****r there, but he got off due to lack of evidence. Australian authorities refused to help with the American trial, as they'd broken an extradition clause not to push for the death penalty.

    Edit 2: changed some info people have corrected me on. Also, the manslaughter charge managed to stick because despite apparently being a trained rescue diver, he made no evident effort to save her, or share his own functioning tank. Also one witness says he saw Gabe Watson "engaged in a bearhug with his flailing wife".

    crowwreak Report


    Large group photo with people in a gymnasium, linked to creepy photo histories. Looks like an ordinary school photo. Top left are the kids who shot up the Columbine school (yes they're pretending to "shoot" at the camera).

    Coltraine89 Report

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    Jonathan K
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A person who was shot that day passed away recently. They ruled her death a homicide.

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    Two young men in a dimly lit room, one holding an orange cup, surrounded by storage containers. Creepy photo context. Tyler Hadley k****d his parents before he threw this party at his house. They were dead in their bedroom when this picture was taken.

    anon Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This kid had a lot of problems before the murders, but basically, he was pi$$ed at his parents for trying to get him into a d**g rehab program. Killed them both with a hammer, then threw a party.

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    Two vintage photos; top with women lined up eating, bottom with men in uniforms at a table. Creepy undertones. A charming photo of some women, mostly clerks and secretaries, eating bowls of blueberries while being entertained by a man on the accordion.

    And a group of men drinking and laughing at a picnic table.

    The kicker? All of these photos are of guards and staff at Auschwitz during their days off. The atrocities of the camp were taking place less than a mile away.

    The entirety of the album is called [Laughing at Auschwitz]. If it weren't for the photos of some of the men in uniform, you would think it was a f*****g summer camp.

    PyrrhuraMolinae Report


    A distressed group, including women and children, appear tense among trees, highlighting their creepy historical context. The my lai villagers picture. might not fit exactly since the picture shows the terrorized villagers right before they were gunned down, so not exactly seemingly normal. but, one often overlooked aspect is the young woman buttoning her shirt, which is interpreted as evidence that she was r***d right before the photo.

    jR2wtn2KrBt Report

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    Kabuki Kitsune
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Whoever is doing the "interpretations" didn't read the actual witness testimony provided about this particular photo, as a witness testifying to the crime that happened here stated " soldiers had attempted to rip the blouse off the woman in the back while her mother, in the front of the photo, tried to protect her".

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    Young girl with a bead necklace, featured in creepy photos with dark histories. A photo of a cute girl, right? this is Genie (not her real name, but that's what she is called in the public sphere. real name was kept secret.) from the time she was an infant, around 20 months old, her father kept her in a single room, strapped down to a potty chair facing the wall. she had no human interaction beyond her parents until the age of 13, when she was rescued.

    PrisonBubba Report


    Man in an armchair reading a magazine in a dimly lit room, fitting the creepy photos theme with a mysterious atmosphere. This home video of Jeffrey Dahmer, casually saying to his dad that he should eat at home more often. However, at the time this video was filmed, Jeffrey already k****d 7 men (and ate some of their body parts).

    Kimidei Report


    Two people smiling with static hair standing outdoors, under dark clouds, evoking a creepy atmosphere. Moments before getting struck.

    goodfoofisgood Report

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    Andrea Fucciollo
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why do you guys keep complaining about having seen these photos here before?? There are probably thousands of people who haven’t…. BP does not revolve around a particular group 🙄

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    Three people in a kitchen, one in white covering, discussing next to shelves. Creepy photo with a dark history vibe. This picture of Elizabeth Smart (far left) taken while she being was held captive by her kidnapper (pictured far right).

    Smart was missing for 9 months. the picture was taken some time in the middle of that period, at a party the kidnapper crashed with Smart. She was made to wear the veil in order to keep from being recognized in public.

    bflstar Report


    Beach scene with dark history, showing scattered people in shallow water, rocky shore, and distant waves under a clear sky. 2004 Tsunami nears John & Jackie Knill.
    John and Jackie Knill were k****d in the 2004 Tsunami. Their bodies were never found but their passports and camera were discovered and returned to their children. There are more pictures that show that something terrible is about to occur. But this one is nearly tranquil.

    EDIT: Their bodies apparently were found.

    CamaroNurse Report


    A person in protective gear inspects a dark, eerie scene, representing creepy photos with haunting histories. Chernobyl Elephant's Foot, a formerly molten mass of corium from the reactor core meltdown. It still emits radiation today that can k**l you if you hang around it too long, but not as much as back in 1986. They had to use a set of mirrors in order to get photographs of the mass.

    Mushyshoes Report


    A person conducting an experiment with metal spheres in a laboratory, related to creepy dark histories. Demon Core. This is a recreation photo of an accident that occurred with the infamous "demon core". Physicist Louis Slotin was conducting an experiment to verify the exact point at which a subcritical mass of fissile material could be made critical by the positioning of neutron reflectors. Basically, the two half spheres would be adjusted around the core and the core activity would be measured.

    The risk was that if the spheres were allowed to close, the core would instantaneously form a critical mass. To keep them from closing, he pried the top core up with a screw driver. Unfortunately the screw driver slipped, a critical mass formed, and (near) instantly gave him a lethal dose of radiation. He shielded the other people in the room and was the only fatality.

    young-boy-kyle Report

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    Shelli Aderman
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I need more understanding of the concept of what’s happening here…

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    Victorian family portrait with somber expressions, part of creepy photos collection. This one's a bit creepy.

    Post-mortem photography.

    This is a picture from the victorian era of two parents with their dead daughter in the middle. Apparantly, in the ninteenth century, people taking photos of their deceased loved ones was a thing.

    TheMahatma Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's why her photo is clearer than the others, because she is still and the others still have slight movement

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    Family posing in front of a car while a figure in the background with a camera adds an eerie element to the photo. The M****r of Reynaldo Dagsa.

    A filipino politician, Dagsa was on vacation spending time with his family.
    Looks like a regular family photo at first glance right?
    This photo was taken on New Years Day by him moments before he was shot and k****d, and his k****r can be seen in the background behind his family.

    Dust2chicken Report

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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A police officer stated that they were looking for the killer. He was already on camera.

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    A person in a leather jacket with sunglasses, part of creepy photos collection with dark histories. A famous picture of John Lennon signing an autograph for Chapman just hours before the latter m******d the former.

    Pm_me_ur_signedboobs Report


    Rescue attempt in Nutty Putty Cave showing trapped caver with rescue efforts diagram, part of creepy photos series. Not a photograph but the diagram of the cave diver who got stuck in Nutty Putty Cave and died.

    And another picture of a cave diver maneuvering through a part of the same cave.

    Edit: To make things worse. When they were trying to rescue him, they used a pully and had him mostly out of the part he was stuck in but the rope broke and he fell back in.

    StockAL3Xj Report


    Elderly man in a striped shirt and red cap holding a pitchfork in a rural setting. How about an entire film?

    Errol Morris' documentary Vernon, Florida

    Errol Morris is a great documentary maker that can really capture people well. This documentary is a look at a small rural town in Florida. The film doesn't really have a narrative. It's just made up of interviews with some of the colorful and quirky characters in their rather mundane small town.

    And just based on that, it's a really neat documentary to watch. It's not the best documentary you'll ever see, but it's quaint, touching, often funny.

    But the thing is: that's not the documentary Errol Morris set out to make. In fact, the original name of the documentary was *Nub City*.

    You see, the city of Vernon, at the time, had the highest rate of limb amputation in America per capita. People missing fingers, hands, feet, etc. The messed up bit is that they were doing it to themselves, on purpose, in order to collect on insurance money.

    While filming the documentary, Errol Morris started receiving death threats from the residents who were scared he was going to expose their secret. Errol took the threats seriously enough that he re-edited the whole film so it never mentions anything about the amputations.

    So now it's just a nice documentary, about some colorful and quirky characters in their rather mundane small town.

    can-you Report

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    Man in a bathtub staring at the camera, timestamp overlay suggesting a dark history. A picture of a guy looking uncomfortable or upset in the shower (sfw). In reality, that's Travis Alexander, and the pic was taken by Jodi Arias shortly before she m******d him by stabbing him dozens of times and slitting his throat.

    GemIsAHologram Report


    Creepy clown in red and white costume holding balloons, surrounded by trees. The picture of John Wayne Gacy dressed as 'Pogo the Clown'.

    RisingBlackHole Report

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    Beak Hookage
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Fun fact, he actually had two different clown personas. I believe the other one was called Patches.

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    Young woman walking on an abandoned railway bridge in a forest, evoking a creepy and mysterious atmosphere. This is the last picture taken of thirteen-year-old Abby Williams. She was hiking in Delphi, Indiana in February 2017 with her friend Libby German, who took the picture. They were both m******d shortly after the photo was taken.

    They still haven't identified the k****r.

    limbxlimb Report

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    Gingersnap In Iowa
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Richard Allen was convicted in November 2024 for the murder of Abby and Libby.

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    A couple in an intimate embrace, one looking at the camera, linked with creepy photos and dark histories. Happiness is...

    The man in picture,Robert Giblin post this on Facebook, after few minutes he stabbed his pregnant wife and throwing her over the balcony to her death. He jump off the building after that.

    Yugen9x Report

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    OzzyTheMano (They/Them)
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    f**king coward wouldn't face the consequences of his choices. what an awful, evil man. i hope he died a slow and painful death.

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    Man in a field with a bear in the background, wearing sunglasses, highlighting a creepy photo with a dark history. Timothy Treadwell lived his life watching and learning about bears and it eventually led to his disturbing death by a grizzly bear. The most awful thing about his death is that all of it was caught on audio.

    Russian_Comrade_ Report

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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He was taunting bears and other wildlife for years. Interfering with nature. Assigning himself some sort of weird lookout role for them. Tried to interfere in an exchange between bears. At times, he anthropomorphizes them in some immature ways. Just got creepier the more I watched the different films. He got his girlfriend killed by the bears he taunted. She tried to help his f*ckin @sshole self, while he was being mauled by the bears he interfered with for years. Then, at least one of those bears was put down ALL BECAUSE OF THIS F*CKIN LOSER.

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    Astronauts in training suits floating beside a capsule in a pool, part of a creepy photo collection with dark histories. This is just a bunch of astronauts hanging out at the pool and generally being awesome, right? Nope. That's the crew of Apollo 1. See the hatch on the capsule that opens inward? They died in that capsule, unable to escape the fire.

    M1ghtypen Report

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    William Smither
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The crew did die in a capsule, but not that one. NASA had different mock up capsules for different aspects of training. Their spacecraft was the one they were going to fly in and was sitting on top of a rocket on the launch pad when they died.

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    Historic street scene with vintage trams in a bustling city area, capturing an eerie atmosphere of the past. To me, it will be this one of the Iroquois Theatre Fire. You can see smoke pouring from inside the glass

    When this photo was taken, around 600 people were trapped inside the building in pitch darkness whilst a fire incinerated/smoke asphyxiated them one by one.

    The story:

    In 1903, a "fireproof" theatre opened in Chicago IL, and proceeded to host a play called Bluebeard. Around 600 people attended, but midway through the performance, it is believed that an old arc light shorted out and caused one of the stage curtains to set alight.

    The theatre was not equipped with fire extinguishers, but rather a fire-extinguishing powder which was inadequate. The fire spread to other curtains and an "fireproof" curtain was lowered, but snagged halfway down on a light.

    In panic, one of the stage employees opened a back door to the theatre, causing a backdraft of air to enter, turning the fire into a fireball that blasted out into the seating area and incinerated hundreds.

    Some people in the upper seating areas had left the play room, however they became trapped in the narrow corridors due to the fact that some of the non-opening windows into the vestibule resembled doors , and some of the proper doors used an Espagnolette "bascule lock", an old french lock that most Americans had no idea how to manipulate. As a result, people began piling up at these doors because the poor people at the front had no idea how to open them. It is likely they were crushed to death.

    anon Report

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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People need to learn to quit saying anything has the ability to not be destroyed.

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    Two men seated by a fireplace, smiling, with a mysterious aura. Creepy photo with an intriguing backstory. Two brothers goofing off for a photo. Hours later after arriving home from dinner, the man on the left would have his brother(pictured on the right) and mother (who took the photo) m******d after conspiring with a friend. He attempted to have his father m******d as well but he survived.

    zeppelin1023 Report

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    Just Another Karen
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The full picture shows the k1ll3r with his middle finger up. Apparently father forgave him

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    Two men smiling during a playful wrestling session indoors, one wearing a sweatshirt, capturing a moment with a creepy history. This is John du Pont and Dave Schultz.

    John (The man on the bottom) hosted a massive wrestling team where all of the athletes lived on the grounds. Schultz was hired to coach the team.

    As time went on John started to act stranger than normal (He was already very odd). He started to think his friend Schultz was spying on him. He believed that Schultz was hiding in his walls spying and plotting to k**l him. It seems to me like John was a paranoid schizophrenic.

    Eventually John snapped. He drove up to Schultz's home and shot him in front of his family. Schultz died moments later.

    Edit: The documentary is called *Team Foxcatcher*.

    CaptainMcAnus Report

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    A woman in a black dress and heels, hands raised in a creepy pose inside an old wooden structure. Last photo before she (Regina Kay Walters) was k****d by Robert Ben Rhoades.

    Aphala Report


    A person in a dimly lit space with vintage tones, conveying a creepy historical ambience. Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.

    Basically Dean Corll and Elmer Wayne Henley k****d a bunch of people but were caught. This picture was found amongst Henley's things of an unidentified boy that is a likely victim of Corll.

    derek_downey Report


    Climber scaling a massive, icy mountain cliff under a deep blue sky, evoking creepy and mysterious historical vibes. K2 2008 disaster. It's just a mountain picture, but with the annotations it reveals an eerie scene. K2 if I remember correctly is regarded as one of the most dangerous mountain in the world. 1 out of every 4 climbers who summit die on that mountain.....

    If you are interested check out bbcs documentary here.

    Lord_vel Report

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    Portrait of a smiling person with long dark hair. The eerie context adds to the photo's creepy aura. Serial k****r Rodney Alcala was on The Dating Game in between m*****s. So that in itself is creepy, seeing this serial k****r charm a young woman on national television. You have to think, "Is he imagining all the vile things he wants to do to her? Is he planning this woman's m****r on camera right now?"

    There's a lot of seemingly normal innocent pictures relating to him as he was a photographer and loved taking photos of potential victims. Whether they can still be found on the internet I'm not entirely sure. He also took and kept earrings from the girls and women he tortured and k****d.

    Bleumoon_Selene Report

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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He won, but the woman refused to go on the date with him because he gave her the creeps.

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    Two people sitting on steps, one smoking a cigarette, with a curious atmosphere. It's better to read the whole story. Shortly after Hurricane Katrina, police were called to a s*****e of a man who jumped off a building. In his pocket they found a s*****e note, telling them where to find his girlfriend. He had gone crazy, cut her up, and cooked pieces of her body.

    Before this, they were somewhat famous. That picture showed a couple in love, weathering the storm together.

    Muadibz Report

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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so fed up of having to decipher words that have been censored on here. Words that are in every English dictionary and are part of everyday language. Grow up Bored Panda!

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    Woman in a desolate landscape holding a puppy, evoking a sense of dark history and mystery. Myra Hindley, on the Saddleworth moors with her dog, Poppet. She is looking down at the grave of John Kilbride, one of her's, and Ian Brady's, young victims.

    Hindley and Brady used to take photos hinting to the gravesites of their child victims, and when their crimes came to light, these pictures were used to help find the bodies.

    Also, a little more on the serial k****r theme - a home video taken of Jeffrey Dahmer during Thanksgiving Day 1990. Note the 'I should really start eating at home more'. Yeah... he was already starting to cannibalise his victims at this point. Lionel Dahmer, his father (and the guy behind the camera), later said that in retrospect, his foot would jerk at every mention of his apartment, what he was doing in his spare time, or what he was eating. You can just make it out in the video.

    Edit: A little more info on Dahmer's situation at the moment this video was taken. He had already k****d 9 men and boys, the latest (David Thomas) was m******d three weeks before Thanksgiving. At this point he was still *relatively* restrained, k*****g every few months and choosing his victims carefully. By February 1991, he had amped up to a m****r a month. By the time he was arrested in July 1991, he had completely lost it; he was missing work, stopped showering and shaving (at times, his tub was filled with up to three bodies) and he was k*****g 2-3 times a week. During the last 6 weeks of his freedom, the only meat he was eating was human flesh.

    Miss_Musket Report


    Man in a black shirt and cap standing in front of wooden wall with paintings, related to a creepy photo history. This is the last existing photo of wrestler Chris Benoit. Just a few days after this photo was taken he m******d his wife and child. After this he commited s*****e.

    lineaway19 Report

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    Warren Peece
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    3 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The theory at the time was that he suffered from effects of steroid abuse.

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    Climber scaling rocky terrain; eerie presence in background indicated by pink arrow, highlighting creepy photo element. Rock climbers taking pictures accidentally captured woman stranded at bottom trying to survive. went through entire thread and didn't find anyone post it, was really popular on reddit a while back.

    RickandMortyRules Report


    A black and white photo of formally dressed individuals in a room, capturing a moment with a dark history. The most sinister wink of all time.
    Context: This photo was taken just after LBJ was sworn in on Air Force One, immediately following the m****r of JFK. In the foreground you'll notice Jackie Kennedy visibly grieving the loss of her husband. LBJ turned towards his longtime friend, Texas congressman Albert Thomas, who gave him a surreptitious wink and a smile. White House photographer Cecil Stoughton, who took the photo, said it could have been "innocent or sinister, and I would have leaned towards the latter." The man in charge of Air Force One at the time, General Godfrew McHugh later said LBJ's behavior on the plane was "obscene."

    Edit: Took out a line about blood spatter on Jackie's coat, since people seemed to be really concerned about it. Though there was blood on her coat at the time the photo was taken, it's not in the frame.

    Deerhoof_Fan Report

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    C Hendrix
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I once read that someone asked Johnson why he didn't run against Kennedy instead of taking the Vice President position. His reply: "Because one out of every four vice presidents becomes president. I like those odds." I've always wondered whether Johnson and Hoover might have been behind the assassination.

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    Malaysia Airlines plane on tarmac, linked to a dark and mysterious history. This picture was taken by a passenger of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 on July 17th 2014. He posted this picture on his Facebook, saying; 'if it goes missing, this is what it (the plane) looks like.' Referring to another Malaysian Airlines plane (flight MH370) that went missing on March 8th 2014. Later that day the plane the man boarded was taken down by a missile fired by either Russia or Ukraine.

    Maddle_R Report

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    Jared C
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was shot down by Russians. Not by Ukraine. That took a whole 3 seconds to find out using Google

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    Two people in a vintage photo stand near a car in a parking lot, capturing a moment with a creepy history. Musician Jeff Buckley, hours before he died from accidental drowning at the age of 30 in 1997.

    Spineofgod6661 Report


    Young girl in an old photograph, wearing a tattered dress, standing against a stone wall, evoking a sense of creepy history. The pictures that Lewis Carroll took of Alice, the girl who inspired the Alice in Wonderland book... my art history teacher showed them to us and they just gave me the creeps.

    amberjean23 Report

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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    These are common in Victorian times, related to the infant mortality rate. Plenty of photographers took them. He was celibate and the family cut off contact because they were minor nobility (not royal class but still very high) and he just barely scratched into middle class. There is healthy evidence from both the time and after debunking it.

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    Smiling man in casual attire, associated with creepy photos and dark histories. This picture of Varg Vikernes has reached a sort of Internet meme status. The reason being it just looks like a picture of a happy smiling old man, but in reality Varg's back story is that he is a musician who makes incredibly abrasive music, as well as a m******r who k****d another musician from Norway's black metal scene ~~just because~~, and an arsonist who burned down churches in Norway ~~just because~~. This picture of him was taken in prison.

    He was released in 2009 and continues making music.

    EDIT: Okay so apparently Varg claims to have m******d Euronymous in self-defense, and he burned down the churches because he believes in neo-paganism.

    lovesuprayme Report


    These 50 Images Seem Normal Until You Learn The Horror Behind Them Someone videotaped a guy playing Dance Dance Revolution. Six months later, he would shoot and kill 27 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School back in 2012.

    _coyotes_ Report


    A black-and-white photo of people joyfully running towards a man in uniform with a dark history. Burst of Joy.

    POW returns home to his family, but his wife Dear John-ed him and his kids no longer respected him.

    ScarletNumbers Report

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    Joanne Earle
    Community Member
    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I saw this live on TV. I didn't know his family abandoned him....they looked so happy to see him!

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