Artist Creates Illustrations That Reveal The Absurdity Of Modern Times (30 New Pics)
Interview With ArtistSantiago Bara is an artist from Spain who creates aesthetically pleasing illustrations as a commentary on modern life. In a previous interview, Santiago revealed that he started making these "little cartoons" as practice for more serious jobs. Unexpectedly, they've evolved into something bigger than that and now the artist has more than 6k followers on Instagram!
Santiago's creations attract attention with their simplicity and accurate depiction of the present-day world. He makes people laugh highlighting the absurd elements of today's society and we can't wait for you to see these illustrations yourselves! So, scroll down for some good humor and make sure to check out part 1 to have a complete view of what Santiago's art is all about.
More info: Instagram | sbara.bigcartel.com
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Bored Panda got in touch with Santiago to get to know more about him and his creative process. The artist shared that he has drawn for as long as he can remember. According to Santiago, this form of expression comes most naturally to him. But he finds any form of art interesting, even if he has no talent for it. "The comic itself is a kind of meeting of several arts that suits someone who’s not excellent at any one of them separately, but decent enough in the combination of each."
We asked the artist about where he gets inspiration for his comics. He replied that he is not particularly inspired by other comics. "Most of the ideas come from the real world, from contacts with people. That's inexhaustible. Apart from that, what I find fascinating, and it leaves me thoughtful for a long time, is books of essays on subjects like the brain, artificial intelligence, the universe, or sociology, for example."
The part that Santiago enjoys the most about the creative process is the inking, because "at that point, the intellectual work of writing and composition is over, and it's just a matter of doing a nice manual job. Not thinking is undervalued."
“Very funny sir, now, you keep not doing taxes, and that’s illegal”
According to Santiago, people react to his works differently. "I understand that maybe it's not for everybody and some people don't get in. Some are a bit harsh. One thing I've noticed is that cartoons about romantic relationships don't usually generate controversy, but as soon as the subject matter approaches, even if only glancingly, politics, people can't contain their tribalism. They suddenly become unable to see these cartoons as a metaphor, as if they were real. They take it too seriously."
I feel like the comments so far are missing the point. I contend, this is not "how it should be". I read this as a statement that homeownership is as far out of reach for this mother as flying is for the child. It's not showing paying the mortgage bill, but getting approved for a mortgage in the first place. This is sad because it's accurate for far too many people.
I usually only add to cups of Fear of death, any more could cause an existential crisis
A Blithely Inept Total Crazy Head...(spell the first letters of each word)
I made that horrible mistake very early on in what would become the most abusive re lationship I've ever had. Within 3 months, I had his name on the back of my neck to "prove my love" to him... till this very day I've had a hard time finding a Tattoo Artist who can properly cover it up. It's embarrassing and I feel like he branded me like a freaking 🐄... His exact words were when he left us [we had a Son who is now 7] 3 years ago "hahaha no man will ever want you with my name on your back... who'd want to look at that hahaha!" Please don't ever make that mistake...😞
If half the pages were being torn out or scribbled over it would be more accurate.
I'm not sure sure about this one. General mistrust of REAL experts is a huge problem nowadays. Some people value opinions more than facts ; scary stuff...
I like Guaraná Antarctica, it's the best one after Guaraná Jesus... /sarcasm
Same. I was looking for explanations in the comments
Load More Replies...Well, at least these weren't ALL about how kids today spend too much time on their phones.
Yeah, some were also about nagging women, the Bible and right wing talking points.
Load More Replies...I always enjoy bored panda content, thank you for all the articles!
Same. I was looking for explanations in the comments
Load More Replies...Well, at least these weren't ALL about how kids today spend too much time on their phones.
Yeah, some were also about nagging women, the Bible and right wing talking points.
Load More Replies...I always enjoy bored panda content, thank you for all the articles!