I’m a professional illustrator with a strong fondness for political, social, and human issues, having collaborated with several publications and companies across 18 countries and four continents.
I’m always producing new stuff, and after the success of last year’s post in Bored Panda, I’ve decided to show you another selection of my best works to show some of the problems afflicting the world.
“Who are the vital people to our society during the coronavirus pandemic?” “Is technology drawing us together or pulling us apart?” “Are hate speech and censorship prevailing on social media?” And many others. So what do you think about these issues? And what are your questions regarding the world nowadays? Let me know! Check out more on my Instagram linked below.
More info: Instagram
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Invisible Heroes (Coronavirus)
We are realizing more and more during the pandemic that the essential people keeping society together are not bankers or politicians, but healthcare professionals, food distributors, cleaners, etc. Sadly, when this is over, they will still be disregarded and underpaid.
Corporate Justice
Racism In The USA
Violence Against Women
Smartphone-Free Vacations
Donald Trump And Twitter
Happens to men too :) not that it doesn't happen to women obviously
Cycle Of Violence
International Women's Day
Mad About Likes
Who cares if people like that they drank orange juice on a Tuesday at 5:36 am? Really?
Clean The Planet
Greta Thunberg
Education And The Future
Black Friday!
Hate Speech And Its Relation To Media And Terrorism
The common misconception in the US is that the right to free speech includes the right to hate speech and inciting to violence, xenophobia, racism and homophobia.
Man-Made Boxes
Uh guys we're literally in quarentine this is our only form of communication
You're Fired!
Coronavirus Eclipse
Except it should now be mostly over the US, since our Moron-in-Chief has turned us into a hotspot where COVID spreads like wildfire.
Alzheimer's Disease
Sad. I almost feel though that the one coiling up the line should be a monster of some sort. Because it's not a gentle or peaceful thing for many people.
Corrupt Doctors
Step on the right tile and you win, if you don't it's terminal. Mwahhaha!
Say Hello To Your 1,000 Dollar Phone!
The fact that you censored her nipples and made an effort to draw his nipples while portraying real issues is another issue within this issue. Ironic. Good work.
Women Chains
Looking For The Coronavirus Vaccine
@Diane Patrick, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR BLASTED MIND? Less deadly than the flu, you say. It's not going to kill anyone, you say. Then how come America has the highest amounts of COVID-19 cases and deaths?! It's a miracle that some people actually believe your ridiculous nonsense.
Antisemitism On Polish Media
The System
Tourism And High Rents
Yup. Sadly this is true. my family can not afford a vacation, bc the cost of living is so high we can't afford to.
Fake News
USA vs. China
Would be more accurate if China slipped done dollar bills in Donald's pants
Online Dating
Met my husband online :). Both widowed and neither of us did the bar scene.
The Big Words
The Art Market
And here I am trying to sell paintings at cost of canvas and materials.
For the record there's nothing wrong with taking medication for depression if you feel it's right for you.
Editorial Line
In Vitro
please sign for the package, the receiver has been requesting it's delivery for far too long.
Censorship At Work
Freedom/ Liberdade
This one boils my blood from time to time. It's so subtle at times that people think it's not a big deal.
I'm old enough to remember the carnation as a symbol of World War 2 honoring the veterans who lost their lives in that war. The VFW sells them around November 11th, Veterens Day, to help veterans of any war.
The word "freedom" encompasses all of our Amendments to Constitution. See, our Founders didn't know everytg~~so why do The Supremes forever squawk about 'original intent'? Those white boys weren't around w/airplanes, computers, electricity, phones...they knew zip about living in a modern world. So honor freedom until Trumps tries to stomp on those too. [For 4 yrs, he's messed w/our freedom to breathe clean air & have clean water w/his EPA slime cutting rules, laws & cleanups.]
Shark Tank
I don't understand why some of these are listed as "what's wrong with our society". IVF, surgeons, healthy lifestyles, bell peppers? Why are these problems with society?
Bell peppers are the root of all evil, what is wrong with you???!!!
Load More Replies...Some made me wince at how true they are, others confused me, a few made me think... But all are shockingly brilliant.
Serioysly BP, are there no mods to kick ot the trolls who comment hate on EVERY post day after week after month??!!
I got about half way through. I'll finish up if I ever start having any feelings of hope or optimism that need quashed. It's not that I've got my head in the sand but that we're bombarded by this 24/7 already and I don't see any solutions in these cartoons.
To the author: This is a wonderful post and I’m glad you’re thinking so progressively, but some of these comments on each and every post did not pass the vibe check. Society is not ready to be confronted with the truth. Maybe repost this in 20 years or so. I also find it interesting that people are looking to be offended and trying to find any grounds to be confrontational. If you need examples, look at the people getting offended because the CEO in one of the posts was a white man. That’s a statistical fact, but no, let’s get offended. Being offended a little is a good thing, that causes work for change, but really? I can’t say anything these days without people coming after me. Kinda annoying imo.
I really love these, nice job on the artwork. I really love your style.
This is awesome, but I still don't understand the bell pepper one. Could you explain that please?
Thanks Doggo|! Sorry I can't explain, it's nicer if everyone has their own interpretation, I hope you understand :)
Load More Replies...Hi Daniel, I enjoyed these! I’m the archivist at www.projectcovid19.org, a public health site which receives art, letters, diary entries, songs, poems related to the pandemic. Please consider submitting a piece or two.
Thank you Magda! It's people like you that keep me going.
Load More Replies...Why are women's nipples censored and not men's? What's wrong with ours?
What about list the ordinary people and orgs. which are doing something good for common good without being insulted or trashed?
well, that's not the first time for me writing this - not OUR society but the USA.
All very well drawn and cool, most very true! (tho some were just the typical “phone bad”)
Personally I agree with some of the illustrations but not with all of them. What is wrong with #2 Invisible heroes? They are true heroes nowadays.
As a victim of everything and totally useless, I love this series. It is always everyone else's fault and I'm a total victim.
I thought this was sumthin about phones but it's actually is deep. Great work
Ban Leo Pandas! Getting offended over nothing!
Load More Replies...No one forces you to turn that thing between your ears off.
Load More Replies...Said people tend to have no problem hating on Bernie Sanders and comparing his followers to feces. What point are you trying to make here?
Load More Replies...I don't understand why some of these are listed as "what's wrong with our society". IVF, surgeons, healthy lifestyles, bell peppers? Why are these problems with society?
Bell peppers are the root of all evil, what is wrong with you???!!!
Load More Replies...Some made me wince at how true they are, others confused me, a few made me think... But all are shockingly brilliant.
Serioysly BP, are there no mods to kick ot the trolls who comment hate on EVERY post day after week after month??!!
I got about half way through. I'll finish up if I ever start having any feelings of hope or optimism that need quashed. It's not that I've got my head in the sand but that we're bombarded by this 24/7 already and I don't see any solutions in these cartoons.
To the author: This is a wonderful post and I’m glad you’re thinking so progressively, but some of these comments on each and every post did not pass the vibe check. Society is not ready to be confronted with the truth. Maybe repost this in 20 years or so. I also find it interesting that people are looking to be offended and trying to find any grounds to be confrontational. If you need examples, look at the people getting offended because the CEO in one of the posts was a white man. That’s a statistical fact, but no, let’s get offended. Being offended a little is a good thing, that causes work for change, but really? I can’t say anything these days without people coming after me. Kinda annoying imo.
I really love these, nice job on the artwork. I really love your style.
This is awesome, but I still don't understand the bell pepper one. Could you explain that please?
Thanks Doggo|! Sorry I can't explain, it's nicer if everyone has their own interpretation, I hope you understand :)
Load More Replies...Hi Daniel, I enjoyed these! I’m the archivist at www.projectcovid19.org, a public health site which receives art, letters, diary entries, songs, poems related to the pandemic. Please consider submitting a piece or two.
Thank you Magda! It's people like you that keep me going.
Load More Replies...Why are women's nipples censored and not men's? What's wrong with ours?
What about list the ordinary people and orgs. which are doing something good for common good without being insulted or trashed?
well, that's not the first time for me writing this - not OUR society but the USA.
All very well drawn and cool, most very true! (tho some were just the typical “phone bad”)
Personally I agree with some of the illustrations but not with all of them. What is wrong with #2 Invisible heroes? They are true heroes nowadays.
As a victim of everything and totally useless, I love this series. It is always everyone else's fault and I'm a total victim.
I thought this was sumthin about phones but it's actually is deep. Great work
Ban Leo Pandas! Getting offended over nothing!
Load More Replies...No one forces you to turn that thing between your ears off.
Load More Replies...Said people tend to have no problem hating on Bernie Sanders and comparing his followers to feces. What point are you trying to make here?
Load More Replies...