What if we're not as bad as we think we are? Is it okay to feel sad or angry? What will your dog bark at next? Do we just imagine all of our problems, or do they really exist? These, and other questions about life and general existence are tough to answer, but it seems that Grace Miceli has an answer to most of these important and not-so-important questions. And she does it in a way that's very amusing and sometimes even very funny. I don't know why, but there's just something funny about seeing a cereal box with a message of existential horror. Grace sheds a colorful light onto these existential moments in her own unique style and brightens our often grim and anxious modern reality.
More info: Instagram | Gracemiceli.com
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Write to your grandma, people! And you might be small but you are significant (in a good way) (if you want) (no pressure).
I can't write to my grandma anymore, and I wish I could see her one last time.
Load More Replies...The last one: "Go outside and stare into the sky and remember that you are a small, insignificant speck of a unlimited, uncaring, cold universe" ... OK, that's not comforting, maybe remember that you're made of stardust or that everything and everyone (including you) is connected?
Reach out to your elderly relatives. It'll make their day and yours too. I cherished the times when mine were alive.
It's somewhat easy and very difficult to describe Grace's art style. At first glance it's very simple: rough outlines, primitive coloring with a marker or something similar, some insights here and there. But on the other hand, the simplicity reveals the complexity of a person's life, the discoveries they make, as well as the absurdity and the difficulty with which one treads through their everyday existence.
Camera is too true.. but i was taking a picture of some landscaping and in the background i got my lovely doodle pooping. So yes. Literally anything
Though the range of forms and themes through which the artist conveys her message is extremely diverse, there are three main types that can be seen here today. The first and the most eye-catching are her illustrations that mix common household items and grocery product designs with some existentially charged thoughts, like "why do we have to suffer?," etc. These are my personal favorites. Another type of illustration that she likes to use is a sort of a list where she offers some solutions to a simple "how to" problem, or gives some alternatives for a certain behavior. And last but not least, there are some comic strip style illustrations that are sometimes done with seemingly unrelated freely associated images, like a sort of visual poetry.
did...did they just sum up my entire life...? darn you P.A.N.D.A.S. (note:not the animal. love the animal. I'm talking about a mental illness.)
If you've fallen in love with the author's work, she has plenty more to offer. For example, she successfully published a book called "How to deal: with fear, failure, and other daily dreads." The title is pretty self-descriptive, and we recommend you check it out. If you love her artwork, she has something in store for you, quite literally. So check out her store here for some cool and beautifully illustrated merch. And as always, support the artist by following her on her social media!
If you'd like to see more similar posts, there's more coming your way. Liana Finck's illustrations, though unique in her own way, talk about very similar issues that Grace Miceli touches upon. Giulia J. Rosa gives a more combative stance while talking about the issues that women have to face today, and shares an even more critical outlook on life. And if you want to see the everyday existence of an artist, but from a completely different perspective, here are some drawings made by Annada Menon.
To anyone who is feeling lonely, this probably won't help, but I support whatever you are doing as long as it is ethical.
My friend had this theory. If you can't stand someone, for no real reason, usually if you look, you'll see in them something you dislike about yourself.
This makes me think about my past drug addiction. You think it can solve every problem you have by numbing yourself only to find out that that when you come down the problem is still there, maybe even worse. Lie, nothing but lies. You cant find live or happiness in material things. It comes from within
I'm the opposite, I have so many ideas and I have no idea how to express them.
Reminds me of a TikTok I saw: They say 'shake what your mama gave you', but I don't know how to shake trust issues.
Can we make this into a greeting card? There are a few people I need to send this to...