Hello Pandas!

I wanted to share my little illustrated adventures with you!

In 2019, I decided that I should create a project that pushes me to draw frequently to improve my drawing skills. As a self-taught digital artist, I needed motivation, and it was the best idea I got to be sure to get better at drawing and creating worlds. It was inspired by fantasy board games and movies like Jumanji. All I knew at the time was that I wanted to create a peaceful fantasy world, a calm place welcoming for the new travelers.

I hope you enjoy it!

More info: Instagram | Instagram | | | | | | Etsy


    Let the game begin

    The idea was to imagine somewhere I would be able to run away from the real world when needed, a place full of colors and nice creatures (with ridiculous shapes), plants, and weird phenomena. A place that could have charmed me when I was a kid.

    Talking with my friend, I realized I should include characters in it, but I really wanted them to be humans, so my friend and I created our own as if we were players in a game, and he decided to adopt a baby turtle. Soon, I invited another friend and my brother to meet us in this world, so it was their turn to create their own persona. I really like all of the characters because it became a collective project and everyone took the idea seriously, but my heart goes, and will always go to the little turtle.


    With all that in mind, I studied character design, how to make world maps, a little bit of storytelling, how to create fantasy worlds and landscapes, and how to play with lines, colors, and textures. I also tried simple animations in motion design in order to create gifs and short videos. I was so eager to develop the world that I improved my drawing skills without realizing it: it helped me to get organized, work on my process, and also think better and draw quicker.

    At first, it took me a day to go from an idea to a finished drawing, and in the end, I could make a piece in 2 hours. This project was really important for many reasons; improving my skills helped me with my self-esteem. Showing my idea to my friends and family was also really good for my ego! In addition, people came to me for commissions, and new clients invited me on different awesome projects. Having so many good reactions to my imaginary world was unexpected, but it was so nice and reassuring.


    The project is on standby for the moment; I have many new ideas I want to address, but I know I’ll come back to this magical world one day or another, with better skills, new ideas, and hopefully, new characters willing to go for a walk with me.

    Also, thank you, Pandas, for all the beautiful things you publish here, it’s as well one of my favorite places to go when I need creativity or a good laugh!

    Hope you like my world!