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Covid was never a thing.
I actually try to get into my dream college and get my dream job.
infinite wishes.
I wish Covid would go away, I wish I had a good singing voice, and I wish to become a singer!
Singing is so much fun, isn't it? I can give some vocal lessons... I'm pretty good at singing...
Have a buttload of money to help my family and those in need; save all the animals, especially those on the brink of extinction; abolish all abusers and even poachers.
1. I would wish that COVID was never EVER a thing
2.I would wish that people never left me
3. (Me is now a weeb) I would wish that dabi was a really person. But I will settle for a person who cosplays him
I LOVE DABI!!!! I wish Bakugou, Kirishima, Hawks, Dabi, and Shinsou were real people...
1. Fluency in all languages ever created.
2. Safe teleportation
3. To know the answer to any 'yes or no' question
1. As well as being helpful in the modern world, I would also be able to read things from ancient civilisations. (I suppose it would also confirm if there are other lifeforms in space.
2. Just to travel the world easier and to relive some moments. 'Do you remember that place we ate that amazing food in Costa Rica?' 'I'm on it!... Dammit, they're closed, it's 3 in the morning their time!'
3. I wouldn't necessarily want to know the details of the answer, but apart for the obvious question like 'is there a god?', it could be good for day to day use, 'do I need to see a doctor?', 'Should I quit my job'. You could also get someone to go through the lottery numbers, 'Will Saturdays jackpot have a 1? will Saturdays Jackpot have a 2?' and so on.
1) covid never existing
2) better art style
3) infinte wishes
1. Everyone will have a house and money
2. Flipping Covid would be over
3. i was less poor (because as a kid having no money suck i need like 20 buck)
Um. It's weird.
1. To get all the people who have left/ I've lost back.
2. That my boy would like me
3. Infinite wishes, and/or shape shifting. Safely of course.
1. That my biological mother loved me and my sisters, and would sober up and be a good mom
2. I could have an endless amount of money so I can go to a really good college and
3. Change my childhood... My mom stole stuff from me and my father, which was selfish of her, she drank way too much, she never had a good job, and she used my dad for money. I just wish she was a good mom for me and my sisters...