Recently I have been compelled to work on a community project, one that incorporates everyday people along with a social conscience issue that has been making headlines in the new is thought provoking, and will start dialogue . Part of what i wanted to work on also is something that moves a narrative or a theme forward in a way that is educational, concise, and inclusive of more than one specific demographic. After racking my brain for months on end i came up with this.
“If Black Lives Matter we should…”
A project that digs further into the narrative of the slogan “Black Lives Matter,” which is a grassroots activist movement founded after the death of Trayvon Martin and the subsequent acquittal of George Zimmerman. The movement gained momentum after the death of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
Participants that took part in this project were asked to finish one simple sentence “If black lives matter we should…” The overall objective of this project is to create dialogue about issues concerning race, police brutality, and systematic injustices while supplementing demonstration with constructive action.
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