People Are Sharing ‘Alternate Angles’ Of Iconic Events And Places In History, Here Are 30 Of The Best
InterviewClose your eyes, and imagine the Statue of Liberty. You’ll probably picture its gigantic size, powerful posture, its intense face, the seven spikes of its crown, the way she’s holding a torch… Even if you’ve never seen it in real life, your mind most likely has a common image of it that most people have.
Thanks to the media, popular culture and instant access to virtually any information, we all have developed common perspectives of things, places and historical events. But what if we take a look at the Statue of Liberty from a completely different angle, let’s say, the very back of its head?
Well, one excellent corner of Reddit named “Alternate Angles” may have an answer or many answers to things we see at their face value. In fact, this relatively new online community created in 2019 is dedicated to showing a whole new viewpoint of “iconic events and places in history beyond the traditional well-known photos and videos.”
The result is fresh perspectives and never-before-seen angles that prove there’s so much more than what meets the eye! Plus, scroll down for the interview with the awesome moderator team behind the Alternate Angles subreddit.
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Aa Of The Sphinx - It Has A Tail!
Photo Of A Hiker Watching The Eruption Of Mt. St. Helens From Mt. Adams, About 37 Miles To The East.
Onlookers In Horror And Disbelief As They Watch The Twin Towers Collapse On 9/11
Wow... powerful photo.... so many people were doing this all over the world....clearly remember that morning...
These days, when there’s so much content being shared on Reddit, it’s becoming hard to stand out from the rest of the subreddits. But the Alternate Angles subreddit proves that the internet can be an incredible place where we can all learn something new every day and expand our horizons.
With 132k members, Alternate Angles has been sharing a bunch of very interesting pics that show various objects, places, and events from unusual angles. It comes as a breath of fresh air where the dedicated and professional moderator team stands at the core of it.
The David Statue Protected By Bricks During Ww2
Without googling, it was common to literally burn bridges during WW2 (to inhibit the advance of enemy troops). However, the Ponte Vecchio was deliberately not destroyed by the Germans.
Charles Ebbets Photographing “Lunch On A Skyscraper”, The Famous Picture Of Workers In NY Eating Their Lunch On A Hanging Steel Beam
Onlookers Reacting To The Explosion Of The Challenger Space Shuttle
“The origins are really quite simple,” the mod team told Bored Panda and continued: “A comment in another subreddit of famous pictures suggested that someone should create a sub of different views of famous pictures, which led to the creation of r/AlternateAngles by u/Murkon and another Redditor who decided to step down and is no longer a moderator.”
Most importantly, we asked the moderators to explain the very concept of Alternate Angles. They said that “it can be summed up by a rule: Limit all submissions to alternate views, or unique perspectives, of well-known locations, items, people, and events. An alternate angle of your kitchen does not qualify but Gordon Ramsay's kitchen does."
Having said that, the moderators added that determining what is "well known" is subjective. Hence, “the occasional post of an obviously non-well-known picture slips through, but we strive to keep with the original objective.”
Bob Ross Before His Perm + Beard
Neil Armstrong’s Family Watching His Launch To The Moon-1969
One small step for man. A giant leap for mankind. Funny how humans haven't been on the moon in almost 50 years.
The Statue Of Liberty At The 1878 Paris World Fair Before Being Fully Assembled And Shipped To The United States
Turns out that much harder posts to moderate are those that are fakes or photoshopped. For this reason, the team relies on "the fantastic and active user base to help out with those."
When asked to share some of their own personal Alternate Angles posts, the moderator team said they “could have spent hours culling through thousands and thousands of posts to pick out more.” However, they picked a couple ones for our readers to enjoy: the Lincoln Memorial before the reflecting pool, recording Leo the Lion (the MGM's iconic mascot), this alternate angle of one of the biggest tragedies in US history, and this rare view of the back panel of Mona Lisa.
Backside Of Tutankhamuns Mask
Prince William Giving “Middle Finger” After Prince Louis’ Birth
The Tank Man Photo From The Day Of The Tiananmen Square Massacre In 1989, Uncropped
The Beatles Lining Up For The Abbey Road Album Cover Photo
Paul McCartney: Okay guys, who took my shoes? Lennon: *sniggers*. Harrison: Wha? I’m smoking a joint, exactly what are we doing here? Ringo: Yay, they let me sing a couple of songs!
A More Depressing View Of The Taj Mahal
Been there. The Taj Mahal is beautiful, but it is right next to a plastic, effluent filled river.
Queen Filming The Iconic Bohemian Rhapsody Music Video In 1975
Different View Of The Pyramids
Lincoln Memorial Before The Reflecting Pool
Sydney Opera House From Top
I Have A Dream
The Leaning Tower Of Pisa Is Empty On The Inside
The Nevermind Baby Getting Out Of The Pool
Lady Liberty
On the one hand, it is an amazing photo. On the other hand, the compulsive in me is bothered that the platform/enclosure wasn't constructed with top/bottom symmetry when it is so nearly geometrically satisfying.
Star Wars Episode Iv Opening Crawl
North Korean Founder Kim-Il Sung Had A Baseball Sized Tumor On The Back Of His Head. North Korean Propaganda Officials Had All Photos Taken Of Him From The Left Side. This Is One Of The Few Candid Photos Of The Tumor
Wow! That was huge! Wikipedia says it was a calcium deposit tumor and his death was from a heart attack.