Hey Pandas, Post A Picture You Would Have Deleted Long Ago But Your Mom Won’t Let You Because It’s “Too Cute” (Closed)
Post awkward family photos or embarrassing pictures that your mom won't let you delete!
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Christmas 2020 - My Sister Insisted That I Get A Picture With “Santa” For My Mum (She Loved It)
For anyone wondering; I’m an amputee (since September 2019) & it took me a couple years before I could get a prosthetic. I still need the wheelchair, though. 🙂
My Orthodontics Had A Contest Of Best Person To Dress Like One Of The Seven Dwarves... I Didn't Win
High School Was Hammer Time!
11-Y-O Me With My Cello (Ugly Accidental Selfie)
This Is My Brother, It Was A Fancy Dress Competition And He Was A... He Was A..... I Don't Know What This Is
Looks like something traditionally Indian, I've seen people like that around a Hindu temple once. However, I too don't know how to call this kind of Dresscode.
I Was 4 At My Cousin's Wedding. Didn't Know This Existed Until My Mom Posted It On Ig For My Birthday. Thanks Mom
Toddler Me: Fashion Icon
Trust me when I say that the picture of my sister running around the house with rubber pants on her head when she was a toddler is much less fashionable than this! You are adorable!
Me Doing A Stupid Face For The Camera At 8 Years Old
I Accidentally Put My Hat On Funny And Started Laughing And My Pappa Took The Picture Of Me
That will be one of those moments, the older you both get,,the more you cherish it.
First Day Of High School For My Younger Kiddo. So Proud. Love Them!
Walmart Shopping Before Grandma's House
Me With My Dad. I Didn’t Know How To Smile When I Was Little. (I Still Don’t)
My Kindergarten Yearbook Photo...
Men’s Sandals With Sox. And A Dress. I Have Mobility Issues But This Is Still Ugly
People asking "Why would you delete this" Because to you it's cute but to them it's embarrassing.
People asking "Why would you delete this" Because to you it's cute but to them it's embarrassing.