I am an artist and I have been collecting and sorting images for over 20 years. Finally, I decided it was time to use them all up in one giant collage creation.
Over the years, I’ve made hundreds of collages from an ever-growing collection of images, cards, calendars and photographs of myself. Last year I decided it was time to use up ALL the images I had collected and make ONE final piece to bring it all together.
To create this piece, I used my Soul Art process, which uses art and creativity to connect with your spirit to unlock deep healing and insight.
Part of the Soul Art process involves using your body to create shapes as a base for the art. I sat down on a giant piece of paper and traced my legs. I moved around the paper, repeating the tracings until a star shape appeared. This became the base for the collage.
The collage took a year to complete, but when it was done, it was a magnificent rainbow star made up of thousands of individual images.
More info: laurahollick.com
I traced my legs to make a star shape
I used photography backdrop paper as a base for this large collage. It was big enough that I could trace my body to form shapes that could be used in my art.
I created the star shape by tracing my legs. I like to incorporate my own physical body in the base of my art so I literally feel like the images are talking to me and through me.
The star shape became the base for the collage
I wrote on the paper before creating the collage on top
An important part of my Soul Art process is recording intentions and messages that are infused into the art, even if they are not visible in the final piece.
The collaging process begins
I sorted through thousands of images I have collected for over 20 years, cutting out the ones that fit the meaning and composition of the collage that I was creating.
The images that speak to me are images that call forth my primal divinity and help me to see and remember the true nature of my essence.
A rainbow star emerges
I carefully trimmed and glued each tiny piece of paper to create a giant rainbow collage.
The Soul Art Star collage is coming together
The Soul Art Star collage is a bright rainbow burst that took over a year to complete.
The completed Soul Art Star collage
Every time I look at this piece, a new portal opens and gives me access to another layer of my soul,” says Laura. “When speaking the language of the soul, there is both an individual and universal quality that feels timeless.
Soul Art Star collage closeup
The collage is rich with details that depict the mythology and symbols of my inner world.
Pictures come to me before words. When I see an image, it opens a dialogue within my inner world, and everything starts to make sense.
Soul Art Star collage center
Many of the images included in the collage are pictures of me, like the dazzling pinwheel in the middle that is made up of creative photographs of me.
Soul Art Star collage time lapse video
Check out this video to see a time-lapse of me creating the brilliant rainbow Soul Art Star collage!
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