I Took Pictures Of My Neighbor With A Life-Size Cutout Of Chicago’s Mayor Lightfoot And People Can’t Stop Laughing About It
Last Friday, I was taking my daily afternoon nap when I received a phone call from my neighbor Jamie Dragisic screaming: "GG, SHE CAME!!!! GG, SHE CAME!!!" I couldn’t figure out what was going on, who came? what? "GG, SHE CAME, TURN ON YOUR FACETIME CAMERA." And there she was— Chicago’s Mayor Lightfoot stuck to her front door window.
I had no idea that she ordered a life-size cardboard cutout. I jumped out of bed, told Jamie to take her off the window and to get dressed because we were going to do a photoshoot. I never planned to do it, never thought about it, until I saw her. And the idea was born right there, right then, in my bed. There was no way I was going back to sleep.
We did a few pictures that Friday and then took her on a car ride on Saturday. And now we have a photo series that is going viral all over Facebook and I hope you will have a good laugh, too.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | picturesbygg.com
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Absorbing Vitamin D
Oh I am LOVING HER BATHING SUIT!!!!!! Hahah' I am going to find that and honor her for this!!
Getting Some Fresh Air
That kud be like who tge hell is tgis random person mommy keeps bringing everywhere
Not Happy With Modelo, She Asked For Corona
She's just grouchy that somebody called her out on not saying "UNO" on her last card, and she had to pick up another card.
Stay Home!!!
"Don't Forget To Wash Your Hands, Jamie!"
Normally, I would say it takes some balls to set up a photo like this, but not sure those are the correct gonads for this artist.
Collecting That Stimulus Check
Here are some fliers for items that will be delivered in 6 to 8 weeks, just after stores re-open.
Ran Out Of Toilet Paper
Yep, the mayor certainly looks constipated. Might need to get some laxatives or suppositories, too.