I Taught Myself To Paint Cakes With Palette Knives And Buttercream For My New Year’s Resolution
My name is Miri, and I’ve been a hobbyist cake baker for over a decade. After having a baby and getting laid off from my day job shortly after, I challenged myself to master a new skill as my New Year’s Resolution. I had seen buttercream artists decorate cakes using palette knives on Instagram, and in my quest to learn just that, I’ve developed my own, unique cake decorating style like nothing I had ever seen before.
While most buttercream artists use a soft buttercream to decorate with a palette knife, I use American buttercream, which is much stiffer. The result is a cake that looks sculpted, rather than painted.
A completed cake can take anywhere from an hour to three hours to decorate depending on size of the cake and difficulty of the design. I love the freedom palette knives give me when decorating a cake. I truly feel like I have unlocked a hidden talent I never knew I had.
For my latest painted cake designs, please visit my Instagram profile, and be sure to say “Hi!”
More info: Instagram
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