When I first heard the diagnosis, my life completely changed. I’ve had problems with health and especially urinating for about 2 years and my first doctor did not want to belive that my problems are worse than imflammation. When my problems worsened, I changed my doctor. I was immediately sent to CT and the results were disturbing – 3 cm tumor in my bladder. In less than a week, I found myself sitting in the hospital hall, waiting for my admission for surgery to remove the tumor, called TURT. This is my struggle throughout the hardest time of my life.


    Getting my medical report while waiting in the hospital hallway

    After being listed in my room, I suffered massive depression. I felt nothing but fear for this was my first time in hospital and my first surgery ever

    Next morning I was awakened by nurse. The time of my surgery has come


    Me after surgery. I’ve been drugged and confused; with urinary catether between my legs. The night that followed I suffered extreme pain with massive bleeding, so I was sent straight to ICU to fix the problems. I don’t remember anything, because I was under sedatives

    A woke up like this, with analgesics over my head. A nurse hung my star of David there to make me happier for I was completely unable to move

    Next morning I felt much better, but I was still kept under strong analgesics

    First time dared to look down… not the best view at all…


    My GF hung Israeli flag out the window to give me strenght. We lived directly opposite the hospital and this beautiful act of love actually made me cry

    When I felt better, this book became my best friend. It became my personal favorite book!

    After 8 days my health condition went rapidly better. Pain was gone and I felt stronger than ever

    Next day the Nurse with medical results from histology arrived: the tumor was completely removed and there are no signs of secondary cancer cells! This was the best thing I ever heard in my life – better than any symphony, any song I heard before


    Later that day I was visited by guys from local beer shop where I am a regular costumer. They brought me some gingerbeer, mate and ale just to make me happy! The sign on the paper says: “Towards new experiences and drink the life to the bottom :)” My faith in humanity rose 9000 points higher


    On the 10th day, I was released home. Still a little confused, I shaved my beard as a sign of the beginning of my new life

    After a moth. Some medical things are still in progress, but I feel like a new person and I’ll do my best to make others as happy as they made me with all those little things that helped me to survive this horrific experience of my life