I Started Drawing Hyper-Realistic Art Using Pencil Crayons 3 Years Ago, Here Are 15 Of My Best Works
I'm a high school student, and I'm working my way towards hyper-realistic pencil crayon drawings. I'm still a long way away, but I wanted to share my progress from the past few years I have been developing my skills. I hope to hear from fellow artists reading this post for support and advice to improve my technique!
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Blt Sandwich
Teddy Bears
Buns Of Steel (2022 New Year)
Fruit Tart
Your work is really, really amazing! I'm just starting to use colored pencils and I could only hope to be this good one day. I actually saw a neat trick on a YouTube video the other day...said if you really layer on the shading and blending thick and then take a paint brush dipped in 99% isopropyl alcohol, it makes your work blend even more and look almost like an animation or digital. It's really cool. I wish you so much luck with your art. If you're this young and already at this level, you're gonna go far!
Cakes (Wonky Plates; Not My Best...)
Jack Russel Puppy
Locked Out (Drawn In Pen, But I Wanted To Add It)
Random Fridge Items
Nail Polish Bottles (One Of My First)
Great work some look like photos. Hope you can earn a good living from your art.
Just crossed out the really readable signatures for privacy :)
Just crossed out the really readable signatures for privacy :)