I Always Knew That Passports Used UV Ink For Security So I Checked How That Looks
I always knew that passports used UV ink for security but I had no idea what they looked like under UV light.
So I purchased a UV bulb, put it into a table lamp, and took at look at my UK passport. It was full of beautiful and intricate designs featuring weather symbols (because the British care so much about the weather) and British wildlife including butterflies, fish and birds. Every single page of the passport has a unique design.
It’s a whole hidden world of great pictures and graphics which nobody usually ever sees.
Apparently the UK passport office change the passport design every 5 years – and use a whole different pattern in UV every time. There are also lots of other countries’ passports which also have incredible UV designs.
Using the UV bulb I have also found interesting patterns and lettering on driver’s licenses, credit cards, and cash.
More info: sensorama.world
The main photo page of a UK passport in UV
The Common Blue Butterfly UV Design
Fulmar Seabird UV Design
Sea Bass UV Design
Common Whelk UV Design
Mallard Duck UV Design
Greylag Goose UV Design
Red Kite UV Design
Great Crested Grebe UV Design
Back Page Featuring A Map Of The British Isle In UV
Other Things With Hidden UV Designs
Share on FacebookWhat if the new passport in US, will reveal trump's face i you check it under the UV light.
What if the new passport in US, will reveal trump's face i you check it under the UV light.