Hello to all of you, I’m Natacha.

I’ve posted my first submition on Bored Panda about six months ago – which you can find on this link :

Here we go again with the part 2 ! And with new friends, two pigeons : Pilgrim (the white & grey) and Grisella (the grey one).

Both saved as babies.

But before, I have to say that the reactions on my first post really touched my heart ❤️

As I didn’t know that it could make people happier this way (Guess I was expecting more reactions like “Ok, cool. A duck and a dog. Now let us fight about politic” 😄).

So, thank you so much from the heart.

Some photos below, I hope they’ll brighten up your day as they bright mines !


    After their daily walk to the river, always tired


    At the medieval castle


    During a trip in Netherlands


    My Paradise


    Pilgrim and Grisella, few days after their arrival

    The whole family at the lake