I Photograph Old Houses At My Countryside, To Capture Their Charm And Tranquility Of The Old Banat
All of the photos are taken at Starcevo, a small place just outside the town of Pancevo, in Vojvodina, Serbia. The place is located in Banat, one of the parts of Vojvodina. The Northern Serbia is easily recognizable by Austro-Hungarian architecture, long, cozy, well-ordered streets, ground floor houses, fields of sunflowers and corn and vast plains. There are charming orchards with local fruit trees, gardens with juicy vegetables. There are beautiful, serene mornings and colorful sunsets with gees returning home from the Danube canals.
There is a song that beautifully describes this cozy little place:
“Ima salas odma’ iza svega
di za Bozic bude metar snega
di su senke smaragda i zada
ni beljih zima ni crnjeg ‘lada”
It says, in a rough translation, that there is a village where Christmas snows are one meter high, where shadows are emerald and jade, where winters are made of the brightest white and summer shades are of the deepest black.
All photos are taken by me, with my poor quality 5mpx lenovo A1000 camera. :D
Those houses are built in the period from 1900. to 1940.
They are. That is the typical style of houses all over Vojvodina. :)
They are. That is the typical style of houses all over Vojvodina. :)