Woof, my Sweet Souls!

Yes, you see it right. A honey bee made from wool. Some of you might already have an idea of how this is done, but for those who don’t, I will quickly explain.

Firstly, you need all the materials: wool, some fabric, wire, and super sharp barbed felting needles. Have you ever seen those knife games in gangster movies, where badass dudes put their hand on a table and play with a knife, trying not to stab themselves? Kid games, I tell you.

It is similar, but needle felting is a different level, much higher. Imagine the patience to stab something so many times while watching crime documentaries. Optional, of course.

When you have gathered all the necessary items, you start to stab, preferably wool, but let's be real—yourself too. This takes some unknown amount of cursing, but after some time it gets better, and you probably invent a few new words as well.

After making the shape, you will add wings from fabric, and legs of wire, a pair of shiny eyes, and that’s basically it. It’s helpful if you do some research on how a bee actually looks and get the right colors and proportions. Otherwise, as I made the first one, I kinda overdid the stabbing process, and that bee turned out more like a wasp—not soft and cute as a bee, no, a hard’ish wasp’ish creature. But you learn something by doing it.

Now, after making a decent number of honey bees, they look like I want them to look. But if you’d like to have one and save your precious hands, or are as clumsy as a duck on ice, I can make one for you. Because what would we be without bees? Save them—love them!

Ask me here, or find me on IG, TikTok, FB, or straight to the point Etsy.


Pomegranate Wolf,

Your keepsake maker



I Make Honey Bees From Wool (8 Pics)


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    I Make Honey Bees From Wool (8 Pics)


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    I Make Honey Bees From Wool (8 Pics)


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    I Make Honey Bees From Wool (8 Pics)


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    I Make Honey Bees From Wool (8 Pics)


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I Make Honey Bees From Wool (8 Pics)


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    I Make Honey Bees From Wool (8 Pics)


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I Make Honey Bees From Wool (8 Pics)


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