So, I'm in a musical currently, and as of right now, it's tech week (a.k.a. Hell Week) and I thought it would be fun to make some original theatre kid memes before opening night! I hope you all enjoy it, especially my fellow nerds.
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"The Scottish Play"
i love this one bc im a theatre kid and we are all sooo dramatic when someone says it
*gasp* "It Can't Be!"
If You Know, You Know
I relate to everything except the black shoes- our director wanted our shoes to be part of our costumes (and god so many people had blisters after)
that's more for techies lol. usually actors do have shoes. we do want techies to have black shoes backstage
Occasional techie/crew member here. I feel very called out by the bottom-left one lmao
not just set crew-lighting, sound, props, costumes, actors, PR & Dramaturgy...
oh yeah there are actors who will zip up their personal jacket all the way and be eating with their head back 🤣😭
If I Go Into Cardiac Arrest, It's Probably During An Audition
What Script?
Hypocrisy At Its Finest
...not me nope why would you think that OK FINE YOU GOT ME! Edit: obligatory I'm in this picture and I don't like it