This Facebook Group Is Dedicated To Coriander (Cilantro) Haters And Here Are The 30 Funniest Images
Do you hate coriander? I know I do. Here's what I didn't know: that I'm far from the only one. If you're like me, then you might be surprised to learn that there's a whole online community of people whose sole purpose in life is to express their distaste for the icky green herb.
The Facebook group called I Hate Coriander is dedicated to convincing others to start hating coriander and acts as a support platform for all those wronged by its nefarious existence. The group's profile picture clearly shows its members' feelings with the phrase "Coriander Sucks" proudly emblazoned on a black background.
Why all the hate for coriander, though? Surely, this herb did nothing wrong and must be innocent in all of this? Wrong. Some people hate the taste. Others hate the smell. Still, others avert their eyes anytime coriander enters their field of view.
However, the majority of coriander haters agree that it's the combination of all three - the taste, the smell, the sight - that makes coriander unbearable and a blight on our existence in this otherwise beautiful and wonderful world. The Facebook group is full of photos of people showing the middle finger to coriander in shops, so scroll down below to check the best pictures out and don't forget to comment and vote for your favorites!
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I have the gene that makes it taste as though food containing coriander/cilantro was seasoned with Dawn Dish soap. :( It is really sad because so many dishes sound like they would be amazing but they have coriander and I don't like eating soap.
WOW! I thought everyone liked coriander!!! What's not to like... Why don't you just hate celery instead, now that is horrible!
The I Hate Coriander fan club isn't too tolerant of coriander lovers, however. One Facebook user posted a photo of coriander and commented that she "loves the stuff". The group's members proceeded to call her a "sicko", started talking about how coriander "tastes like soap" and "deserves to be extinct". Meanwhile, the I Hate Coriander official account wished the coriander lover "an absolutely horrible weekend".
The coriander-hating Facebook group is chock-full of absolutely hilarious memes. For example, there are people joking how stirring olive oil into coriander makes it easier to throw it out into the bin. Others describe anxiety as the coriander in the sandwich of life. Obviously, these aren't compliments anyone or anything would be happy to receive.
If you feel that memes aren't going far enough to show off your hatred for the vile herb that is coriander, consider a more permanent way to display your beliefs. There's undeniable photographic evidence that there's at least one person on planet Earth with a tattoo of coriander encircled by the words "I Hate Coriander". Now, that's what I call dedication.
Now you'll have coriander with you wherever you go, for the rest of your life. Mwahahahaha! - The Secret Coriander Society.
I lol'd at this one. Can you imagine they go live with the story because it's a "slow news day"?
When you order a curry (coriander free of course) and it turns up, your smelling the amazing food your about to tuck into faster than you can say Korma, you excitedly tear off the leaky paper top to reveal your banquet......covered in Crappy coriander.... no matter how much you scrape it off, it’s invaded your food. Like a plague.
well they did something good to the anti-gay marriage ad. I still remember that year. Those ads popped up all over tv, ruining Australian tv for a while.
Dried coriander seeds are what makes Biltong ( or Jerky ) the God-sent side to have with beer ! Yum ! .... The leaves , however , can bite me !
*raises hand* I know I'm weird, but not because of coriander. It's just cos I'm weird. So,,,
I like coriander. It has pretty specific taste, yes, but I find it pretty refreshing. And, since I love Mexican food, it suits to many dishes I like. It's like pineapple on pizza - some people like it, some don't, it's all about personal preferences. There is no reason to shame coriander lovers.
Donate them to these two adorable weirdos, they eat coriander like its chocolate --> IMG_201906...58be53.jpg
I like coriander, I feel sorry for those people who taste only soap when they eat it.
I've been told by fellow gardeners that, apparently, coriander is a challenging herb to grow in the garden. I found out that I'm very good at growing it, the same summer that I found out it's super disgusting and I never want to eat that ever again.
Wow, I feel a little dumb right now. I always thought that coriander just tasted like soap and the rest of the world actually liked it.
I absolutely love coriander and could eat it every day... However I HATE celery - so I can still relate to all that "ruins the world" stuff. I cannot understand why anyone would eat something as disgusting as celery? So I believe it the same with cilantro to some :).
I love the smell of coriander and as an Indian, we generally sprinkle it on every curry, can't beat that flavor.
i feel slightly sad at the "if you like coriander u suck" things... *slowly curls into a ball*
I hate that stuff! ordered tacos the other day and they were riddled with it! ugh!!!!! noooooooooooo!
Th first time I said I hated cilantro because it tasted like soap, the whole group laughed at me and told me I was nuts. NOW I have been vindicated. They have also discovered there is a gene that causes beets and mushrooms to taste like dirt! I always thought so!
I saw a documentary once explain how when people don't like the way something tastes it's because they don't possess the taste buds for it, so all they taste is bitter, soapy, bland, etc. So I guess all those people you know who claim they hate vegetables and are just "meat and potatoes" type people, now you know they don't have the taste buds to taste the real flavors present in all the foods they hate. This goes for coriander haters as well. I love cilantro, it is an amazing herb. So glad I've got the taste buds for it!
For twenty years I hated the taste of Cilantro. I just flat out refused to eat Mexican food because of it. It tasted like soap. Then, ten years ago, I was introduced to Pho. It brought an entirely different flavor profile to it. Now, I can't imagine not eating it. Sometimes it just needs a new perspective to be appreciated. Like just about everything else in life :)
I used to do demos in wally world and sometimes would have to use fresh cilantro, made me gag to cut it and I had to cut it away from the public. I finally quit putting it in the recipes and no one missed it. I would dry heave chopping it.
I'm indifferent about coriander, but I feel a strong hatred for turnips with the forces of 1000 suns. So this thread is pretty relatable in some aspect.
Now that it's the "in" thing you can't escape it. I've asked restaurants to hold it from my dish and been told it's already been mixed in. I used to occasionally get my mouth washed out with soap, same thing. ( I was framed by the way. Every time.)
My mom used to make me suck on a bar of soap when i lied. It tastes nothing like soap to me
It's actually fascinating that it IS actually a receptor gene that makes it so foul for 10%. Can you imagine the poor people in countries where it is used as a major herb in the cuisine ? Nothing would ever taste good, and as a child you wouldn't be able to identify what tasted so yucky. There are some items that I believe you have to develop the tastebuds to enjoy. I still dislike olives intensely, but I did develop the taste for many vegetables that I disliked as a child...especially beets, which I thought tasted like dirt when I was a kid. But I doubt if you have a specific gene that affects your tastebud you will ever develop the taste for cilantro (just that it is a gene that affects whether you can smell the strong scent of your urine after eating asparagus...everyone is affected, but only a percentage of the population has the olfactory ability to smell it)
10% of the population hates cilantro, but yeah, let’s rip on the other 90. 🙄
Beyond tedious. I love it, but not in place of parsley. My wonderful mother-in-law was visiting from NYC and was making us a Cuba dish called Ropa Vieja, my favorite. She'd gone marketing that morning. I took a look at the parsley, tasted it, and said, Mom, that's parsley. She took a taste of the Ropa Vieja and did a classic spit take. The cilantro ruined it. What's funny is that about 10 years before, in about 1979, we'd all had it in a salad when they visited us from back east, and sent it back because it tasted.soapy. Now I wonder why I like it, since it does taste somewhat soapy to me.
My mom hates it and swears a lot. She has totally said " it f*****g sucks" haha.
The leafy stalks are Cilantro. Its the seeds that are coriander, and they don’t taste like cilantro.
Discovered that it's only dried coriander that spoils things for me, I can stand a little of the fresh stuff. My friend is the other way round. Cumin and whatever goes into "curry powder" makes me gag
I love cilantro but I think it smells like gasoline when you’re cutting it 🤪
really? such big fuss about koriander? is the hate about it "america-ish"? in europe nobody complains....
I just hate lavender ╮(╯▽╰)╭ lavender soap, lavender room spray,etc... if you give me a lavender cake, or lavender tea, no thanks! ┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘ . Coriander is fine with me ~(‾▿‾~)
All I can say is 'Don't come to my house!' I have parsley growing in the front yard, coriander in the backyard and a ton of each dried and stored in canning jars. Nearly everything we cook has one or both in it. The one thing you won't find in or around my house is garlic. I have a severe sensitivity, bordering on allergy, to it...and it's not pretty when I accidentally get hold of some!!
I’ve pretty much lost my sense of smell from years of using nasal spray due to allergies. Sadly, I can still smell cilantro. Yuck.
I don't know what coriander tastes like, but I hate parsley from my guts and I find everything parsleyish looking awful, so I assume this wouldn't be tasty either.
Apparently it's like catnip is for felines. They have to have the gene that makes them dig it.
I told my neighbor that for his birthday I would grow coriander in my garden for him. I couldn't even WEED around it because the smell made me gag! It is AWFUL! One tiny speck of it in a meal ruins the whole meal!
The hatred for coriander is so real lol. I honestly like it, but everyone has a different palate.
I don't know if I dislike it or not. I guess not since I don't recall eating a soap flavored herb. I don't care for lemongrass though. Too pungent for me.
I used to hate it too, but after a while i got used to it and now i actually like it. I used to buy 3 packs of hummus all the time and one of the flavours happened to be coriander. I didn't want to throw it away, so I ate it with some cucumber sticks. That made it taste bearable, and after a while, it actually tasted quite nice to me.
I like coriander. It has pretty specific taste, yes, but I find it pretty refreshing. And, since I love Mexican food, it suits to many dishes I like. It's like pineapple on pizza - some people like it, some don't, it's all about personal preferences. There is no reason to shame coriander lovers.
Donate them to these two adorable weirdos, they eat coriander like its chocolate --> IMG_201906...58be53.jpg
I like coriander, I feel sorry for those people who taste only soap when they eat it.
I've been told by fellow gardeners that, apparently, coriander is a challenging herb to grow in the garden. I found out that I'm very good at growing it, the same summer that I found out it's super disgusting and I never want to eat that ever again.
Wow, I feel a little dumb right now. I always thought that coriander just tasted like soap and the rest of the world actually liked it.
I absolutely love coriander and could eat it every day... However I HATE celery - so I can still relate to all that "ruins the world" stuff. I cannot understand why anyone would eat something as disgusting as celery? So I believe it the same with cilantro to some :).
I love the smell of coriander and as an Indian, we generally sprinkle it on every curry, can't beat that flavor.
i feel slightly sad at the "if you like coriander u suck" things... *slowly curls into a ball*
I hate that stuff! ordered tacos the other day and they were riddled with it! ugh!!!!! noooooooooooo!
Th first time I said I hated cilantro because it tasted like soap, the whole group laughed at me and told me I was nuts. NOW I have been vindicated. They have also discovered there is a gene that causes beets and mushrooms to taste like dirt! I always thought so!
I saw a documentary once explain how when people don't like the way something tastes it's because they don't possess the taste buds for it, so all they taste is bitter, soapy, bland, etc. So I guess all those people you know who claim they hate vegetables and are just "meat and potatoes" type people, now you know they don't have the taste buds to taste the real flavors present in all the foods they hate. This goes for coriander haters as well. I love cilantro, it is an amazing herb. So glad I've got the taste buds for it!
For twenty years I hated the taste of Cilantro. I just flat out refused to eat Mexican food because of it. It tasted like soap. Then, ten years ago, I was introduced to Pho. It brought an entirely different flavor profile to it. Now, I can't imagine not eating it. Sometimes it just needs a new perspective to be appreciated. Like just about everything else in life :)
I used to do demos in wally world and sometimes would have to use fresh cilantro, made me gag to cut it and I had to cut it away from the public. I finally quit putting it in the recipes and no one missed it. I would dry heave chopping it.
I'm indifferent about coriander, but I feel a strong hatred for turnips with the forces of 1000 suns. So this thread is pretty relatable in some aspect.
Now that it's the "in" thing you can't escape it. I've asked restaurants to hold it from my dish and been told it's already been mixed in. I used to occasionally get my mouth washed out with soap, same thing. ( I was framed by the way. Every time.)
My mom used to make me suck on a bar of soap when i lied. It tastes nothing like soap to me
It's actually fascinating that it IS actually a receptor gene that makes it so foul for 10%. Can you imagine the poor people in countries where it is used as a major herb in the cuisine ? Nothing would ever taste good, and as a child you wouldn't be able to identify what tasted so yucky. There are some items that I believe you have to develop the tastebuds to enjoy. I still dislike olives intensely, but I did develop the taste for many vegetables that I disliked as a child...especially beets, which I thought tasted like dirt when I was a kid. But I doubt if you have a specific gene that affects your tastebud you will ever develop the taste for cilantro (just that it is a gene that affects whether you can smell the strong scent of your urine after eating asparagus...everyone is affected, but only a percentage of the population has the olfactory ability to smell it)
10% of the population hates cilantro, but yeah, let’s rip on the other 90. 🙄
Beyond tedious. I love it, but not in place of parsley. My wonderful mother-in-law was visiting from NYC and was making us a Cuba dish called Ropa Vieja, my favorite. She'd gone marketing that morning. I took a look at the parsley, tasted it, and said, Mom, that's parsley. She took a taste of the Ropa Vieja and did a classic spit take. The cilantro ruined it. What's funny is that about 10 years before, in about 1979, we'd all had it in a salad when they visited us from back east, and sent it back because it tasted.soapy. Now I wonder why I like it, since it does taste somewhat soapy to me.
My mom hates it and swears a lot. She has totally said " it f*****g sucks" haha.
The leafy stalks are Cilantro. Its the seeds that are coriander, and they don’t taste like cilantro.
Discovered that it's only dried coriander that spoils things for me, I can stand a little of the fresh stuff. My friend is the other way round. Cumin and whatever goes into "curry powder" makes me gag
I love cilantro but I think it smells like gasoline when you’re cutting it 🤪
really? such big fuss about koriander? is the hate about it "america-ish"? in europe nobody complains....
I just hate lavender ╮(╯▽╰)╭ lavender soap, lavender room spray,etc... if you give me a lavender cake, or lavender tea, no thanks! ┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘ . Coriander is fine with me ~(‾▿‾~)
All I can say is 'Don't come to my house!' I have parsley growing in the front yard, coriander in the backyard and a ton of each dried and stored in canning jars. Nearly everything we cook has one or both in it. The one thing you won't find in or around my house is garlic. I have a severe sensitivity, bordering on allergy, to it...and it's not pretty when I accidentally get hold of some!!
I’ve pretty much lost my sense of smell from years of using nasal spray due to allergies. Sadly, I can still smell cilantro. Yuck.
I don't know what coriander tastes like, but I hate parsley from my guts and I find everything parsleyish looking awful, so I assume this wouldn't be tasty either.
Apparently it's like catnip is for felines. They have to have the gene that makes them dig it.
I told my neighbor that for his birthday I would grow coriander in my garden for him. I couldn't even WEED around it because the smell made me gag! It is AWFUL! One tiny speck of it in a meal ruins the whole meal!
The hatred for coriander is so real lol. I honestly like it, but everyone has a different palate.
I don't know if I dislike it or not. I guess not since I don't recall eating a soap flavored herb. I don't care for lemongrass though. Too pungent for me.
I used to hate it too, but after a while i got used to it and now i actually like it. I used to buy 3 packs of hummus all the time and one of the flavours happened to be coriander. I didn't want to throw it away, so I ate it with some cucumber sticks. That made it taste bearable, and after a while, it actually tasted quite nice to me.