No matter how many times you go through what you've written, you can still miss the mistakes you've made. Whether there are cracks in your understanding of the language, or your eyes are simply playing a trick on you, they might find a way to slip into the final draft.
The subreddit r/IhadAstroke is a perfect example of how even minor errors can turn simple phrases into confusing or hilarious gibberish. As the name suggests, the stuff that gets featured here is so bad that there must have been something seriously wrong with the author while they were typing!
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I Found This On Pintrest 💀
My Brother, Ladies And Gentlemen
According to the sister and brother duo Kathy Petras and Ross Petras, who co-authored the book 'You're Saying It Wrong: A Pronunciation Guide to the 150 Most Commonly Mispronounced Words and Their Tangled Histories of Misuse,' 11 of the most common grammar mistakes the word experts hear are:
- apostrophes (Wrong: We need to get our sale’s numbers up. Right: We need to get our sales numbers up.)
- Everyday/every day (Wrong: He starts work everyday at 8 a.m. Right: He starts work every day at 8 a.m.)
- I/me (Wrong: The marketing manager told Riley and I to talk with her. Right: The marketing manager told Riley and me to talk with her.)
- its/it's (Wrong: The company just celebrated it’s eighth year since it went public. Right: The company just celebrated its eighth year since it went public.)
- less/fewer (Wrong: Less than 50 people showed up for the presentation. Right: Fewer than 50 people showed up for the presentation.)
- lie/lay (Wrong: I could just lay down and go to sleep. Right: I could just lie down and go to sleep.)
- lose/loose (Wrong: If we stay on this track, we can’t loose. Right: If we stay on this track, we can’t lose.)
- that/who (Wrong: The people that reach their sales target will get a reward. Right: The people who reach their sales target will get a reward.)
- then/than (Wrong: That presentation was better then the first one. Right: That presentation was better than the first one.)
- there/their/they're (Wrong: There going to they’re office over their. Right: They’re going to their office over there.)
- your/you’re (Wrong: Your my favorite supervisor. Right: You’re my favorite supervisor.)
Dieing I Brearhn't
From now on I'll refer to my insomnia as sleepn't. There's a US Prez candidate now who is skilled at thinkn't.
He Day
I Custom Ordered This Legend Of A Shirt And I Couldn’t Be Happier
But your reaction to these picture can tell you something about your own nature, too. Linguistics experts from the University of Michigan found that extroverted people are likely to overlook typos and grammatical errors that would cause introverted people to judge the person who makes such errors more negatively.
The researchers invited 83 participants and asked them all to read email responses to an ad for a housemate, which either contained no errors or had been altered to include typos (e.g. "teh" instead of "the") or grammatical mix-ups, such as too/to or it's/its.
Yeah So I Have An Entire Album In My Phone Dedicated To My Mum’s Terrible Texting
My Dad Did This To Me A While Ago Lmao
Cant Are Gona Do?
Honestly Read This For The 5th Time And It Still Don't Make Sense LOL
Those 83 people then judged the person who'd written the email based on their perceived intelligence, friendliness, and other attributes, such as how good they would be as housemates.
At the end of the experiment, they were also asked whether or not they'd spotted any grammatical errors or typos in the emails, and, if so, how much it had bothered them.
Burger Kink LOL
Mothor Is Srtoking
I Know How To Say This Correctly I Just Don’t Want To
The researchers then asked the participants to complete a Big Five personality assessment, which determines where they are on a scale of openness, agreeableness, extraversion/introversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness, as well as answer additional questions about their age, background, and attitude towards language.
My Aunt Texted Me... So Confused
Satan Is Pretty Close I Guess
Where Do Babies Come From?
Found This In A Youtube Video. Thought It Would Fit Here
It actually makes perfect sense. Each sentence is replacing a word in the sentence above it with a new word.
Overall, everybody rated the fictional housemate applicants with typos and grammatical errors in their emails as worse than those with perfect spelling, but certain personality types judged the typo-riddled applicants harsher than others.
For instance, extroverts were generally much more likely to overlook their mistakes, whereas introverts were more likely to judge the applicants negatively because of them.
To Be Fair English Is Not Their First Language
Found On R/Me_irl
People who tested as being more conscientious but less open were more sensitive to typos, while those with less agreeable personalities got more upset by grammatical errors.
"Perhaps because less agreeable people are less tolerant of deviations from convention," the research team said.
Girls Is Can The Therefore Change Is World Brave
I've seen this one over 7,000 tines and still can't make any sense of it
If Anyone Knows What This Says Pls Say It
I'm Eating Babies
Interestingly, how neurotic someone didn't really affect how they interpreted mistakes.
Yes, the sample size wasn't the biggest and we need to take the results with a grain of salt. However, the results couldn't be explained by people's age or education, which suggests that personality traits were actually playing a role.
And if you want to continue playing the grammar police officer, fire up our first publication on r/IhadAstroke! It also has plenty of inexcusable crimes.
Is That A Warning ?
I Managed To Google These Things While I Was High. 😭
My Amazon Customer Support
Our Local Gym Motivational Quote
“Hey, Want Some Drugs?” “P I Z Z A” “Will You Marry Me?” “Omg Yes!” “No!!!!!!”
The Iffle Tower
A Very Lucky Fortune
My Mother At 2 In The Morning
We Take For Open Are Out
Would You Like To Try That Again, Bud?
Not Sure What They Were Trying To Do Here
A Congressional Candidate Has A Stroke On Twitter
How did the guy who was run over by a f*****g SNOW PLOW type more coherently than the person replying to him? Also, reminder that Hawkeye is the strongest Avenger.
Supre Bol\
I ‘Member
Try To Read It
I mean, going from left to right it makes sense, but the fact it's split into seperate booths is stupid 🤦🏻♀️
My Local Pub. The Stroke Is Strong With This One
When Is He Getting Therapy? Also Not Sure If Its Allowed Of That " 𝐵𝒜𝐿𝐿 " Part
So we never truly escape living in some guy's balls? That's depressing.
Trans Trans Are Trans Trans
I mean... if you really think about it on the recesses of your mind it kind of males sense in a blurred way
Foot Cralp
We Love Women
I Think My Friend Might Have Gone Through A Stroke
Can’t Tell If He Tried To Say “Ur Mum” Or “Them”
(EDIT: Okay, probably real, or at least very similar ones are. I learned there are several breeds called Holsteins so perhaps this is a different black and white than what we raised. Rear legs and leg length don't look natural to me but it may be the breed. "hearts" markings show up way more on social posts than they do IRL. ) That photo is shopped. Or possibly a weird breed? It looks like a young Holstein Friesian. We used to raise Holsteins and they have short hair and don't have "cankles" so the legs (especially the rear ones) won't look like that even if you shampoo them.